The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

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Lucy's POV
Lucy: m-mark... w-why are you here?
Mark: or what?
Tim: i'll arrest you for harassing and officer
Mark: whatever, you can half that skank!
Tim: what did you just call her?!?
Mark: you heard me
Mark swung a punch at Tim but Tim blocked it. He tried again and Tim punched him in the stomach. He pushed mark to the ground and put handcuffs on him.
Grey: what the hell happened out here?
Tim: Mark here just made it a lot more easy for us to convict him
Tim said lifting Mark off the ground
Grey: alright, you three go home. I'll process him
Tim: thanks. You ok Lucy?
Lucy: y-yeah just a little shaken up.
Tim: come on, let's get you guys to my place.
Lucy: ok, thanks.
Tim drove me and Daisy to his place. We got there and he unlocked the door and opened it for me.
Tim: you sure you're ok?
Lucy: yeah, like I said just shaken up a bit.
Tim: alright, and Daisy
Lucy: she's asleep
I said gesturing my head to her sleeping on my soldier
Tim: alright, why don't you get her changed into her pajamas and let her go to the bathroom. Then, we can tuck her in and i'll make you some dinner.
Lucy: sounds great, but if i'm going to eat dinner, you better too
He said "we can tuck her in", mark never helped with her bedtime before
Tim: ok, fine. What do you want to eat so I can start making it?
Lucy: anything is fine, make it a surprise
Tim: do you like pasta?
Lucy: that's one of my favorites
Tim: great i'll be there to help soon.
Lucy: ok, yeah, thanks
I walked into Tim's bedroom and grabbed Daisy her pajamas. I took us into his bathroom and changed her into them. She woke up and went to the bathroom, then I brushed her teeth with her.
Lucy: she's ready to be tucked in
I said walking out of his bathroom with a very tired Daisy in my arms
Tim: ok, let me just turn down the heat... and done
he walked over to me and Daisy and we went into his bedroom. I laid Daisy down in the blow up bed and Tim pulled the covers over her. He tucked the blankets in the sides to make her feel extra secure.
Lucy: aww, looks like Tim has a soft spot
Tim: oh come on, that's just because me and Daisy are now best buds
Lucy: is that true Daisy?
Daisy: mhmm! me and tim are best friends!
she was tired but definitely had enough energy to defend Tim.
Tim: see, she knows it
he tickled Daisy's stomach and she giggled. He smiled and so did I.
Lucy: well it's time for bed little miss.
Daisy: ok mama, tim hug?
Tim: sure thing
he gave her a big hug and she hugged him back. She laid back down after kissing my forehead.
Daisy: mama, can Tim read story?
Lucy: why don't you ask him
Daisy: Tim can you read me story?
Tim: of course!
Daisy picked a story from her bag for Tim to read. He read it in a calm and soft voice and she started to get really tired again. Tim finished the book.
Daisy: night night Tim
Tim: goodnight Daisy, sweet dreams and God bless you
Daisy: goodnight mama
Lucy: goodnight my sweet angel, sweet dreams.
I kissed her forehead and me and Tim left his bedroom. He turned off the lamp that was on and I shut the door a bit so just the right amount of light entered for her. Tim went back to the kitchen and stirred the food I walked behind him.
Lucy: what did you decide to make?
Tim: one of my favorites, penne pasta with tomatoes and broccoli.
Lucy: it smells so good, how'd you make it?
Tim: I diced up some garlic and poured some oil into a pan. I tossed the garlic in there and once it was slightly browned, i put broccoli on one side and canned tomatoes on the other while the pasta water boiled. I then added the pasta to the pan once it was cooked and mixed it all together with a splash of pasta sauce.
Lucy: that sounds amazing
Tim: I was hoping you'd say that. What do you want to drink?
Lucy: anything is fine.
Tim: open my fridge, in the left door is all drinks. Pick any one you want.
Lucy: uh, ok
I opened the fridge like he said and found the drinks. I grabbed him a beer and me one too. I opened his beer and handed it to him. Mark always told me, never hand a man an unopened beer, you always open it.
Tim: oh thanks but i'm supposed to be helping you
Lucy: oh sorry
Tim: no reason to be.
He took a sip from his beer and placed it down. He asked how much I wanted and I didn't want a lot.

Lucy: just a small portion please, i'm not too hungry
Tim: you never are, that's why I knew not to make a whole box of pasta
Lucy: wow, Tim Bradford, super cop remembers my food portion size. You can't remeber what you ate yesterday but remeber that? Should I be concerned that you payed that much attention?
Tim: no, i'm just a great observer
Lucy: uh huh sure
Tim: wh- I am
Lucy: never said you weren't
He gave himself a small portion of food too
Lucy: you have to be more hungry than that!
Tim: nope
Lucy: ok...
He placed the plates at the kitchen island and we sat next to each other. I did my cross and said my grace when i was interrupted.
Tim: can we say it together
Lucy: of course! do you know a prayer?
Tim: um, i know one that my dad taught me.
Lucy: what is it
Tim: Bless us our Lord, and these thy gifts
Lucy: in which we are about to receive
Tim and Lucy: from thy bounty, through christ, our lord, Amen.
Lucy: didn't think you'd actually know one
Tim: wow, what's that supposed to mean?
Lucy: just didn't strike you as the religious type
Tim: uh huh
Lucy: what?
Tim: nothing, let's eat
he said smiling with a small laugh
We both drank and ate and laughed almost the whole time about work stories and weird memories we had.
Lucy: Hey tim?
Tim: yeah
Lucy: thank you so much. not just for dinner but for everything.
Tim: of course, don't feel the need to thank me for everything either. You are the most grateful person I know, and I know that.
Lucy: thanks, that means. a lot.
Tim: i don't know if i heard you correct but I think you just said thanks
Lucy: really, ok well at least I have manners
Tim: what! I do have manners
Lucy: uh huh, i'm sure you do
Tim: wow
Lucy: here, let me help you clean up
Tim: I got it, you're my guest
Lucy: please, it's the least I could do
Tim: why don't I clear the table and do the dishes while you...
Lucy: I what?
Tim: I'm trying to think
Lucy: I can take out the trash and wipe down the table and counters
Tim: i'll take out the trash, but if you actually want to, you can wipe down the table and counters
Lucy: ok!
Tim: here let me get these plates out of your way. Here's the paper towel and windex
he said handing them to me.
Lucy: tha-
Tim: don't say it
Lucy: sorry
Tim: hey, you don't need to thank me for any small thing or say sorry
Lucy: right, so- i'll start wiping down the table
Tim: ok let me get out of your way.
He cleared the table and washed all the dishes. He wiped down the stove while I wiped down the counter. Tim then went to take out the trash
Tim: i'll be right back just taking out the trash
Lucy: ok
He came back in a couple minutes later and replaced the bag.
Tim: thank you for all your help
Lucy: it's the least I could after everything you've done for me.. you've given me a place to stay, helping me care for my daughter, helping me mentally, getting me finally away from Mark and his abuse...
Tim: hey, I just want you to know, that you didn't deserve any of that. Many abusive people are able to manipulate people into thinking they deserve what they are doing to them. But they don't, you don't
Lucy: i know i'm not supposed to say it, but thank you
I have him a hug and we both sat down on his couch.
Tim: what do you want to watch?
Lucy: do you watch Top Chef
Tim: Do I watch Top Chef? of course I do
Lucy: really? I love that show!
Tim: I don't only watch football you know.
Lucy: sure you don't.
Tim: what?! I also watch True Crime and Top Chef!
Lucy: I love true crime shows!
Tim: see, I do watch other things
Lucy: ok fine I believe you
Tim: so, Top Chef or True Crime
Lucy: what about one of each!
Tim: a combination, sounds like a plan
he put in true crime first. We watched 10 minutes of the episode and Tim guessed the killer.
Tim: I'm calling it, it's the Nanny
Lucy: i see where you're going, she didn't have a tight alibi and the fact that she wasn't attacked in the house
Tim: and why would a Nanny have finger prints on garden hedges!?
Lucy: Oh my gosh! that's true!
We finished the episode and he was right.
Tim: I called it!
Lucy: you did, but I helped a little
Tim: definitely, Top Chef now?
Lucy: do you even have to ask?
He put it on and I got pretty tired at the last 10 minutes
Tim: Hey Luce?
Lucy: yeah?
Tim: why don't you go get into your pajamas, I will too after you. That way when the episode ends, you just brush your teeth and go to bed
Lucy: smart thinking
He paused the episode and we both changed. We sat back down on the couch next to each other and he unpaused. Once the episode was done, we said goodnight
Tim: goodnight Lucy
Lucy: goodnight Tim
I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before heading to his bedroom. I heard him get up and brush his teeth before turning off the light and going back to the couch. He set it up for his bed and I heard him say a prayer that night. I said my prayer after him and went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep even though I was so tired.
Tim's POV
i went to bed on the couch. I said a prayer and laid down. After about an hour, I still couldn't sleep when I heard Lucy get out of bed. I sat up.
Lucy's POV
I got out of bed and headed into the living room where Tim was awake.
Tim: can't sleep?
Lucy: yeah
Tim: have a seat
he said patting the couch next to him. I sat down and we just talked about work and stuff.
I started to get tired but still couldn't sleep.
Tim: why don't I turn on a background movie?
Lucy: ok, that sounds good
He lowered the volume of the TV and put on a movie. I started to fall asleep and didn't even realize I was on Tim's shoulder.
Tim's POV
Lucy fell asleep on my shoulder and I put a blanket on her. I lowered the TVs volume even more. I just watched the movie and let her sleep. About 45 minutes later she shot up crying and breathing heavily.
Tim: Hey, Hey it's ok. What's wrong?
Lucy: I-I don't k-know
Tim: come here
I have her a big hug and she cried into my chest. I just kept hugging her and rubbed her back to calm her down. After a while her breathing was finally normal but some tears still escaped her eyes.
Tim: shhh, you're ok, i'm right here if you need anything
After a few minutes i tried asking her what happens again.
Tim: Hey, what happened?
Lucy: j-just a nightmare
she said still crying into my chest and i continued to rub her back. After a while we both fell asleep, her head in my chest and my arms on her back. The next morning I woke up and decided to let Lucy sleep in. I showered and got dressed before going to get Daisy.
Tim: good morning Daisy, you ready for school?
Daisy: good morning Tim! yes!
Tim: ok, let's go get you breakfast
Daisy: yay!
I carried Daisy out of bed and cut up some grapes for her. I have those to her while I made some pancakes. I cut them up and gave them to her and started some coffee. I wasn't going to get Daisy dressed because I didn't want to over step. I then brushed her teeth and then brushed mine. I brushed her hair and put it into braided buns. I packed her a salami sandwich, cut up strawberries and grapes, and some fruit snacks I had for when my nephew came to visit. Lucy then woke up.
Tim: good morning
Lucy: good morning, did you do all this for Daisy?
she said looking around at the breakfast and her school bag all packed.
Tim: I figured you could use the extra sleep and just wanted to help out
Lucy: thank you
Tim: why don't you go get dressed and then come eat some breakfast, it's pancakes.
Lucy: ok, thanks
I poured her some coffee and set a spot at the island for her. She came out of the bathroom dressed in a nice but casual outfit
*Lucys Outfit*

Lucy: this looks and smells amazing
Tim: thanks, the only thing left to do is to get Daisy dressed, I didn't want to you know, over step
Lucy: no, I get it. Thanks
Tim: of course
We ate breakfast and talked about this trailer park mission we were planning about.
Lucy's POV
It was so nice of Tim to make breakfast and let me sleep in this morning. He even got Daisy ready including her lunch. I was done eating and cleared my plate, Tim was done too.
Tim: I got it, you go get Daisy dressed
Lucy: I will, once i'm done with dishes
Tim: Lucy I can't-
Lucy: haven't you ever heard the expression, cooks don't clean? Also, it's the least I can do. Why don't you pack up your work while I do this.
Tim: Lucy I appreciate it but one thing my dad always told me was-
Lucy: Tim, please just let me do this
Tim: fine, but if you need help just let me know
Lucy: it's a few dishes, I think I can handle that
Tim: if you say so
he said smiling as he walked into his room to pack up his work bag. I finished the dishes and walked into his room.

Tim: that was fast
Lucy: let's just say after being yelled at for being too slow I learned how to make sure they were perfectly clean in record time
Tim: definitely record time
he said smiling
Lucy: I'm going to pack my work bag then get Daisy dressed
Tim: here, let me get out of your way
Lucy: no it's fine, you're not in my way. All my stuff is over here
I said gesturing to the other side of his bed.
Lucy: and thanks, for letting crash your sleeping spot last night
Tim: no problem
we talked while packing up our duffle bags and then I grabbed Daisy's outfit. I walked to the bathroom with her and changed her and then brushed my teeth. I walked out and Tim saw her outfit.
*Daisy's outfit*

Tim: Daisy, you look beautiful
he said smiling
Daisy: thank you!
she said glowing with a giggle
Lucy: good job on her hair by the way, where'd you learn how to do that?
Tim: growing up my mom wasn't always there for us and with my dad being you know, my dad, I would do Genny's hair for her.
Lucy: well it looks great!
Tim: thanks, we better get going or we might be late
Lucy: right let me just put me and Daisy's bag in my car.
Tim: here, I got it
he said grabbing them from my arms.
Tim: and hey, her car seats in my truck so why don't I just drive you guys again today
Lucy: you sure?
Tim: yup
Lucy: ok, yeah, thanks
We walked out of his house and I buckled Daisy in the backseat of his truck. We drove to her preschool and both walked her in to drop her off. He then drove us to the station.
Tim's POV
Was it weird that I offered to drive them? or that neither of us were bothered with the fact that we slept next to each other two nights in a row? or the fact that even though Mark is arrested, she's still staying at my place? It's not that I mind it, it's the fact that I actually.. enjoy it. I mean, I get i'm her TO and all, but for some reason I can't shake the feeling. She brightens up my day and Daisy, she's so adorable. We pull into the parking lot and I grab our bags after opening Lucy's door for her.
Lucy: thanks
Tim: of course, come on we're gonna be late
Lucy's POV
We walked into the station and he handed me my bag. We went to the changing rooms and I changed into my uniform and put my hair in a bun. I walked out and saw Tim in roll call so I went to my seat and sat down. We were talked about patrol. We were dismissed and I headed to the already geared up shop in the parking lot.
Tim's POV
I ran into Angela at the station.
Tim: Hey. You seen Nolan?
Angela: Not yet. Hey, Lucy had a bit of a moment last night when we were out.
I turned my head in disbelief.
Angela: it's-it's not a big deal. She's fine.
Tim: What the hell is Harper doing?
Angela: Helping. Don't get all "Tim" on me. I just thought you should know.
Tim: Lucy's ok?
Angela: She will be.
Tim: alright. Thanks for letting me know.
we walked our separate ways and I saw Nolan.
Tim: Nolan, I got something
John: Me too. Who goes first?
Tim: I do. Listen, Medical Examiner called Heston Dayton wasn't a jumper.
John: pushed?
Tim: more like tossed. He was dead before he left the roof. Strangled. Weirdly, he also had acid burns on his forearms, less than a week old.
John: funny you should say that because I looked up the arrest records for Everest Jones. His burglary charge was for stealing drain cleaner, which contains sulfuric acid.
Tim: which is used to cook meth.
John: you think they were cooking it at the trailer park?
Tim: No. We'd have smelled it.
John: so what now? we bring the detectives up to speed?
Tim: Not yet. Let's go to Everest first.
we headed to the shop.
Lucy's POV
Lucy: I know what you're thinking, but i'm fine.
Nyla: you nearly broke that guys arm.
Lucy: I was just doing what they taught us in the academy. React quickly. Subdue the threat.
Nyla: he was picking a piece of thread off your shirt. And you got triggered.
Lucy: yeah well, what do you know about it?
I walked away from her and got in the shop. She followed me. My seatbelt kept getting stuck. Great.
Lucy: come on.
i said frustrated.
Nyla: when you're undercover, you can't let go for even a second. You have to maintain complete control over your responses, read between every glance. It is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting.
Lucy: okay, and what, you slipped up, and one of them figured out you were a cop? What?
Nyla: I always met my case officer at a bar. It was the one place that I could go where I could drop the character, and I could stop strategizing and just have a beer and be myself. So, one night, one beer turned into two, which turned into- Well, I lost count. And if it were any other scenario, I would've sobered up, I would've cut myself off, but... I wasn't with the crooks. I was with another cop. And I trusted him.
Lucy: I'm so sorry.
Nyla: Yeah, it was a long time ago, point is... I shut down. I didn't even tell my husband. I just- I kept telling myself that I would deal with it when I was ready.
Lucy: But, with every passing week, it just got worse.
Nyla: maybe I pushed you too hard last night. But, I know what it is like when you do not face things head on. Hey.
Lucy: Yeah?

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