Chapter 9: Waiting On Day One

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"I will confess to her. No matter what it takes."

Jaiden arose from her desk as she headed to her bed, where her phone was located. She picked it up, and gulped nervously as she went to your contact, messaging you.

Jaiden: Hey [Y/N].

[Y/N]: Oh! Hey Jaiden! How are you?

Jaiden: I'm good. How are you?

[Y/N]: Pretty good. Thanks for asking!

Jaiden: So, I have a question.

[Y/N]: Oh! Okay. What is it?

Jaiden took a deep breath before typing her response.

Jaiden: I was wondering if you're busy this Sunday?

[Y/N]: No, I don't think I am...why?

Jaiden: Because I wanted to know if you'd like to hang out at [f/p]?

[Y/N] took quite a while to respond, but when she did, Jaiden was able to take a breath of relief.

[Y/N]: Sure! I'd love to! Is it gonna be like...a date or something?

Jaiden blushed and covered her face with her hands. She was sure her face was steaming right now.

Jaiden: Uh, I suppose we could call it a date. If you're comfortable with it that is.

[Y/N]: Cool! It's a date then! What time?

Jaiden: Would 6:00pm work?

[Y/N]: Sure! I'll see you then! Bye Jaiden.

Jaiden: Bye [Y/N].

Jaiden screamed into her pillow as she put her phone down. Her speech was muffled due to the material covering the majority of her mouth.

"God, why is she so adorable?!"

Eventually, she sighed and cuddled the pillow tightly against her chest, her face red as a cherry tomato as she tried to calm down. Feeling her phone vibrate beside her, she picked it up.

[Y/N]: I can't wait until then. See you soon, my love. ❤️

Jaiden screamed into her pillow again and her shoulders rose up. She was sure that her entire upper body was red and heating up by now.

Finally regaining her composure, Jaiden sighed and powered her phone off, then went back to her desk. She picked up her stylus and put her glove back on, and tried to work.

However, she wasn't able to concentrate whatsoever on anything else but her date, which was only four days away. She eventually gave up on trying to focus, and got up. She grabbed her phone, and her wallet, and went to her car. Sitting down, she turned the key in ignition, and backed out of her driveway. She turned her radio on, and went to her favorite station.

Instantly, one of her favorite songs came on, and she began to sing along with it. When it had ended, she continued to drive around for about another hour or so. When she glanced at the clock, she figured it'd probably be best for her to go home. Seen as how it was nearly 11:30pm.

When she finally arrived home, she went straight to her desk, and she actually felt like her mind was cleared. For now. When she got about half way through the animation, she popped her back as she stood up, and flopped onto her bed. She looked over at her clock.


"Oh, I should really get some sleep."

"Yes, you really should."

Jaiden jumped at the sudden voice behind her, but when she saw who it was, she sighed in relief.

"Oh, hey [Y/N]. What're you....hang'd you get in my house?!"

"Oh, well, you left your front door unlocked, so I had to tell you that, and also, I left something here. I just came to get it. Sorry if this is a bad time."

"N-N-No, it's alright. I barely got in bed."

"That's in bed? You're not even covered up."

You laughed and sighed, turning over to Jaiden's dresser and opening the top drawer.

"Ahah. Here it is."

You pulled your wallet out of the drawer, and tucked it into your back pocket, walking over and sitting next to Jaiden, who had already sat up. You pulled her into a side hug and rubbed her arm.


"Yes Jaiden?"

"What're you.....doing?"

"Oh, s-sorry. Didn't know if that would make you uncomfortable...."

"No, i-it's felt nice...."

You smiled and hugged her again. Without any warning, you pecked her cheek carefully, and she jumped at the touch.

"E-eh! Y-Y/N????"

"S-S-Sorry, I didn't mean that...."

The two of you sat there for a few uncomfortable minutes, which really seemed like hours. After a while, you patted her shoulder gently as you stood up, and headed for the door.

"Well, I'm gonna go home. And you should probably go to sleep. Anyways, I'll see you on Sunday babe."

"S-See you then."

"Bye Jaiden."

"Bye again Y/N."

Several minutes after you left, Jaiden had barely realized what you had called her. She froze, and her face went red.

"D-D-Did she call me b-b-b-babe?!"

And so there Jaiden lay, her face buried in a pillow as she tried to calm down, sure that if she thought about anything else, it would just turn right back to what you had called her.

"Uuuuugggggghhhhhh........why is she so friggin adorable?! Why can't I just confess already?!"

', Jaiden. You have to can't come on too strong....even if she does love you back....'

As if a thought had magically clicked into her head, she quickly jotted her thoughts down in the same notepad as before, and placed it underneath her pillow. She got her pajamas and slippers on, and she finally lied down, eventually drifting off to sleep. The next day, when she woke up, she didn't go straight to animating.

Instead, she sat on her couch for hours, and binge watched Hell's Kitchen. Well, she was, until she was interrupted by her phone buzzing like crazy.

She groaned and picked up her phone, noticing that she was being spammed by text messages.

Adam: Jaiden!

Adam: [Y/N] is coming to your house!

Adam: NOW!

Adam: Don't screw anything up.

Adam: Also, be sure not to bring up the date unless she brings it up first!

Adam: Okay bye!

Jaiden jumped to her feet in surprise, and looked down at herself, seeing she was still in her pajamas and slippers, and her hair was a mess. She dashed into her room and locked the door, running to her closet and quickly pulling out a pair of skinny jeans, and a plain black t-shirt. She quickly slipped them on after removing the pajamas, and she kicked off her slippers, sliding her tennis shoes on instead. She then ran to the bathroom, and brushed her hair quickly, making sure to brush her teeth as well.

When that was all finished, she went back to the living room and quickly cleaned up the empty snack bags, and brushed the crumbs off from the blanket and cushions. She sat down on the couch, forgetting that Hell's Kitchen was still playing.

Just then, the doorbell went off, signaling you were probably the one at the door. Jaiden took a deep breath, and went to the door. Without even realizing it, she stood there with an awkward smile, and a red face. You chuckled nervously and cleared your throat, causing her to snap out of it and scratch the back of her neck nervously.

"O-Oh! S-S-Sorry!"

"No problem."

"So....whatcha here for?"

"Uh, well, Adam said you needed to tell me something, and that it was so important, that I just had to come over here for it."

Jaiden gulped and she felt her face heat up again.

'He did what?! But what am I supposed to say that's so important?! Gosh darn it Adam!'

"So.....can I....come in? Or.....?"

"O-Oh! Of course! Just take a seat on the couch if you'd like."


You laughed quietly and took a seat on the couch. Before Jaiden said anything, Adam texted her.

Adam: Oh by the way, you'll have to come up with something that sounds really important.

Jaiden sighed, but jumped when you cleared your throat again.

"Uh, Jaiden....So...."

"U-Um, s-sorry, but can you excuse me for a moment?"


Jaiden slipped into her bathroom and locked the door, speed dialing Adam.

Adam: Hello?

Jaiden: Adam! What on Earth were you expecting me to talk about?!

Adam: Oh, Jaiden! Well, I honestly don't know. But....I guess I was expecting you to talk about her taking care of Ari when you go to VidCon or something.

Jaiden: But I don't have to go to VidCon for another six months!

Adam: Oh....right....well, come up with something, fast! Bye Jaiden!

Jaiden: But Adam!

Adam: BYE!

Jaiden groaned and nearly slammed her phone down, then grabbing two fistfuls of her hair as she thought.

"Jeez Adam....putting me on the spot like that.....what was he thinking?!"

"Jaiden? You in there?"

"Uh, yeah!"

Jaiden sighed and fixed her hair, then taking a breath before opening the door. She made eye contact with you, and froze again.

"Uh....Jaiden? You alright?"

"Huh? O-Oh! Of course! Sorry about th-that!"

"It's okay....but....what did you need to tell me?"

"U-Um....w-well you see....I-I...."

(Bzzt bzzt)

[Y/N] looked at the message from her phone, and sighed.

"Okay, I see what's happening now."

" do?"

"Uhuh. Adam just texted."


Adam: Hey, sorry for any confusion. I actually meant to say that JAMES is the one who had to talk to you. Sorry.

Jaiden sighed and furrowed her eyebrows together.

'Well, at least I won't have to lie about something....but still....really Adam?'

"Anyways, I should head over to James' in that case. I'll see you later Jaiden! Sorry about that!"

"It's alright. See you soon."

You waved goodbye and left, driving off as Jaiden processed what had just happened. When she understood, she groaned as she flopped onto the couch face first.

"Why does Adam have to do things like this? This isn't even the first time he's embarrassed me in front of [Y/N]!"

Jaiden closed her eyes as the memories came flooding back. All of the memories from when he'd embarrass her in front of you, and you'd just laugh it off.


Jaiden approached her kitchen, and sat down at the table, checking her phone every once in a while to see when she'd get a response.

A response from who you ask?

Well, you, of course.

She had asked you if you wanted to hang out today after several days of being too nervous to. And you hadn't answered yet, so she was beginning to grow self conscious.

'Wh-what if she doesn't answer? Wh-what if she thinks I'm weird for asking? What if she doesn't like me?? Were all those times she acted kind towards me and acted like she was my friend a lie???'

Of course, Jaiden was overthinking like usual, but it was washed away when you finally responded.

[Y/N]:   Sure! I don't have anything else to do. I'll be over in fifteen!

Jaiden sighed and smiled, typing back a simple, "okay, see you soon," as a response. She cleaned the house up a bit and made sure she looked at least decent. She figured she was fine, trying to ignore what the voices were saying otherwise. She couldn't listen to them now, or she'd have a problem staying sane with you here.

After a little over fifteen minutes, Jaiden heard the doorbell go off, and she walked to the door. She greeted you happily and welcomed you in, and you sat on the couch.

While you two were watching the entire series of Kitchen Nightmares, the doorbell went off, and Jaiden paused it.

"Hang on Jaiden, I'll get it. You keep watching."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. Well, I'm not gonna play anymore until you get back. You'll miss the best part."

You giggled and nodded, walking over to the front door, and opening it.

"Oh! Hey there Adam!"

"Hey [Y/N]. What're you doing here? Ooh! Is Jaiden your girlfriend yet??"

You laughed when you glanced over at Jaiden, who's face was completely red, and she soon buried herself into the corner of the couch. You turned back to Adam.

"No, no. She's not. We're just hanging out for the day since we haven't in a while."

"Ah, okay. I see. Well, I'm just here to ask Jaiden a question. Do you mind if I come in?"

"No! Not at all."

Adam basically just came over to ask Jaiden if she wanted to do a collaboration with him and James. She said yes, and he left. Of course, Jaiden's face was still red, but she seemed pretty calm anyways.

~End of Flashback~

Jaiden had been resting on the couch for a while now, thinking of all of her embarrassing moments in life. When she finally snapped out of it, she glanced over at her phone, picked it up, and checked the time.


"Welp. Guess I should get back to work on the video."

And for the rest of that day, Jaiden continued to work on her video, and thinking about two things. You. And her embarrassing moments.

Man she couldn't wait for Sunday.

(Sorry for such a weird/boring ending to this chapter. I couldn't think of anything else, so here ya go. Anyways, the next chapter will be posted next Friday! Ima try to post every week. Bye! Peace and blessings! ☺️❤️)

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