Billie's POV:
"You are literally the grossest person I've ever met" I say, staring at Katherine as she takes casual sips of her sparkling water. I'll never understand how she likes that shit.
"But yet you asked me to be your girlfriend, hm? Kiss my sparkling water lips." She says, leaning into my face.
I lift my hand up, wiping her mouth as a joke before kissing her back.
"You're mean." She pouts, which makes me laugh, knowing she isn't actually upset.
We've been home for about a week now. Tour really wore both of us out and so I kind of just wanna sleep for ten thousand days.
We've been at Katherine's house for the past two days, since we usually hang out at mine. Her room kind of makes me feel at home but I'm not sure why. The silk sheets underneath us feels like heaven.
"Hey, baby. I have a question." Katherine says, flipping onto her side, facing me.
I turn my head to face her, and she smiles at the presence of our faces in front of each other.
"Have you ever thought about what would've happened if you never picked up the phone when Conan called?" She says, playing with my chains as she speaks.
"Sometimes. But, its hard to even imagine that. I have no idea what I'd be doing right now or where I'd be." She smiles. "Who I'd be kissing." I say, jokingly.
"Not funny, you kissing other girls is a no from my imagination." She laughs, disregarding the fact that she said it wasn't funny.
"Hey, I like guys too." I say, but she didn't find that amusing.
"None of that either. Only me." She says, pulling one of my chains towards her gently, causing the back of my neck to shiver, as I lean in to kiss her softly.
"I love you. You're mine." She says, as I smile at the sight of her pretty face in front of mine.
"Damn right I am."
Katherine dances to the music playing in the background, smiling as she chops tomatoes and lettuce to make side salads for a snack. I cant keep my eyes off her cute ass, as she sings along, holding the knife to her lips as a microphone.
Not the safest thing, but she looks hot doing it.
"Stop starin." She says, turning to me as I look her up and down every-time she spins.
"How about you make me?" I say, walking over to her, placing my hands on her waist.
"Not right now, but wait until tonight. I got you."
"Nah, it's my turn baby. I wanna hear you scream my name again." I say back, which makes her press her lips together, grinning.
I lick my lips, pressing them together afterwards, watching her say nothing.
"Yeah, stay quiet. Keep your voice for tonight." I say again, which causes her to turn red.
Making her shy is my favorite thing to do, especially when she can't do anything about it.
She throws the vegetables into a bowl, continuing to sing along to the Sabrina Claudio song in the background as it ends.
Her face lights up when she notices the familiar Tyler the Creator song come on.
The song we had our first kiss to.
"Hey babe, remember what happened during this song?" She says, singing in between her sentences.
"Of course mamas. I could never forget." I say, scrunching my nose at her.
She slides a bowl towards me, filled with vegetables and a bottle of vegan salad dressing on the side.
"I didn't know how much you wanted, so I just gave you the whole bottle." She says, mixing her salad with ranch.
"I wanna watch The Office." I say, pouring a small amount of dressing into my salad, not paying attention to Katherine who was standing beside me.
"We just finished watching the entire season, Bil." She says, scoffing.
"What about it? Let's go." I say, running childishly through the house, pulling up netflix on her laptop as soon as I get into her room.
"You're so annoying." She says, hopping onto the bed, forking her lettuce.
"Yet you love me." I say, chuckling as the Pilot episode begins to play.
I lay down, covering myself with the blanket as I set my salad on her nightstand before cuddling up with Kat.
"I don't wanna watch this, but I guess I will just for you." She says, as she rests her chin on my head, slowly falling asleep.
It was only 5pm, but I let her sleep anyways.
After a while, I turn the computer off, and I grab my phone from my pocket, scrolling through my missed texts from the past few hours.
4:23pm : zoe: i miss u stop being in love so we can hang out
12:21pm : amanda: wyd?
8:15am : finneas: i got some lyrics wrote down, we can work on the song when you aren't busy.
I ignore all of them, switching to Instagram instead. I scroll through, liking a few fans posts, and looking through meme pages that I follow.
It seems like everytime I come on this app, something goes wrong. Usually it's rumors about me and Katherine or just fake news about me. But, this time it's different.
This time it made my heart drop.
hi guys :)
i suck at updating i'm SORRY but i've been writing little pieces of this every once in a while and i finally finished it.
it's not fully edited so i'm sorry if there's mistakes 🥺
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