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Adeline is a Mngwa. She got bitten by Peter Hale around the same time as Scott. Adeline had a easier time controlling herself for reason unknown, but everybody in Beacon Hills that knows about the supernatural assumes it's because she doesn't turn wild during full moon. Below is text that Adeline and her California friends found in a book. Adeline is super happy that she never attacked anyone so she has no hairless spots. Even though Adeline has had a easier time controlling herself she has had some times were she has gotten too angry, but if that ever happens Adeline just runs away to a wooden area before she shifts. Adeline wonder why she had so much control, with some minor issues, she did some researching and found a book that said something about an supernatural match. Adeline couldn't find anything else when she saw the other pages mentioning an supernatural match were ruined. What was a supernatural match? Is that what gives Adeline her control? 

I found this text on a website about African mythology. I stake no clam but I don't remember what the website was called. 

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