chapter 9

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kats pov*****

i spilled my entire heart out to her. i told her my whole life story and everything devastating that's happened to me.

she really is so comforting and sweet. she listened and spoke when she needed to. and at the end, oh my god. she told me the most reassuring thing i think i've ever heard.

"i just want you to know you're one of the strongest people i've ever met. you've stuck through all this pain, and i'm so fucking glad you have. i'm so proud of you. never forget that, please."

i swear my heart melted. i just sat and cried with my head on her shoulder. i can't believe i'm so lucky to have met somebody like her, and have this connection so soon. i'm so happy conan called me. god, i'm so glad i picked up his call.

we finished up at the park, but we didn't have much time to do anything else we wanted to. but that's okay, we have forever.

"hey, would your mom mind if you stayed at my house tonight? i still need to paint over the spray paint and it'd be more fun with you there." i said, just wanting her to stay with me.

"i don't really ask my mom anything, but if it'll make you feel better i'll ask. i need to get clothes anyways, i can't wear your stuff forever mamas."

"i mean, you can. but, i'm sure your clothes are better anyways." i replied with a laugh.

she called her mom, and of course she didn't care. my dad didn't either, so we got in the car and started driving towards billies house.

"yo is there a gas station near here? i've been driving us around a lot recently. i need some gas" i said, interrupting her car mosh pit.

"yeah, right up the corner. it's pretty sketchy though, so be careful." she said, pointing in the direction of the gas station.

i pulled next to a pump, then stared into the distance at the building. damn, this shit is sketchy.

i was genuinely nervous to go in, considering the fact that i could see a group of big men standing inside, not doing anything but talking. but, i needed gas so i got out, and told billie to lock the doors. her safety was key.

i walked in, and immediately all the guys stared at me. i minded my own business and went to the register, paying $25 for the gas. i successfully paid then went to walk out.

but before i walked out the door, i felt a hand brush from my back to my ass, then in between my legs, then quickly pull away. the man walked out of the building from the door beside me, and ran to his car.

"what the fuck dude? learn some damn respect." i yelled towards him, before he could get in his car and leave with his friends.

i got back to the car to see billie standing by the pump, pumping my gas for me.

"who were you yelling at? what happened" she said, obviously worried.

"dude inside there fucking grabbed me. my ass and everything in between. jesus christ i hate people." i said. i was honestly so angry i didn't even realize how mad i was talking. i tried to calm myself down, but it really just wasn't working.

billie stopped in her tracks, "baby. calm down" she said, rubbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. those damn eyes, her ocean eyes.

i calmed down a bit after billie sat and calmed me down, and billie finished the gas. i started the car, and turned the corner to go back to her house to get her clothes.

we got there pretty quick. walking into her house smelled like cookies and vanilla, different than the usual smell.

"mom, are you baking?" billie yelled towards the kitchen, where her mother replied "yes, white chocolate brownies and cookies!

i will never understand how she can make such good food while being vegan.

"hi finneas" i said, walking past him as me and billie walked to her room. he replied with a smile and a wave.

"hi kat."

i kind of hate being called kat. with bil, it's okay. but if honestly rather katherine from anybody else. but it's whatever.

she grabbed a few different options, throwing them in a backpack along with two pairs of shoes that matched her other outfits, then her pajamas.

"damn, you moving in?" i said, which she replied to with a laugh.

"hey, you never know when i'm leaving. we've been hanging out for the past three days."

"gotta pack extra outfits for if we go on anymore dates." she winked.

i didn't want her to ever leave my house honestly, but i knew that wasn't possible.

we walked out the door, as we both waved to her mom and dad, and i pet her dog as a goodbye.

we drove for another 45 minutes back to my house, and we slowly unpacked all the stuff from the car. including my notebook, the clothes i had in the car, and her backpack.

my dad greeted her with a smile before we walked back to my bedroom, as i immediately turned my lights on and plopped down on my bed.

"damn i'm exhausted" i said, shoving my face into my silk pillow.

"go to sleep then, it's almost 1am."

was it really almost 1? how were we even out for that long?

i looked over as billie was changing into pajamas, which made me decide to change into mine too. i put on my usual sweatpants and a t-shirt, and climbed into my bed.

my sheets were satin/silk and felt nice to lay on after a while of being in billies bed. even though her bed was mad comfortable.

billie laid beside me, covering herself with the blankets and immediately opening her phone. we both hadn't really been on our phones recently.

i opened mine to a few texts from some friends, some instagram dms, some snapchat's. but what stood out to me was a few tagged photos.

i clicked on them and had 6 notifications from my friends tagging me in picture of me and billie, them all freaking out.

"hey, bil. have you seen these?" i said, showing her my phone.

"yeah, i was just looking at them. oh well. not like we're dating or anything." she said, nudging my side which made me laugh.

she started watching the office and i cuddled up to her side because i wanted to watch it too. she put out her arm for me to lay on, so i snuggled up to her, every inch of my body touching hers in between the silk sheets.

i felt a smile creep my lips, as i laid in her arms until i fell asleep peacefully.

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