Chapter 31

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Danny Pov

I gasped and cried softly as he fucked me against the wall outside. I said no so many times in my head. I don't know how we ended up here. But he's soft when he's making love to me. He seduces me. He whispers softly in my ear. It drives me into his arms. He has both of my legs in his grip as he fucks me harder.

"Dean," I gasped again, wanting him to find that spot and hit it over and over. He's definitely inches towards it more and more, but he prefers to tease me. I don't think he likes the fact that he can't stop having sex with me. One minute he's glaring and angry then the next his eyes soften with lust and possession.

I was outside sweeping the patio of leaves. I wasn't doing anything. At that moment I wasn't even thinking about escaping. I can barely run without causing my pelvic to inflame with pain. I was out here thinking. I just want to know where my grandfather is or where Kyle is. When I ask Dean. He gets mad and has sex with me.

When he came and saw me sweeping the patio he got angry and said I was inching towards the gates, which is utter nonsense. I protested of course. But he still threw me against the brick wall and ravaged me.

Suddenly, it started to rain. Then thunder and lightning started. He slipped from me and laid on the grass. "Sit on it."

I was so worked up that I didn't hesitate. The rain and the storm just spurred me on. I bounced, rolled and grind on him, searching, wanting, aching. I felt his hands on my belly and looked down. He was in the throes of passion so I don't know if he even knows he's doing it. He started moving me how he wanted me to move. Seconds later my orgasm was upon me. His was shortly after. He usually gets up and leaves at this point but I'm tired of that. I want intimacy. I want his love and tenderness back. While he was coming down from the passion, I laid on him. I put my head in the crook of his neck and cried softly. And he let me. He even rubbed my back. That is until the baby kicked. The baby has bad timing.

He threw me off him and got up. I looked at him as the rain beat down on my face and body. I suddenly became angry.

"One day, you will lose me, Dean, and no amount of seducing will change how I feel." I got up and walked back through the door. I ran into his mother and Nakia.

Nakia said, "for god sakes, peasant. Why do you alway have those same rags on?" I looked down at my yellow dress with white flowers. I heard Dean come in. He walked in front of me. He looked at my dress. It looks like it just dawned on him that I've been wearing the same dress for weeks.

"I don't have any clothes that fit," I stated softly. Tears came to my eyes. I ran off.

I heard his mother sigh. "There she goes again. The little defenseless lamb."

"You two can leave now." I heard Dean say.

"But what about the contract?"

Get the fuck out!" He yelled. I scrambled up the stairs. I went to my room and got into the shower. The time I spent outside in the cold rain is starting to affect me. I started shivering. I turned the shower to hot water so that my body temperature could elevate. I stepped into the shower and sighed. It feels like a lifetime ago since I've had the simple pleasure of enjoying anything. All I think about is my grandfather, Kyle, Michelle, poor Kunal and of course, Dean. He has gone from my friend to lover to tormentor and my feelings haven't quite caught up to it all yet. I can't hate Dean. I've tried. And to be perfectly honest I understand his anger.

If I was in a position like this, I wouldn't know what to do. He used to trust me and I'm telling him one thing but the factual proof is telling him something else. He doesn't know what or who to believe so I can only gather that he's buying time. For what? I don't know. Because he could just let me go and wash his hands of the matter. Why doesn't he? Does he want to punish me for something that he thinks I did? Like I said, Dean has always been a deep thinker. He's not an irrational person, he thinks before he acts. Unless I'm at the forefront then he's very irrational.

When I warmed up, I got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and went into the room. I gasped. There on the bed was a plethora of maternity clothes. There were house shoes and warm boots. Panties, bras but what really brought tears to my eyes was the ipad. I've been bored out of my mind. The only thing I can watch on tv is the news stations. When I picked it up, it had some of my favorite games already downloaded on it. Of course a lot of apps were restricted. At that point I didn't even care. I tried not to complain to Dean because I didn't think he cared about me having clothes or shoes or me being bored. I'm at his mercy with no help. That made me sad again. I have to leave here. What if he's really waiting for my baby to be born so that he can kill it. I would hate him if he did that and I've told him so. Then I looked at all the clothes and got happy again. Doesn't this mean he cares about the baby or does he just simply care about my comfort.

I picked up some maternity jeans and a high waisted shirt and some house shoes and got dressed. I sighed. I'm so happy to be wearing anything else. How did he do all this? I was in the shower an hour tops.

"You said I would lose you." I squeaked and turned towards the door. It's not the sturdy wood like the last one. It's a regular door. It doesn't have a lock on it either.

I focused on what he said. I was angry outside. I'm tired of him making passionate love to me then discarding it so callously.

After a few moments of me staring, he reiterated it.

"Is that correct or did I hear wrong?"

"Dean," I said appeasingly because he was getting that look in eyes. That building rage look that didn't bond well for me.

He walked inside the room. "I'm curious on how you'll go about it. Tell me sweet pea. How would you rid yourself of me?"

I hated the incessant pounding in my chest and in my ears. Fear, fear and more fear is all I know now.

"I..i. You misunderstood me." Tears were quick to come because I knew that I was seconds away from some kind of torture."

He chuckled darkly. "Oh, my apologies. Enlighten me on what you meant." He sat in a chair in the corner and crossed his legs and put his finger on his cheek.

"I.. meant. I simply meant that... at some point...." My chest pounded harder. I was too nervous and scared. My brain was mush. I couldn't string together a sentence.

When he stood up, I started outright crying. When he walked towards me. I backed into the wall and closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes." He rubbed his hand down my cheek. "I won't lose you, Danny. I won't allow it. Nothing.."

He snatched my chin hard in his grip. I cried out and flinched.

"Nothing will ever come between us. Not even you. Your soul, your body. It's mine. What you're feeling right now isn't tangible and won't last. Here." He placed his full palm on my chest. "Inside, it's mine. Inside here." He placed his hand on my temple. "It's mine." His words and close proximity had me breathing heavily from fear and other things that I'm too embarrassed to name. He's been quick to strike me in the past without me seeing it coming. I could think better if he would back up and stop being so threatening.

"I own your thoughts. I fucking own you! If you ever say something so foolish to me again, I will show you the error of your ways in the most inventive ways. Understand, sweet pea."

I nodded my head. "Yes," I gasped out.

"Why are you here, in this position right now?" He asked.

"Because you're angry and want me to pay penance."

"Go on," he demanded.

"You're angry because you think I betrayed you and you don't know who to trust."


"Because I was at Kunal's house."


"Be..because he rescued me from the villa and he was all I thought I had at the time."

I know where he's leading me and I couldn't stop it. He's trying to show me how this is all my fault.

"And why were you at the villa?"

"Be-because I left you." Tears started racing down my face.


"Because I..I doubted you. I doubted us. I'm sorry, Dean. I wish I could take it all back."

Suddenly he laid a wet kiss on me. All my tears were in that kiss. He used so much lip and tongue.

He stopped and for the first time I saw hurt in his eyes. He looked down at my belly. "For two years. You left me. You doubted me. You doubted Kyle. You doubted us."

I cried hard. He made me feel like shit. "Ok, Dean. Whatever I need to do to make up for it, I will. I'll do anything for you, Dean. You know that."

He stared at me. Then at my belly again. He smirked, "We'll see." He walked out.


The next morning I went downstairs and helped Latasha with breakfast. We were laughing and singing along to her playlist when we heard a loud noise and then something slamming into the wall. I did my best to ignore it. "What the hell was that?"

I don't know why she's asking that question. She works for a lunatic. I'm sure this is not the first time hearing that sound and it won't be the last. Dean is a mad man. Plain and simple and I don't know if he can be saved from it all. His foreign relations are making him angrier by the day and my stay here isn't making it any better. He doesn't want to reconcile with me. He wants to punish me for daring to get pregnant by him, like he didn't have sex with me in his dungeon multiple times after he murdered Kunal and took me away.

"Here, this for you." Latasha had her phone in her hand, holding it out to me. At first I thought it was some kind of trick. Is she trying to set me up? Well. I'm willing to take that chance. I snatched the phone from her hand.



"Kyle." I started crying. "Oh my God, Kyle. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Danny baby, and I will get you out of there. Just please, hold on."

"Kyle, he..he's so angry. I don't know how long I have before the baby comes. He wants to kill it, Kyle. Please hurry."

"Ok, calm down. I know you've been through a lot. You're strong, Danny. I need you to be strong for a little while longer. Don't anger him. Try to avoid him."

I refuse to explain to Kyle that my mere presence here is angering him.

"I will be there today. Try to act normal. I will bring a doctor so he can check you out and make sure the baby is ok and to see how far along you are."

I tried to hold in a squeak. I'm going to see Kyle. He always makes it better for me.

When the line went dead, I handed the phone back to Latasha.

"Thank you, Latasha."

"Don't mention it. Like seriously, don't mention it. To anyone."

"I won't. I promise."

She nodded and turned her music back on and I continued with dinner. I jumped when I heard raised voices and another vase being thrown against the wall.

When he stormed in the kitchen, I tried my best to act as if he wasn't there or I didn't hear him come in. But I'm sure everyone heard my elevated breathing and saw my clenched stance. I was waiting for the blow that was sure to follow.

"Dinner is almost ready," Latasha said.

He ignored her and came and grabbed my arm. My sore arm. He pulled me from the kitchen and brought me out to the foyer.

He stared at me. I looked down at the floor. The remnants of chipped marble were visible from the night he shot at me. The door had been fixed, however.

"What are you planning, Danny?"

I looked up at him. I tried to hold back fear. "Nothing, Dean."

He barely has his rage under control. When I stepped back his eyes blazed up. I cleared my throat as he looked at me until I was squirming.

"I've been ordered to let Kyle come and visit you and to bring a doctor of his choosing."

He seemed angry. "I have got to to get that fucking thorn out of my side."

Did he mean Kyle?

"What do you mean? Are you talking about Kyle? Who's the thorn? Dean, please. Let him be. He just wants to protect me."

"Ah, am I not doing a good job of protecting you, sweet pea."

I refuse to answer that question with a lie, thus solidifying his accusations that I'm a liar.

He smiled and walked up to me. I backed up until I hit the dining room door. I was preparing for the blow. Kyle told me to be strong and I will be. I held my head up. I wasn't prepared for his lips coming down on mine. His palm cuffed my cheek as the kiss got deeper. He stopped and looked down at me. He wiped his saliva from around my lips. His kisses are so dominating that I can't keep up. His lips cover mine in one fell swoop.

"You're a victim of a selfish love. I won't share your love with anyone." He looked down at my belly.

"I'll make you a deal. I won't kill your baby if you give it away. Someone in the organization is trying to adopt. This will be perfect for them."

I gasped. "You want me to give our baby away."

I choked hard in the next second when he grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall.

"Then your baby will die. By the looks of you. You don't have a lot of time." He let me go and walked away.

Kyle, please get me out of here, I thought to myself.  

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