School life

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At school I was the tough girl,popular girl, sporty girl and the BIGGEST TOMBOY ANYBODY COULD EVER MEET!

You most certainly didnt want to get on the wrong side off me!

Anyway i'm practically one of the lads, always have been, always will be, or so I thought. You see thats the funny thing about life, its just so unpredictable.

So where was I, oh yeah, as i was saying, i'm one of the lads really, tougher than most, faster than most and probably dumber than most, hhmmm, actually on second thoughts, dumber than a few. Yeah thats better. All my mates are lads other than one of my bestmate who's a girl. Yes thats right I have a girl mate. Her name is Samantha but I call her Sam.

Me and Sam have known each other all our lives, literally, i've known her since our mums, also known as BFF's and buissness partners were discharged from the hospital. Me and Sam went to Nursery, Primary School and now currently in Secondary School together, we have been through spick and spam, she's always been like a big sister to me, just like my bro's shes always been by my side no matter what.


Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for the votes and just in case some of you didnt know nursery is basically the same as kindergarten and secondary is basically the same as 7th grade all the way to 9th grade :)

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