Ch.8 : Unexpected Visit

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Almost a year has passed, and Isaac's new life so far has been pretty peaceful. He's made quite a few new friends at school and he got along well with the farm animals, as well as the new dog they got about 4 months ago.

Their new dog was a border collie, the dog was a female and her name was named Bazil. She had been trained to herd the sheep into the barn, plus she made a great companion for the family who helped Isaac feel better since he still misses Moonhidora.

Isaac hasn't heard anything about her since he left her, he doesn't even know what she's doing these days. He hoped Moonhidora could move on and maybe find something else to make her happy.

Matthew's new job with being a farmer has been very successful, he's getting paid good and he's on his way to making a promotion. Who knew he had a good hand with farming?


It was a summer night, and Isaac was in his bedroom, watching a video on an Ipad his dad got him for his birthday. Isaac turned 12 3 months ago.

Isaac soon looked outside and the moon was rising from the horizon. Isaac immediately noticed the moon had rings!

Isaac was taken aback, for his entire life, the moon appeared as it always did. This was new, the moon hadn't appeared in weeks and now... it had rings?!

Isaac soon walked out of the house and looked up at the moon. He sat down and stared at the ringed moon for long minutes, the moon's new rings made its light 15-25% brighter and were just big enough that they wouldn't be torn apart by the earth's gravity.

Isaac was perplexed, when did it get rings? Maybe some large asteroid got collided or got torn apart by the moon and the fragments of the asteroid became the moon's rings.

Either way, it was a magnificent beauty indeed. Soon his dog Bazil ran over and sat next to him and they looked up at the ringed moon.


On the Moon, Moonhidora was resting. Callisto was looking at both the rings, she was quite pleased by her handiwork. Io was exhausted from the project they had completed and was far asleep, and Eura was playing around with some floating particles.

Moonhidora had decorated the moon with rings to not only make the earth an even more beautiful place, but it was also a gift.

A gift for Isaac.

It was to let him know that she still loves him, even though Isaac left her. She had forgiven him and showed it in the form of giving the moon a set of rings.

Callist was looking down at the earth, hoping Isaac was seeing her present and maybe getting her message.

All 3 heads were hoping that too.


The next morning, Isaac was outside playing fetch with Bazil. She was pretty good at catching the ball and bringing it back.

Isaac also spent the morning feeding the farm animals, like the cows and chickens. Isaac also spent some time with the chickens as some of them liked being petted.

The remainder of the day was pretty normal, with clear skies and barely a cloud in the sky. The wind blew peacefully and the clouds floated by gently. Isaac just sat in his bedroom, playing a video game on his tablet.

Isaac soon heard Bazil outside barking, he looked outside and she was looking up at the sky.

"What's Bazil barking at? Maybe a cat?" said Isaac and he walked outside to see what Bazil was barking at. Whatever she was looking was in the sun's direction, he blocked out the sun with his hand and he saw something white flying in the sky.

It was far away, so he couldn't quite make out what it was. "What is that? ...a bird? No... it's too big... A plane maybe?" Soon that thought was thrown out when he saw its wings moving!

"Wait! That s no plane! That's Moonhidora!" Isaac said he soon called Bazil and he lead her inside the house and he looked out one of the back window's and Moonhidora was flying off, seemingly unaware of Isaac's presence

Moonhidora soon was out of sight, it didn't even seem like she was looking for anything in the area. Isaac sighed and went back to his room.


Soon, Dusk came and Isaac had Bazil herd the sheep into the barn, and she was pretty good at getting the sheep back in the barn. The entire time, Isaac couldn't stop thinking about the moment when he saw Moonhidora flying up in the sky.

She wasn't looking for him, or else she would've found him. Moonhidora has much better eyesight than him, that s for sure. Soon, Bazil was done herding the sheep back in the barn and Matthew soon closed the barn door and locked it. He rewarded Bazil with a milk bone and he lead both Isaac and Bazil back inside the house.

Isaac and Matthew soon had some dinner. Isaac was having some steak and a soda with some ice, and Matthew had a turkey salad. During the family dinner, Matthew could see the look on Isaac's face. Something was wrong, and Matthew asked him what was wrong.

Isaac explained how he saw Moonhidora fly by a few hours ago. Matthew didn't see her but he could tell Isaac wasn't lying. He then told Isaac "don't worry" since it's clear she wasn't on the search for him.

Matthew soon asked Isaac why he's so worried, as Moonhidora would never harm Isaac. Isaac knew that but said he's just nervous, as he doesn't know if he's ready to meet Moonhidora again, at least not yet.

Isaac was soon finished with his dinner and he left for his room and began watching TV, he was watching a news article about Moonidora's visit to the town. She seemed to have flown through the city and has remained in the area for hours.

Isaac soon just changed the channel onto a cartoon show and began watching some shows, to get his mind off everything. He left his door open and Bazil soon came in and laid down at the foot of his bed, Isaac went over to pet her and she rolled over on her back.


A few hours passed and it was 11 o'clock, he laid down in his bed in the dark, the ringed moon shining into his room, offering some light. Isaac was unable to fall asleep, as the thoughts running through his head were keeping him up.

He tucked and turned and could not get so much as a blink.

Isaac soon decided to head to the bathroom to pee, he was done a few seconds after. He soon left the bathroom and back into his room, he sat down on the bed and bazil scooted next to him. Isaac petted her and laid down horizontally on the bed. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Later... Isaac began to slowly drift into sleep. His eyelids were getting heavy... and he felt more relaxed and tired... until suddenly sleep took him.

Isaac soon woke up, it was a fresh morning and he looked to his side to see Bazil in the corner of the bed, looking scared. He rose up and looked out the window... and laying down on the ground by the window...

was Moonhidora...


Isaac got up and went into the living room, to see Austin in the living room pacing back and forth. "Son! Im glad your awake!" he said.

"What's going on?" said Isaac

"Well... looks like Moony found us and has settled in, shes curled up around the house and she's fast asleep. Looks like she got here a few hours ago, she must have come for you son" said Isaac

Isaac looked out the kitchen window and saw Moonhidora's heads laying on the ground, they were asleep and her whole body was curled around the house as if she was guarding it. Isaac stepped out of the house and looked at the sleeping Moonhidora, he looked back at Matthew... who gave him a gentle nod.

Isaac walked down the porch and over to Callist, and placed a hand on her snout. Callist's nose twitched and her eyes did as she slowly opened them, and she saw Isaac standing in front of her. "Hey there big girl, it's me. Remember me?" he said, Callist raised her head up and looked down at Isaac.

She soon came down and sniffed the boy while squinting her eyes, as to be sure this was indeed little Isaac. The Isaac who she loved, and his sent was undeniable... it was Isaac. Overjoyed, Callist pushed Isaac to the ground and nuzzled him all over while purring loudly, she also gave him loving licks. The other heads, Io and Eura soon woke up and joined in on the affection.

Isaac laughed nervously as he laid there, unable to stop the love rain. The 3 heads soon raised up, and Moonhidora picked up Isaac with one of her wing hands and raised him to her chest. She brought another handover and gently stroked him, she was giving him a hug.

Isaac just relaxed in Moonhidora's embrace, and she soon placed him back down on the ground. Isaac wiped the saliva off him and said "Well Moonhidoa, welcome to my new home", all 3 heads looked around.

Moonhindora soon laid out her hand in front of Isaac, and gestured him to get on. Isaac looked at her hand... and imminently realized she wanted to take him back to her home. Isaac looked up at her and said "No No, This is my home now"

Moonhidora looked confused, this place is his new home? "You see, I live here with my father" Moonhidora looked at him with Callist cocking her head to the side, and Matthew soon came out, and Isaac pointed to him, "That's my father"

All 3 heads of Moonhidoa looked at Matthew, she looked kinda like Isaac, only older and he smelled like Isaac too. She then began to look sad, and Isaac said "What's wrong?".

Predictably, she didn't answer... but Isaac soon realized. Since Matthew is Isaac's father, that means Isaac can't be with her anymore, Isaac walked over to Matthew and said "Do you think she could stay here?"

"Stay here? Well... not in our home area but somewhere nearby is fine I guess"

Isaac walked up to Moonhidora and said "You can stay here! Not here-here but you can stay somewhere nearby and come visit whenever you like!" Moonhidora looked down, and she looked like she agreed with that.

Now... Moonhidora was about to become a frequent visitor to the Stevensons.

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