Setting An Example.

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Everything has been pretty much normal. Lexi is still my bestfriend and the best girl in the entire world. Justin is still on the road a lot so during the school year I pretty much live with Lexi and her parents. I'm still a wrestling fanatic so I'm always watching it whenever I can. When I'm not, I'm working on how I play football or basketball or baseball.

The only changes are ever since The Incredibles came out, my name to Lexi is Jack Jack and that's it. She's in cheer now and she actually cheers at all the games I play in and I love it. It actually helps me and makes me play better since it gives me a little extra motivation. The only thing that sucks is that is the WWF changed there name to WWE. I know it's a small thing but it really grinds my gears.

Today, I have a football game so 7th period is athletics so I just got dressed in my gear. After I had my pads and everything on, I put my accessories on my left arm and hand.

After I had everything ready, Coach Cooper came up to me.

Coach: Hey J, someone is at the door for you.

Me: Oh okay, thanks coach Coop.

I stood up out of my locker. I made my way to the locker room door before opening it. I was greeted by the sight of Lexi in her cheer outfit holding a bag.

Me: Hey Tink.

Lexi: Hey Jack Jack, mom and I wanted you to eat before you had to play so she bought you this.

I smiled at that. Mom is always looking out for me. Making sure, I sleep well, eat well, stay hydrated and the list goes on. I smiled before I took the bag from Lexi.

Me: Thank y'all. Have you ate yet?

Lexi: No.

Without missing a beat, I took Lexi by the hand and walked us over to the bench across from the locker room doors. We sat down on the bench with the bag between us. I gently ripped the bag open to reveal McDonald's nuggets and fries with ranch and sweet and sour sauces.

Me: Eat Tink.

Lexi: No Jack Jack, I'm not hungry.

I grabbed a fry and held it out to Lexi.

Me: Look Tink, fries. Tinker Bell loves fries. There fresh and hot and oh so good.

Lexi had a blank look on her face. She maintained the look as she looked from me to the fry a few times. She sighed and rolled her eyes with a smile before she slightly leaned forward, taking the fry in her mouth.

Me: There you go. Now help me eat this.

Lexi finished chewing the fry and smiled at me.

Lexi: Your so lucky I love you.

Me: I know you love me and I love you too. But like...come on! How can you not love me!? I mean come on look at me!

I held the back of my hands up under my chin while smiling wide almost goofy like. Lexi laughed and playfully slapped my lower arm.

Lexi: You better stop it.

Me: I will when I feel like it and there's NOTHING your little self can do about it.

Lexi slightly turned her head to the side. She raised an eyebrow while her piercing blue eyes looked into my soul.

Lexi: Oh really?

Me: Yep.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her. We ate and joked around in between bites and drinks of our shared McDonald's Sprite. After the food and soda was gone, I went and threw them away. Lexi then walked with me to the locker room before we hugged.

Me: So I'll see you on the bus, okay?

Lexi: Okay Jack Jack.

I went to turn to go back through the locker room doors. Lexi had different plans however and stopped me. She grabbed my wrist and made me turn back around to face her.

Lexi: Jack Jack, one more thing?

Me: What's up?

Lexi without missing a beat kicks me right in the nuts. I wanted to scream and/or throw up but I couldn't do either since Lexi was right there. My eyes did however bulge out almost out of there sockets.

Lexi: That'll stop you, huh?

I couldn't speak so I just nodded frantically while holding my throbbing nuts. Lexi smiled wickedly.

Lexi: That's a good boy. I'll see you on the bus. I love you.


We went our separate ways before I slowly made my way into the locker room. Once inside and out of Lexi's eyesight, I crumbled in the corner. Lexi's little but she has a lot of power behind her strikes. I sat there and slowly the pain subsidized and my breath returned.

A few minutes later, it was time to load the bus. I grabbed my helmet out of my locker then made my way to the bus. The cheer squad was waiting on us there to load the bus and Lexi somehow made her way through the crowd. She walked up to me before she hugged me really tight and I did my best to return the hug. Lexi pulled away but took hold of my face with both hands. She pulled it down to make me look in her beautiful blue eyes.

Lexi: I'm so so sorry Jack Jack but are you going to start to listen?

Me: Yes Tink Tink.

Lexi smiled.

Lexi: That's my good boy.

I smiled at her before she let go of my face. She stayed stood in front of me but with her back to me. We got on the bus and of course Lexi and I sat by each other in the back of the bus. Lexi pulled out her MP3 Player and her ear buds. She started her music and after a short while, Lexi pulled a earbud out of her ear before she lightly nudged my shoulder with her own to get my attention.

Me: What is it Tink?

Lexi holds out the earbud and I already know what she wants. I take the earbud and put it in my ear causing Lexi to smile. I smiled to her before we started listening to "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. Lexi and I listened to her music the entire way to the game.

After a short bus ride, we got to the other school's field. I took the earbud out of my ear before I handed it back to Lexi. We got off the bus before I went to get some warmup throws in before kickoff. Right before kickoff, Lexi came up and hugged into my side as I wrapped my arm around her.

Lexi: This has to be quick but I just wanted to come give you a hug and wish you luck. I love you Jack Jack.

Me: Thanks, I love you too Tink.


I got the first play call before our offense jogged on the field. We got lined up with me under center. I looked at the defense and I loved how they looked.

Me: Ready! Go!

I took the snap and took a 3 step drop and fired the ball to my wide receiver Zay who ran a slant route. The throw lead him to the hole in the zone coverage which allowed him to turn up field. He got the first down before he was tackled down.

I looked over to the sideline to get the playcall. Our offense lined up before I snapped the ball. I pitched it to our running back Tyler. He took it up the sideline for 7 yards before being pushed out of bounds.

I lined us up for second down with me in shotgun. I snapped the ball and faked the handoff before looking to pass. I hit Jayden my 2nd receiver on a crossing route. He picked up 15 yards before he was trapped up.

We got lined up with me under center before I snapped the ball. I handed the ball to Tyler before he patiently waited for the blocks to set up. He exploded through a hole and sprinted down field. He finished off the drive scoring on the run that energized the crowd.

After we forced a punt, the offense was lead back on the field by yours truly. I lined up and snapped the ball before handing it off to Tyler once again. He took and ran for a gain of 30. I got the play call before we lined up.

Me: Ready! Go!

I snapped the ball and faked the hand off before pulling it back. I zoned through my reads before seeing Jayden running alone so I launched it up. He ran under it and caught it for the touchdown.

I jogged off the field by the cheerleaders. I gave Lexi a drive by high five as I jogged over to the bench and took a seat.

Our defense forced a fumble before our offense took the field at the opponents 30 yard line. We got lined up and I looked over the defense. I snapped the ball and dropped back before dumping it off to Tyler on a halfback screen. Tyler made a few guys miss before he was tackled at the 2 yard line. We ran hurry up before I snapped the ball.

I handed the ball to Tyler who sprinted to the edge to the endzone. We ended the 1st quarter with a 21-0 lead.

Our first possession of the second quarter started after the Demons finally got into the endzone. Our offense took the field after we got the play call.

Coach Cooper: J after this play, the play call is on you. We're running hurry up so pay attention to the clock.

We lined up before I snapped the ball. I handed the ball to Tyler but he was only able to get 3 yards before he was tackled in bounds. I had less then a minute left and I rushed the boys to the line.

Me: On ball! On ball! Ready! Good year! Hey! Goodyear! Go!

I snapped the ball before I went through my reads. My primary route was Tyler running a wheel route but he was covered. I saw Zay had a chance so I threw it to him for a gain of 25 yards before he stepped out of bounds. I jogged up to the line and called the play from the line. I looked over and saw how Jayden was mistakenly lined up in the slot but I knew I could take advantage of that.

Me: Hey 3 Drunk! Drunk! Ready! Go!

I took the snap from shotgun before I launched the ball to Jayden running a streak route. He burned the defender as he ran the ball down, made the catch and scored before half. I jogged off and gave Lexi a side hug on my way to the bench with a 28-7 lead. The Demons ran the clock out to get to half.

They took half of the 3rd quarter just to miss the field goal. I jogged on the field before we lined up.

Me: Ready! Go!

I took the snap before I looked over at Jayden running a streak being covered on the left side. I peaked over to see Zay breaking off his defender on the sluggo route. I threw it to him before he caught it. He made the safety miss and scored. I jogged off before Coach Cooper pulled me to the side.

Coach Cooper: Look J, they won't be able to catch up so we're just going to run the ball and kill the clock when we get it back.

Me: Sounds good to me Coach.

I smiled at coach before I grabbed a water bottle from a water boy. I took a drink before I handed it back to him. I took a seat on the bench.

We ran out half the fourth quarter with Tyler. Once the clock was under a minute, I took 2 knee's and the clock hit zero with us winning 35-7.

*After The Game*

We won the game handily and I had a good game. I just took my helmet off on the sideline before Lexi came up and hugged me.

Lexi: Good job Jack Jack!

I smiled down to her. I took my glove off and used my hand to wipe the sweat from my face.

Me: Thanks Tink.

Lexi: How are you feeling?

Me: Tired but I'm all good. I can't wait to get a good shower.

We both laughed. Bob and Angie both came on the field to congratulate me. Bob gave me a side hug that I returned.

Bob: Good job buddy.

Me: Thanks Bobby.

Bob and I separated before Angie almost tackled me in a hug. I tried to return a hug of my own.

Me: Angie! Angie! I'm good!

Angela: You did so good!

Me: Thank you Angie.

She finally let go of me before Lexi and I had to go get on the bus. We sat together on the bus while talking. The ride seemed like it was so fast but talking with your best friend makes everything go by so fast. We got back to the school and Lexi walked me to the locker room.

Lexi: I'll see you in a minute Jack Jack.

Lexi went to leave but I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. I spun her around before I pulled her into a big hug.

Me: You weren't goin anywhere without giving me anything hug. I love you too Tink.

We separated before I went into the locker room. I went and grabbed everything I needed from my locker before I headed to shower.

I showered and got dressed before I left the locker room. I met back up with Lexi. We hugged before we walked to the car with Bob and Angie waiting on us. I opened the door and helped Lexi in the car. I walked around and got inside the car and sat beside Lexi in the back. As we rode home, Lexi scooted closer and sat in the middle seat. She rested her head on my shoulder during the ride.

We got home and both Lexi and I went to Lexi's room. We watched Monsters Inc and I passed out during the movie. I  was woken up a few minutes later by Lexi gently shaking me and Angie saying my name. I opened my eyes to Angie handing me a phone. I saw that it was a call by Justin so I happily put it to my ear.

Me: Hey bro.

Justin: Hey J, I heard you had a pretty good game. I just wanted to say good job buddy and I'm proud of you.

Me: Thanks bro but I still made some mistakes that I need to clean up.

I heard Justin chuckle over the phone.

Justin: Still the same old J. Listen buddy, you get some rest and be good. I'll see you soon. I love you.

Me: I will bro. I love you too.

I handed the phone back to Angie. She left as Lexi and I finished our movie. After it was over, I roll over and hug Lex.

Me: I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight Tinker Bell, I love you so much.

Lexi returned the hug and her little arms squeezed me tight.

Lexi: Goodnight Jack Jack, I love you too.

We broke apart before I left her room and shut her door. I walked to my room and shut the door then stripped down. I turned on some music before I turned the light off and laid in my bed. I soon fell asleep after a great day.

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