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Ymir p.o.v

"Wasn't going anywhere..."

"What was that Nari? Please speak up child"

Mumbling to myself I kick my feet hoping the movement aggravates her just for my benefit.

I have to sit in time out because I snuck away and said a no no word.

Her words not mine.

I'm an adult sitting in a chair facing the corner justifying my actions to an unamused Countess.

"I did nothing wrong" I spoke loud enough for her to hear causing me to receive a chuckle.

'I don't see what's funny.'

"Sure you didn't; you magically ended up in the hall of the four and someone else uttered those words.' she said looking intently into my eyes as I had turned around to face her and she gave up trying to make me face the wall I hope.

I stared right back nodding my head vigorously, grateful that she finally understandood. Then I could leave this attempt of a punishment.

Sighing she grabs her wine taking a long big sip setting the glass down seconds before crossing her arms scoffing.

"Right, after this it's a bath and you can sleep. I'm not small minded Nari, I know what you were up too and I do not tolerate foul language no matter the circumstances. But since you're too small I don't expect you to listen and follow directions on your own because clearly you're too small to understand. I wanted to let you play with the girls but what did I expect. Those three are as stubborn and mischievous as ever, my little darlings. Now come on love so we can get you ready for bed." The giantess spoke out walking around the room a bit.

'I swear I will get out of this place, they're treating me as if I'm an actual baby. I mean sure I'm not the most mature but hey?! It's not my fault.'

None the less I huff and puff standing up walking over to her when all of a sudden the door is thrown open with three figures tumbling in.

I start Grinning when their eyes meet mine I wave.

'At least I'm not the only one in trouble.'

"Mother" Bela spoke out before getting cut off by Daniela.

"We can explain."

We all stood silent in fear of the next words that would leave the lady's mouth yet she only hummed in acknowledgment not uttering a word.

I look towards the girls making eye contact with Cassandra only to receive a glare; probably because I snuck off leaving us in this predicament but I don't care, they should learn to be better babysitters. I still glare back blowing raspberries at her glare.

There was thick tension in the air and anyone here could tell you it. Though the silence did not last forever as I intended and the Countess speaking her mind. Hmm maybe if I compliment her I could win brownie points and deter my sentence, time outs are no joke.

"What was the one thing I ask of you both?"

The three seemed to look down in Shame while the countess made her way towards me keeping her gaze on me making me cower back.

"Mother we-"

"Aht.....answer please. I will not ask again." She rasped out interrupting Cassandra still staring me down. Unable to return the favor, I look towards Bela who seemed to be picking her fingers that was still stained with a crimson red?

I was zoned out for a while intrigued with Belas coated fingers that I didn't even realize I was being carried to a bed.

Her voice reaching my ears, she sat next down carefully before grabbing a floral night gown sitting it beside us.

"Exactly Daniela, so why is it that you three seemed to disappoint me? Do you not know what walks the castle grounds. If she were to make it outside? Heaven sakes I hope not but you know exactly what I'm hunting at." she spoke out scratching through my damp curls making me lean into her more.

'What can I say, head scratches blows me away. And I would have gotten away if she didn't interrupt my plan."

"My word still stands, You four will not be left alone till I deem so again so until then you will not be left alone to watch her no longer than 5 minutes. And you little one, me and you will be having a chat soon" I nod my head in response not feeling like talking suddenly.

"Mother, we deeply apologize and I am sorry to have let you down letting her slip away" Bela said finally speaking up joining in the conversation. Her sisters not far behind agreeing with the oldest.

The lady just waved them off before telling them to help the maidens clean up some mess in the cellar.

'I wonder what's down there, I never knew they had one.'

Walking out they softly close the door mumbling a few goodbyes and goodnight and their mother repeating said words. I was kind of wishing they stayed longer, only so I didn't have the attention all on me again.

"I need to get you ready for bed and since I can't trust you to sleep alone yet without proper furniture so in here will have to do for tonight specifically when things arrive." The countess let out after putting hair in a small bun before setting me on the floor again seeing as the bed is too high for me to attempt jumping down.

Im led to a massive bathroom with the night gown in my hand and her waiting outside the door as I change. I'm only changing into it because I have no idea where my bag is and it's not that bad honestly.

"Come one dearest, it's getting late second by second."

Huffing I make my way towards her silently arguing with my inner thoughts. She goes to pick me up only to set me back onto the bed, this time scooting me to the middle and pulling the covers down then over me. I hadn't noticed earlier but there were pillows placed on one side on the edge of the bed; Maybe she did that while I was busy with changing.

She seemed to go to her desk sitting on a large chair, the same one from earlier. Sensing my stare she looks up but not looking my way speaking out.

"I'll be there soon my darling, I have work to finish up but I would find it in your best interest to lay down and start counting your sheep to sleep little one."

'Rolling my eyes I comply laying down only because I was feeling a bit tired, not because she told me to. She's lucky I'm actually sleepy because I definitely would not be considering going to bed at all. I wasn't even tired a few minutes ago. She must've casted some type of sleeping spell I huff out not noticing my eyes becoming heavy and my breathing slowing down."

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