Giving Out

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You lift your head to see he wasn't attacking. You were locked in the blue eyes of a Saiyan. You smiled and realized something about this strange new man.
He's not gonna hurt me...
You stood straight and smiled. You walked slowly up to him, you heard the family trembled behind you in fear for you. When you got close enough, Broly has longed let go of the ki blast and is now looking down at you.

You hugged him not having nothing else to say or do. It seems to have startled everyone once more. Broly stood there and again seem to start to clinch out of his Saiyan form. You felt his energy and you heard his heart slow from racing.
You could no longer open your eyes. You felt stiff and tired, you felt as if one sudden move and you're done for, you would be knocked out and asleep.
You thought about how safe you were probably. Now that you knew Broly was not an enemy anymore. You felt Broly power down and you let your head fall and your weak body as well. You felt huge arms wrap around you. You knew it was safe to rest and no longer fought it now.
You've been holding out all day, you couldn't take it anymore. You slowly let yourself go. You heard your sister voice, she was worried.
You heard your brother in law's voice he sounds worried. You heard more voices. You felt the arms that were holding you fall away.
Hm... what happened?
You heard Trunks voice, and you felt the warmth of blankets.
I'm too tired to be thinking about this...
you thought to realize you've been up trying to get sleep almost all day. You drifted into a healing state and letting your energy restore and body heal from being sore.
You recited the day and thought about how it all came to be.
Just my morning routine, then Vegeta, then my nephew and his friend, then this handsome man, then Vegeta again then...
It was funny a little, now that it's over with. You thought about Broly now, then fell into a deep sleep.

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