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Damian's POV

God it's cold. I think as I'm walking down the street with my bag and money in my pocket. I look around for a good place to eat breakfast and decide to go to the nearest diner.

I walk down to GOTHAM DINER and go up to the counter. "Hello son, what can I get you?" asks then man working there. "I want the best breakfast you have," I demand. "Ok," the man began warily, "but is your allowance going to afford it?"

"I am the son of Bruce Wayne. Money is no object," I say, cringing at the use of my Father's influence but I really need something to eat. "You're Mr. Wayne's son?" he asks, confirming, as he takes another look at me. "That'll be $18.13." I pay with a 20 and feel a familiar presence growing behind me. "Really? Playing that card are you, Demon?" asks a man sipping coffee in a booth. "Todd?"

Jason's POV

Hell is Damian here? I thought as I saw him walk in. The further he walked, the more I noticed. He isn't with Bruce nor with Dick or Alfred. Why is he here alone and with a big bag, no less? As he talks to the man behind the counter, I hear him pull out Bruce's name. Even more confusing. "Really? Playing that card are you, Demon?" I ask to get his attention as he ever so casually ignored me before. "Todd?" he asks.

Todd? That's all I get as a greeting?

"In the flesh," I respond, a little disappointed in the lack of respect but not showing it. "What are you doing here?" he continues. "Better question: What are you doing here?" I ask him. Why is he here alone? And with this huge bag. "What one would normally be doing here at such an hour: getting breakfast." He responds, still standing there, looking down at me as I sit in the booth.

"Why are you here alone Demon Spawn?" I continue, sarcastically. He's avoiding my real question so might as well be blunt. "I- I left." He stuttered. Left another to die, huh, Bruce. "Why? What happened?" I ask as if some sort of brotherly sense of responsibility came over me. "I would much prefer not to elaborate on that. I just- I simply can't go back." What happened? I wonder. "Sit," I tell him when I see he's about to cry and he listens. That's a first. "Do you have a place to stay?" "No" he mumbles. No? The hell was he planning to do? "Well, where are you sleeping?" "Look, Todd, I just left this morning. I don't have everything planned out!" he replies sternly and angrily. "Calm down Demon. You can stay at my place for now"

"Tt. Fine" "Your welcome. Now eat up and were leaving" He nods and they serve him the food. He eats it pretty quickly. "Well let's go Demon" "Tt." He replies and we get up and go to my safe house. "And this is my humble abode"

Damian's POV

"Nice place" There were guns and a few swords hung on the wall as if they were paintings. Of course, there were the usual things you'd find in a house present as well. Living room, dining room, etc. and fully furnished. "Glad you like it," says Todd before jumping onto the couch.

"Now you gonna tell me what happened" "No." "Damian seriously, what happened?" he asks but this time he sounded serious. Is this concern? Now that I think about it, was this all concern? He wasn't obliged to speak up at the diner. Is this pity? I really didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to even think about it really. And I wasn't about to take his pity.  "As if. Since when did you care?" He sat up at this and raised an eyebrow "Who said I did?" and before I could even say anything he began again "Just trying to make conversation Demon." "<tt>"

"So what does Bruce have you do all day?" He says relaxing on the couch and I drop my bag and join him. "Train and schoolwork, then patrol at night" "What do you do for fun" I began to think but ended up lacking in ideas. "Read and train" "That's it? That's pathetic." "I can't imagine what you do in your free time to be fun, either, Todd. If you have such entertaining activities, please enlighten me." "It's a bit too early for you to be challenging me on enjoyable past times, Assassin's Brat. I go to the mall, carnivals, play video games, go to the movies, and spend time with friends. You know, stuff that normal people do. Oh wait, maybe you don't know," he laughs. It makes me feel a bit more comfortable with the current situation and I mentally thank him for that.

"And why in both heaven and hell would I partake in such useless tasks?" I combat. "For fun" "It seems 'fun' is subjective." "Oh my God. Have you never done those things? Do you ever have any downtime?" I slowly shake my head 'no'. "I should've known fucking Bruce couldn't raise a child," me mumbles under his breath and I want to correct him but I remember that I won't stand up for such a useless man who walks around like a fighting furry. "I'm going to take you to the carnival right now," Todd declares and I try to shut him down.

Jason's POV

"No. I've been to one of those with the Titans and I'm never going again." "Too late. Go get in the car. We still have some time till it opens" I can tell he wanted to further refuse me, but I'm the one currently over him so he backed down. We go outside and he goes to the passenger's side and I the driver's seat. "What are we going to do in the meantime?" says the brat. "We're going to the mall"


A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter. If you saw a shorter version of this than you saw the one before the update. It's my fault really but it's updated now so I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote it's always appreciated. Have a nice day/night.

Song suggestion of the day: Irene by Jimmy Brown

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