Chapter 10

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A/N here is the next part... yay! Funny what you can do when you lose the internet for a few hours :)


Back at the camp, the soldiers were beginning to rise. The fire was already burning as breakfast was being prepared. Gradually the noise level picked up as the men ventured out into the crisp air, leaving the warmth of their tents. Several of the men could be seen shivering as they moved quickly towards the fire. Samuel, Captain of the Guard chuckled to himself as he watched the men fall into the morning routine. He often found it amusing that even these men, the most skilled of King Thomas’ troops could act like children when it came to being out of their comfort zone. As he was contemplating the current events, his second in command Jackson was making his way over.

“Enjoying yourself lauding over us Sam?” Jackson said, laughter flickering in his eyes. Sam looked down from his spot, he had taken refuge in one of the trees without conscious thought.

“You could say that, I just say old habits die hard. I get to stay safe in the knowledge that you all could die first if we were attacked, and I get to see what mischief the boys can get themselves into without them even knowing.” Sam laughed, trying to make light of the current situation. It was not really all that often that he took to the trees, just when he was stressed or deep in thought. In all the times he had been found up a height, he always joked that he had the best seat in the area. Realistically it was the one place that he could find the solitude needed without leaving his men behind.

“So,” began Jackson. “What thoughts have you up there so early in the morn?” Sam sighed. Jackson was the only one aside from King Thomas who knew him so well, of course he would realise that Sam was puzzling over something.

“Your ghost. That’s what has me up here.”

“The girl? She’s long gone now Sam. I still want to know how she did it…” Jackson grumbled the last part to himself, frustrated that this slip of a girl had managed to evade one of the best trackers in the kingdom! A burst of laughter had Jackson glaring at Sam. “It’s not funny Sam.”

“I know, I know,” Sam chortled. “But you have to admit that it is amusing to hear that you of all people have been outsmarted by a child. A girl at that!” A grin was now spreading across Sam’s face, lightening his solemn mood. Jackson could feel a smile beginning to grow and tried to school his face into one of annoyance.

“In that case I shall leave you to it Captain.” His voice was even and held no hint of emotion. With that, he turned on his heel and began walking back to the other men.

“Oh Jackson come back,” called Sam. “You know not to take my teasing to heart.” Jackson paused mid-step, and glanced over his shoulder. Sam was leaning forward on his perch, as if ready to stop Jackson leaving

“And you know that I never do anyway. Come on, breakfast is ready.” With a chuckle, Jackson carried on walking towards the fire.

After feeding themselves, Sam and Jackson sat back with the men to discuss the plan for the day. It was clear that the ghost girl from the previous day must be found, if only to give Jackson peace of mind. All of the men were curious of the ‘girl who got away’ as they called her, and some joked that they wanted to congratulate her for both leaving unnoticed. Comments like this made Jackson sulk, no man wanted to have their skills questioned, it just wasn’t right! He cleared his throat and gave Sam a pointed look telling him to get a move on. The teasing look on Sam’s face turned serious and he gave a nod to Jackson.

“Right men, plan for the day. Jackson, take Paul and two others and look for the girl. She can’t live too far away and remember, we only want to talk to her so no scaring her away Paul!” The men laughed at that, Paul was one of the gentlest members of the group, he was the type of man who would stop in his tracks if someone or something needed help. Human or animal, it would not matter, as they are equal to him. Paul’s cheeks gained a tinge of red as he looked down at the ground, a small smile showing his embarrassment. “I’ll be visiting villagers again so Stephan I’ll be needing your assistance once more. The rest of you can carry on with the camp chores: clean, cook, hunt. You know the drill.” He looked around at them, making eye contact with everyone. Several nodded and others gave a salute in acceptance of the orders. One by one they began to move away from the fire to make a start on the day’s activities. Glancing around, Sam pushed himself to his feet and made his way to his tent to gather supplies for the day. Jackson followed Sam into his tent.

“You know where you’re going today?” Jackson queried as he watched Sam gather several maps and other items he might need on today’s outing. Sam nodded in response, too busy in his own thoughts to verbally respond. “Mind telling me? You know, just so I don’t worry when you aren’t back until tomorrow morning.” Sam’s head jerked up at the annoyance lacing Jackson’s voice.

“I’m going back to the last home from yesterday, the Jacobs’. There was something not quite right there…” He trailed off, becoming lost in his thoughts again.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You have your horn if you need back up – the men will scramble at the sound.” Jackson chuckled at the thought of the soldiers rushing around in a slight panic. Sam shook himself and gave a small smile.

“I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t worry old friend!” With that, Sam picked up his bag and walked out of his tent towards his waiting horse. He swung himself up into the saddle with a practiced ease and along with Stephan, began the journey back into the forest towards the home of the Jacobs’.

Jackson watched the two men on horseback vanish out of sight before turning his attention to the remaining men at camp. The majority of men had started their tasks, only Paul and two others stood to one side awaiting their orders. Taking a deep breath Jackson began passing out instructions on what to gather for the day ahead and their plan of action. With any luck it would not be too difficult for them to track the girl, and they would be back in camp before nightfall. Well, he thought to himself, they would be back before nightfall no matter if they found the girl or not. There was too much at stake for this small troop to be parted for longer than necessary in unfamiliar territory.

His mind drifted back to the day that King Thomas gave them orders to search for his beloved niece, Princess Katrina.

There was only a small gathering of trusted friends and soldiers invited to the meeting that night. King Thomas had summoned those he knew would serve him with unerring certainty. Jackson and Sam were both present, along with three others that they had grown up and trained with, Damien, Liam and Christopher.

“My friends, you know why I have called you together.” King Thomas began, “There is both joyous and saddening news. My sister, Lady Sarah has been found. I thank you for your assistance in the search for her these last three months.” Thomas paused and looked each man in the eye.

“My Lord, you know we would do anything for you.” Liam spoke up, voicing the opinion of those present. Thomas simply nodded in appreciation of what was said. He took a deep breath before continuing.

“There ends the joyous news, I’m afraid. My sister told me of the events leading up to her escape from Earendel. We already knew they had been attacked but to hear it in such detail from Sarah was just… I cannot express the fear and helplessness she must have felt. Samuel fell in the battle, but he made sure that Sarah and Katrina would be able to escape.”

“Princess Katrina? My Lord, is she…?” Sam piped up, expressing his fears for the child. Thomas looked at Sam with such sorrow written on his face.

“I do not know, Sam.” His voice broke, and he looked up at the ceiling in a failing attempt to stave off the sorrow he felt. Sam reached over and put an arm around his shoulders in an attempt to show his support. “Sarah told me she heard rumours in the village she visited for supplies. Rumours that the Princess had been found. It caused her panic that she hid Katrina and fled.” A collective gasp went around the group, not all had been present the day Sarah was found so did not know the terrible news. Thomas pushed himself up from where he was sat and began pacing.

Liam, Damien, Christopher, Jackson and Sam all looked at each other, an unspoken understanding passed between them. They understood the significance of what the King had said. If the Princess was lost then the future of the kingdom was in jeopardy, not just for the royal family and their ability to lead but also for the happiness of the kingdom. Sam ventured to break the silence.

“We tracked Sarah’s movements back to the cottage, but there was no sign of the Princess. It is possible that she escaped herself, running into the forest. But I must also tell you, there were multiple tracks both inside and out of the cottage that did not belong to either Sarah or little Katrina.”

“Bandits, hunters. Either could have passed through the area and ventured inside.” Damien added.

“That would make sense, the door was broken and the inside was completely destroyed.” Sam nodded his head, voicing his suspicions from what he had seen. Thomas halted his pacing and moved back to the table where the men were sitting.

“I want you to find her. Search the surrounding area; search the whole country if you need to. Just please, my friends, bring her back to home.” The pain in Thomas’ voice was enough to get the men rising to their feet pledging to bring back Princess Katrina.

The following day all five split off, each with their own selection of trusted men to begin the nine year hunt.

Nine years, yes it was definitely time to step back for a while, Jackson mused. He began to wonder what had become of Liam and Christopher. Damien, he knew was currently being treated back at home for several knife wounds gained in a battle with bandits in the northern sectors of the kingdom. That thought stopped him in his tracks. Bandits… they should have encountered even a few bandits on their travels but so far, in all the years they have been in the East, none have appeared which was highly unusual in any territory.

“Paul, change of plans! We go looking for the cottage, there’s something missing in this whole situation.” Jackson barked out, cursing himself for never having considered the possibilities before. Paul paused in his tracks, nodding in acknowledgement of the new orders before continuing to get the horses ready to leave. Jackson joined him at the horses all the while muttering to himself, “they would not have dared to cross so far into our kingdom.” Paul gave him a confused look and Jackson realised he had been speaking aloud. “Ignore me Paul, I need to figure this out and it’s just taken me too long to even think of the possibility that the enemy may have invaded.”

“Well then sir, we’d best get going to try and dispel that theory eh?” Paul said, passing a set of reins to Jackson.

“Right you are m’boy. Away we go.”

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