Ch.10 : Signs of Mistrust

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Isaac was chatting with his friends, and they were in the front yard of the farm. The sun was setting, and Moonhidora hadn't been home yet. This has happened before, where Moonhidora doesn't come home for awhile, at least until sundown.

Matthew was there with them, they were having a fire and listening to some country music. These friends had a lot in common with Isaac, they also liked titans and liked country music. Carly soon said "If she comes, your sure she's not just gonna obliterate us on sight?"

"No, she'd never put Isaac in danger. If I know anything about her, if she's not too fond of the idea of Isaac having friends, then she'll probably just get pouty, heh" Matthew chuckled.

Isaac looked up and in the sky, he could see Moonhidora flying in the skies. She was coming over, and she was circling the area because she noticed the other kids with Isaac.

Who are these kids?

She soon landed and looked down at the crowd, her friends looking up at her in awe, some in pure terror. "She's beautiful... she right?" Eric complimented. Isaac nodded, and he stood up and introduced his friends, "Io, Callist, Eura, this is Carly, James, Eric, and Billy" he said, pointing to each as he said there name.

Moonhidora looked at the kids, at first she was confused, then she looked concerned and frustrated. She remembers Isaac calling her "friend" before, and she assumed it means some sort of connection, or bond. Isaac mow has other... "friends"? She thought she was his friend (well friend(s) if you count Callist, Io and Eura since they are basically separate entities living in the sane body).

Isaac soon noticed the look in Moonhidora's eyes, and be began to grow anxious. "Moonhidora... they're just friends, okay?", he called them friends again. Moonhidora herself began growing anxious as she began fearing the worse of what may be happening.

"Uhhhh.. Isaac?" said Billy quiveringly

"She doesn't look too pleased!" Whispered Carly, some of the friends began backing up, now fearful of what Moonhidora might do to them. Isaac soon heard a growl escape Eura's throat, and he whispered to the gang "No sudden movements, I think she's getting agitated"

Moonhidora soon flew away, she was too wrapped up in her emotions that she couldn't stay there anymore. They all sighed with relief, "Is she okay? She seemed kind of upset" said Eric.

"I... don't know, I don't think she's comfortable with me having friends" said Isaac, Matthew soon sent Isaac's friends home, and he and Isaac went back outside.

That night, Isaac had a frightening nightmare. In the nightmare, he dreamt of Moonhidora hunting down Billy, Eric, James and Carly and killing them, and destroying they're houses. He even dreamt of Moonhidora destroying his home in the process and killing his father in the process.

His nightmare soon came to a merciful end after Moonhidora grabs him, he woke up in a cold sweat. He looks out the window and does not see Moonhidora.


For the next few weeks, Moonhidora wasn't the same. She wasn't as playful and affectionate as before, she would offer Isaac to come with her. He declined like always, however she clearly wasn't patient with him anymore. Whenever he declined, she got agitated, sometimes she got downright angry.

This was unusual, Isaac can't remember the last time Moonhidora ever got angry with him, actually, the more he thought about it. He thinks Moonhidora NEVER got angry with him.

Seems like the whole "Issac having friends" thing got under Moonhidora's skin. So in order to make sure Moonhidora doesn't get angry with his friends, Isaac doesn't hang with his friends whenever Moonhidora comes around. However, Moonhidora has been staying longer, now she stays for over 6 to a full 24 hours a day.


Today was like the other days, and Isaac was starting to become bothered by Moonhidora's agitation to him not coming with him. Isaac at this point was tired of it at this point. He looked outside and Moonhidora was waiting for him outside.

He sighed and went outside, "Hi girls" Moonhidora responded with placing her hand infront of him, once again, she was asking him to come back to Dominica. Isaac sighed in exasperation and said "No! Im not! Stop asking me to go back home with you"

Moonhidora once again got agitated, and she growled at Isaac, "Here you go again, getting angry at me for not coming with you, you really are getting on my----" before Isaac could finish his sentence, Moonhidora smashed her hand into the ground and roared at Isaac.

Isaac covered right when she struck the ground, this was the first time this ever happened. Isaac began sweating bullets and slowly backed away, Matthew came out and saw Moonhidora glaring down at Isaac. He quietly came over and grabbed Issac hand and said to Moonhidora that Isaac needs to go inside. She huffed smoke out through his nose, and let Isaac be taken inside.

Isaac sits down on a chair, clearly shaken up from Moonhidora snapping at him like that. Matthew helped calm him down and soon went outside, and he looked up at Moonhidora and said "Listen girls, you need to leave"

Callist cocked her head to the side, and Matthew said "leave, as in go away". Moonhidora soon understood what he was trying to say, and she growled at him. "Girls, please leave, your getting a bit too mad and you just scared Isaac really bad, just please leave"

Moonhidora glared down at him for a moment, and she soon flew away in a huff. Matthew said in his head, "that went better then I thought"


Moonhidora scared Isaac REALLY bad, so much so that he refused to go outside. He just sat inside his house and watch TV with his dog Bazil, and Bazil always cheered him up.

Moonhidora didn't come back, and if we're talking honestly, he didn't want her to come back. He doesn't know what Moonhidora does when she's away from Isaac, or were she goes, but were ever she goes, its away from here.

He spent the entire day inside the house, and he decided that a night walk out in the forest would help clear his mind. He made his way to the meadow he almost always visits, and he sat down against the tree, looking up at the ringed moon.

The ringed moon shined 25% brighter then it would before. Making it that much beautiful, and he decided to sketch the moon. Soon, a loud crash landed nearby and he looked, Moonhidora had landed and she walked over to him.

Isaac grew anxious as they came closer, and Moonhidora laid down and Callist gently nuzzled Isaac and gave a quiet purr. Isaac sighed with relief and rubbed her snout, he looked up at the ringed moon one last time and soon said "Can you take me back to the farm once I fall asleep"

Callist nodded, and rested next to Isaac, and Isaac looked up at the moon, leaned onto Callist's muzzle, closed his eyes and soon went to sleep.

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