Chapter 3

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Danny Pov

I screamed as I'm snatched from my sleep and held in the air by my throat.

"Who the fuck are you." I looked back on the couch to see that Kyle was gone.

I looked down into the stoic face of a stranger. "Please sir. I... I'm I'm. I stopped stuttering when he pulled out a gun. I started crying and wiggling.

"One last time, who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

I beat back terror and quiet the pounding in my chest. "I'm Danny, sir. I'm Kyle's friend. He was just here."

He suddenly dropped me.

"You're Danny."

I nodded.

He stared at me funny.

"Danny." I turned to see Kyle. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I buried my face in his neck as we made our way to the stranger.

"Dean, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back until next week."

"You forgot to mention that your new friend Danny is a girl."

I flinched and jumped at my name coming from his lips. Who is he? Why does he have a gun?

"Danny." He peeled me from his person. "This is my cousin Dean. Sorry he scared you. He doesn't like strangers."

"Can I go, please." I still refuse to look at the stranger again.

"But I made you breakfast. I wanted to thank you for getting me home safely last night and staying with me and oh, and cleaning up my mess." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"It was no problem, Kyle."

"Perfect," he cut me off and grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.

He had eggs, muffins, bacon and orange juice laid out.

We sat down to eat. But my smile froze when Kyle's cousin Dean pulled up a chair.

"Is Danny short for Daniella?" He asked me. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't even want to look his way.

I shook my head. "Excuse him. He has no manners." Kyle said it like he haven't asked the very same question.

I nodded. We all ate in silence. After a few minutes I stood up. "I really must be going before my grandfather wakes up and wonders where I am."

"Take my car back with you."

"It's ok. I'll get an uber." I kissed his cheek and walked away.

"Ok, See you at school. Love you."

"Love you too."

When I'm finally out of the house, I shivered. That man was scary. I can tell he's nothing like Kyle. Not soft, not loving, just scary. I pulled my phone out to call a ride. It's dead. "Great, just fricking great."

What should I do? There's no way I could go back to the house. There's also no way I could walk all the way back home.

I hear an engine. I turned to see if it's Kyle. His engine would wake up an entire neighborhood. It's a car that looks like his.

"Get in." My heart thump with fear. He shoved a gun in my face. He snatched me off the couch by my throat. I was in fear for my very life.

"I'll... I'll just walk, please, thank you." For all I know he doesn't want some poor girl friends with his cousin. He could be sent to deal with me like they do in the mafia.

"If I have to repeat myself I'm getting out of this car."

"Why, you don't know me. You don't even like me. You threatened me with a gun."

He grabbed the door handle.

"No, please." I held my hand up. I stood there and looked left then right. Praying a cab would magically appear. I finally walked around and got in. I sat ramrod straight.

"Address," he growled, after I just sat there. I jumped and told him my address.

I remained silent the rest of the way.

When we pulled up. I quickly hopped out of the car and ran inside.

Thank goodness it was early morning and grandpa hadn't come down yet.

I made my way to my room. I grabbed some clothes and walked across the hall to the bathroom. I took a long shower and thank the Lord I made it home. For some reason I think about my father then my nana. She died last year and a year before that my father died. So much death in my short life. I hope it's no time soon but after grandpa leaves, I would have no one. I never knew my mother. My father said my mother wasn't ready to be a mom so he took me and left. I have some distant cousins but we're not at all close. I wouldn't even know them if I saw them.

I left the shower then went back to my room to plug my phone up.

I have a text from Kyle. He wants to make sure I made it home safe and wanted to hang this weekend. He needed a break from the idiots he called friends.

I told him I would love to but I'm picking the place.

I smiled and secret smile.

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