Ch.12 : Moonhidora Vs Kong

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"Yeah! I bit you! What are you gonna do about it?" Isaac yelled to his captor, and Moonhidora glared down at with with a snarl. Isaac glared back at her, Moonhidora soon lifted up her wings, and slammed them into the ground, and roared at Isaac super loudly.

When she was finished with the roar, the entire cave began rumbling. Moonhidora looked up and the pressure created her roar was causing the cave to cave in! Moonhidora soon covered Isaac with her body to protect him from the falling rocks. When the agonizingly long cave in was finished, she uncovered him and looked around furiously at her destroyed shelter, months of hard work, gone just like that.

Although she was angry at Isaac, she was the one who roared. Moonhidora wasn't in the moon to fly off and search for another shelter, so she just laid down and curled around Isaac. Moonhidora soon took a nap. Issac just laid down, and looked up at the upside down mountains.


The HEAVs entered the Hollow Earth, and they imminently began doing a scan throughout the area, Moonhidora was not in range of they're radar.

"She's not on radar" said Nathan Lined, and he looked Ilene Andrews and said "you think she'll show up on radar?"

Illene shrugged, "She's not native to this planet, so she might have a completely different energy output then everything here in the hollow earth. So keep an eye on the radar"

Nathan nodded, and he soon someone radioed, "Hey, I think we got something here" they flew over and saw the scratch marks in the side of a giant rock cliff.

Illene looked at them, and she pulled out a photo of Moonhidora's claws. They matched with the scratch marks on the cliff! "She was here"

Looking at the claw marks, she directed the team to head north.

(In my AU, Illene was in girl scout and knew how to track animals by looking at claw marks)

The team followed Illene's HEAV, and Nathan and Illene began chatting. "Have you ever seen this, Moonhidora?" asked Nathan, "No, but I know Celena has"

Nathan sighed "Once we find her, she's gonna get aggressive"

"No shit Sherlock, she's trying to isolate that kid from the rest of the world, once she catches on, she's gonna take off with him"

"We need to be careful, we don't want that kid being put in anymore danger then he already is"

Illene nodded in agreement. Nathan soon asked Illene a question, "Do you think Kong can keep her distracted long enough for us to get Isaac out of there?"

Illene looked at Nathan, "...I mean, he has gotten bigger and stronger ever since his fight with Godzilla" she said.


"So, I think Kong can definitely hold up against Moonhidora long enough to get Isaac out of there. Im just worried if Kong will survive that fight, since her kind has proven to be quite merciless in combat"


As they chatted, a large energy signature showed up on the radar, "That energy! That's gotta be her!" said Illene, and soon they saw her in the distance.

"We have a visual! Over!" Said a man on the radio,

"Okay, everybody enable your weapons! Watch out for her beams!" Ordered Nathan, and all the HEAVS activated they're weapons.

Moonhidora soon heard the sounds of the HEAVS, and the heads perked and saw the flying vehicles. She snarled and stood up.

Isaac saw the HEAV's and began waving his hands, trying to get they're attention. Moonhidora soon grabbed Isaac with her hand and picked him up, keeping him inside her hand. Moonhidora roared at the HEAV's, and soon they all unleashed a barrage of missiles, they all strike Moonhidora and do little to no damage to her.

Moonhidora roared at the HEAV's and began turning grey as she charged up her different breaths, "Here it comes! Evasive maneuvers now!" Yelled Nathan and she fired her different elemental breaths.

The HEAV's were fast enough to avoid her attacks, "That didn't work, what now?" said Illene, "Chemical Warfare!" They're HEAV soon flew back, and began charging at Moonhidora as she stopped firing. The HEAV launched 3 missiles out that targeted each heads eyes, and when it struck, it released a toxin chemical that blinded Moonhidora.

She screeched in agony, and dropped Isaac as her heads flailed around, they couldn't see anything. Isaac got up and began running as fast as his legs could take him, he ran through the Hollow Earth Jungle and looked up to see a HEAV following him. He waved his arms to get its attention.

Moonhidora soon regained her vision, and saw the HEAV and fired her electric beam at it, immediately destroying it, she soon looked down and saw Isaac running. She roared and began chasing after him, he looked back and saw her coming. He soon had a memory when he was running from Moonhidora in the city, and he soon saw a cave big enough for him, he made a sharp turn and sprinted into the cave.

Moonhidora quickly caught up with Isaac, and ripped off the top of the cave, but Issac had already found a way out, Moonhidora roared for Issac, but soon another HEAV fired more missiles at her. She turned around and slammed her tails on the ground, behind the fleeing Issac!

The force of Moonhidora's tails slamming into the ground a few meters behind him sent Isaac flying. He hit the ground with a groan of pain, and bounced on the ground several times before hitting his leg on a rock.

Isaac yelped in pain, and his lower leg went stiff, he might've sprained it, or worse! Isaac looked at Moonhidora who already dispatched the HEAV and she saw Isaac and immediately began coming over. Isaac crawled away in a futile attempt to escape, with a sprained leg, there was no running now. Moonhidora soon pinned down Issac and soon noticed he was in great pain, her eyes turned to concern and she lowered her heads down.


Suddenly, while she was distracted, something slammed into her from the side and pushed her away from Issac, it soon pushed her onto her back. Issac looked away forbade moment, and then when he looked, he saw his savior.

It was Kong!

Kong picked up his axe, beat his chest, and roared at Moonhidora. She soon got up and looked at the hairy ape who just pushed her away.

Kong had definitely gotten stronger since his fight with Godzilla, he now stands at 354 feet tall, and now more resembles Godzilla's old rival.

Moonhidora got up and roared, she towered over Kong, yet it was mostly neck mass that made her tall. Kong knew this and knew this fight wasn't gonna be easy.

Both stared each other down, sizing each other up. Kong knew this thing was after the little human, and his expression on his face gave a clear message to Moonhidora, "If you want that human, your gonna have to go through me!"

Moonhidora accepted his challenge, she wasn't gonna let ANYTHING separate her and her beloved child Isaac. She soon charged at Kong, and Kong too began charging.

Kong drew the first hit by punching Callisto straight in the face, and using his body to push her further away. Eura and Io darted forward like snakes, and Kong grabbed Io by the neck and blocked Eura with the axe.

Callist soon darted forward and bit down on Kong in the neck, Kong roared and slammed Io into Callist's neck, and her horn pierced through Callist's hide, making her let go.

Kong kicked Moonhidora away, and he held back his axe, ready to swing it. Moonhidora soon charged forward, Kong stepped to the side and swung the axe down onto Callist's neck! Kong is targeting Callist because he figures if he chops off the middle head, AKA the dominant head, the beast will be weakened greatly.

The axe blade cut deep, but did not sever her head, Callist crumpled to the floor, with blood gushing out of her mouth and neck wound. Eura bit down on Kong's shoulder and he soon let go off the axe. Io seized the opportunity to pull off the axe still in Callist's neck and when that was done, they pushed Kong away from the axe.

Moonhidora soon began charging her beams, Kong saw this and he soon formed a plan, he picked up a nearby tree and threw it at Callist's mouth. She screeched and failed around as she tried to spit out the tree. Kong leapt forward and delivered a leap punch so powerful, it nearly sent Moonhidora on her back.

Kong picked up his axe and soon beats his chest again before roaring at Moonhidora. Without warning, Moonhidora fires her beams at Kong. Thinking fast, Kong blocks the beams with the axe blade, witch also seemed to be absorbing the electric beam, and the absorption of the beam caused the ice and fire beams to deflect.

She soon stopped firing and starting charging at Kong, he leapt up and brought the axe down. But Eura and Io grabbed the handle before it could damage them. Moonhidora was learning...

Kong tried to pry the axe out of they're jaws, Callist soon fired her beam directly into Kong's face! Kong let go and roared in agony, holding his face as he backed away. Moonhidora leaped forward and slammed into Kong, pinning him to the ground. She soon went berserk on Kong, slamming him into the ground, clawing at him, and stomping him to the ground. Kong tried to fight back, but Eura and Io restrained his arms and allowed Callisto to keep beating him.


Soon, a HEAV landed next to Isaac, and soon a female scientist who recognized as Celena came out and helped him up as they got into the HEAV, Matthew was inside and he hugged his son.

The driver, Andri soon stared taking off! Soon, Moonhidora saw them flying off, and she soon stopped her assault on Kong and as she let go, Kong tried to punch her again, but she slammed her tails into the side of Kong's face, stunning him. She soon began chasing after the HEAV.

"She's coming!" said Celena as she looked through the back window, "Go faster! Go faster!" yelled Matthew. "This thing can't go any faster!" Said Andri.

"She's catching up!"

Isaac looked at Moonhidora, who was quickly closing in on them. "When she gets really close, make a tight turn!"

"What?!" asked Andri

"Really big animals aren't good on tight turns!" He explained,

Andri looks to Celena, who nods. He soon makes a direct 90 degree turn to the right! Moonhidora tries to turn but fails, and falls over, momentarily slowing her down.

She soon got her footing and resumed the chase, and it seemed the sharp turns were doing little more then borrowing time. Moonhidora was catching up with them, and would soon catch them.

Soon, the axe was thrown into Moonhidora's side, and the blade sunk into her thigh, causing her to collapse. Kong rushed over, and pulled the axe put of Moonhidora's skin, and roared at her!


Moonhidora got up and leapt at Kong, Kong blocked all 3 head's jaws with the axe, and soon kicked her in the gut. When she let go, he swung the axe straight into Eura's mouth, hitting it against the side of a cliff. Eura's jaw muscles rip, and when Kong pulls out the axe, Eura's jaw bleeds rapidly.

Kong stepped back and waited for Moonhidora to come charging at him again. However this time, she swung her tails into Kong's legs, tripping him. Kong tries to het up, but Callist stabs Kong with her horns and Kong falls to the ground, against a cliffside.

Moonhidora kicks Kong to the ground and Callist darts forward to bite Kong in the neck, but he grabs Callist by the neck and holds her off. Io soon bites down on Kong's arm. Kong swings the axe at Moonhidora, but Eura soon restrains his arm.

Isaac looks back and says, "We need to help him!" Illene on the radio agrees with Isaac, "How are we gonna help that ape? He can't defeat her!" said Celena.

"We need to charge up Kong's axe! Callist's gravity beam can charge it, but nowhere near as effective as Godzilla's atomic breath!"

Nathan soon got on the radio, "I got an Idea! We have laser beams, right? We need to go to the throne room and get a sample of that blue energy!"

Nathan might be onto something here, the throne room isn't too far away, they could make it. They're HEAV soon behind flying over to the throne room where Kong originally got his axe.

In the meantime, they needed to keep Moonhidora distracted. They flew forward and shot more missiles at her back, Moonhidora roared at the HEAV, and Kong soon freed the arm holding the axe, and chopped Moonhidora's chest, making her let go. Kong kept on chopping at Moonhidora, she soon grabbed the axe and trusted it behind her.

Moonhidora soon pinned Kong to the ground face first, and she lifted up Kong and Callist wrapped her neck around Kong's neck and squeezed tightly, choking Kong.

"Launch more!" said Matthew, the HEAV was out of ammunition!

Kong gasped for air and choked and Callist strangled him, he tried to move him arm but Callist was squeezing so hard, it was almost paralyzing Kong.


Illene and Nathan's HEAV came back, and they had the laser gun, mixed with Hollow Earth energy, was ready. They launched missiles at Moonhidora and she soon let go of Kong, and she soon resumed her pursuit of Issac.

This time, she reached out her wing hand and grabbed the HEAV, everyone inside screamed as Moonhidora grabbed it, and she soon looked inside and saw Isaac. Her look changed from aggression to fear, concern and sadness to wanting to just have Isaac and not fight.

She suddenly let go, right when Kong
grabbed her by the tails and pulled her away from the HEAV, witch dropped to the ground, with its flight motors now destroyed.

Moonhidora got her footing, and Kong swung her axe on her ankle, making her trip. Kong was about to chop off Callist's neck, but her tails struck him in the face and he soon fell to the ground. Moonhidora got on top of him again, and tried to strangle him again, but Kong held her neck back. Io bit down on Kong's shoulder, and Eura restrained his arm.

Illene and Nathan soon took the shot, they fired a blue atomic laser in the axe blade, and the axe began to glow brighter!

Isaac, Matthew and the others inside the disabled HEAV got out and watched. The Axe began to vibrate, forcing Eura to let go. Kong soon swung the axe at Eura's neck, witch was chopped off clean! It sliced through like a hot knife through butter!

Moonhidora screeched and backed away, and she soon saw Issac watching them. They're distraction was deadly though, Kong soon chopped off Io. Leaving Callist with no back up from her sisters. Now panicking, Moonhidora swung her wing claws at Kong, who grabbed her wing and chopped it off with the axe, some membrane held on though, but Kong tore that off!

Kong soon looked behind him and saw a deep gorge that looked like it went down for miles. Moonhidora tried to fire at Kong, but he dodged the beam and got behind Moonhidora and began pushing her to the gorge. Moonhidora resisted, her attention was drawn to Isaac. She's lost the battle at this point, and what broke her the most, was once again loosing Issac.

Kong gave one last charge and pushed Moonhidora off the ledge, Moonhidora screamed as she fell down the gorge, and into the fog. A loud crash was heard, and Kong heard Moonhidora no more.

Kong raised his axe into the air and roared in victory, beating his chest as he did so. He soon walked off, off to go find a shelter and heal hid wounds.

Isaac limped over to the edge of the gorge, and looked down into it. Matthew followed him, Moonhidora couldn't be seen in the bottom of the gorge, he couldn't hear her too. "It didn't have to end this way, Moon" said Isaac

"Hey, you okay?" said Matthew, "Yeah... I'll be fine..."

"It's finally over, isn't it? With you and..."

"I think so, if she is still alive. Hopefully she won't be able to find us again. Because I think we need to move, dad"

"I know son, I know. Let's go home now" said Matthew.


3 months later...

Isaac and Matthew were moving, they were packing up they're belongings and moving them into a Uhaul truck. Matthew had saved up enough money to move somewhere else, somewhere far far away from here.

They soon finished and were about to go on a long road trip to Louisia, a trip that will take more then a few days, and Matthew promised they're gonna be living up in the mountains.

After a few hours, they got the Uhaul truck ready and Isaac got in his dad's car, and he took 1 last look at the farm before they drove off.

Ready to leave all this trauma behind, and start his new life.

~The End~

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