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I guess I'm not good enough, all I ever wanted to be was good enough.
Losing my mum at 12 ,.my dad got a new wife , typical Cinderella story , because I had to turn to a maid in my father's house , it sucks but life does, it always does .
But Micheal , I never expected his episode of betrayal . Sorry my mum didn't die she left... It's crazy though because my family was a happy one , and j can't honestly explain what happened , one thing I'm sure about is I am the victim in all of this.

I met  Micheal when we were abit younger he was the typical cool kid of the class there was another cool kid though , he was the snub.

Sorry my name is marga and this is a recap to recent story of my life . It's time to do the forbidden.

Looking at myself in the mirror after taking a warm shower turned me on , let's try something, spread infront of the mirror and touch....

*Lol, guyss I'm just testing this is my first official book and I want it to be everything, drama, naughty name it all.

Please encourage me

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