Lucy's POV
I woke up about an hour later and Tim and Daisy were still at my side.
Tim: Good morning
Lucy: morning
Daisy gave me a hug and I kissed Tim
Tim: people should be here to see you in about an hour or two
Lucy: do they have to? I just want to go home and act like everything is normal
Tim: Lucy, you were shot
Lucy: I know but I don't want to have everybody come into this small crowded room and be swarmed with get well cards
Tim: ok, if that's what you want. You'll be discharged in an hour and I can tell everyone not to come
he texted them not to come to the hospital because i was being discharged
Lucy: thank you.
the doctor came in for one last examine and i was good to go. I gave Tim a kiss and we all talked for that hour and finally I got to leave. The doctor made me get wheeled out but once I was by Tim's truck I could walk. I got in the truck and tim shut my door behind me.
Tim: how are you feeling?
Lucy: I'm good still
Tim: ok, tell me if that changes
Lucy: I will. You okay back there Daisy?
Daisy: I am mama!
Lucy: ok
Tim: do you want to go to your place or mine?
Lucy: can we go to yours?
Tim: sure, do you want me to grab anything?
Lucy: just some clean clothes
Tim: ok
he drove to the apartment and grabbed me some outfits for daisy and i. he got back in the truck and we drove to his house.
Tim: let me help you
Lucy: it's ok Tim, I can walk
we got inside his house with daisy and our stuff
Tim: I know but you just got out of the hospital
Lucy: you were back at work after one day when you were shot
Tim: mine wasn't as bad as yours, and you were shot twice
Lucy: you were 6 inches away from being paralyzed
Tim: but i wasn't, also, the bullet didn't do as much internal damage
Lucy: yeah, yeah
i let out a small laugh
Tim: even when hurt you're still stubborn
Lucy: same goes to you
we sat down on his couch and i laid my head on his chest. Daisy laid between us and we all relaxed. I fell asleep but woke up to a sharp pain in my side. I sat up and Tim immediately turned to me.
Tim: what's wrong?
Lucy: my side has this really sharp pain
Tim: the doctor said their pain relief medicine should be wearing off about now. Let's clean the wound and give you some ibuprofen
Lucy: ok
daisy stayed laying and Tim and I walked to the bathroom. He slowly peeled off the bandage and I winced in pain.
Tim: sorry
Lucy: its okay
he wiped it up and reapplied a clean dressing. He gave me two ibuprofen and i swallowed them. I gave him a kiss and we went back to sitting down.
Tim: you hungry?
Lucy: not really
Tim: you haven't ate real food in over a day
Lucy: i never noticed that
Tim: at least eat a little
Lucy: ok sure
Tim: oh and Grey asked if you're still up for therapy tomorrow
Lucy: yeah, i'll be there before shift. Have you been going like you said
Tim: i swear, i do almost every friday after shift
Lucy: that's good
Tim: thanks
he got up and started cooking some lunch. Daisy and I colored her farm animal coloring book.
Tim: lunch is ready
Lucy: come on daisy, let's wash up
i headed to the bathroom with Daisy and we washed our hands. I helped her into a seat and we all ate Lunch. I helped with clean up while Daisy was he's her hands and face. She came back by us
Tim: so Daisy, you excited for your birthday party tomorrow?
Daisy: I so excited to be 4!
Tim: you're getting to be a big girl
Daisy: I am a big girl!
Lucy: what do you want for your birthday?
Daisy: I want.... Show white!
Lucy: What else do you want baby?
Daisy: ummm i want to be with my family
Lucy: awww, sweet girl, you will be. But do you want any toys or something?
Daisy: Coloring stuff!
Lucy: Coloring stuff it is then!
Tim: and Snow White!
Daisy: Yay!
Tim: ok, why don't we all relax now
we all laid down on the couch and then went for a walk to the park. We played with Daisy and pushed her on swings and went down slides with her.
Lucy: Tim, i've been meaning to ask you something
Tim: yeah?
Lucy: I know we're just dating, but I really think what we have will last forever
Tim: and...
Lucy: I was wondering if you'd want to adopt Daisy? You've just been so much like the father she never had, you make us both feel loved and safe. I understand if you want to say no, o know it's a big step and we're only just dat-
Tim: I'd love to
Lucy: I understand It's okay
Tim: Lucy, I'd love to
Lucy: really?
Tim: of course
I gave him a kiss and Daisy ran over.
Daisy: Did he say yes?
Lucy: He did baby
Daisy: I have a daddy!
Tim: Yes you do Angel
He picked her up and sat her in his lap. We saw the sun start to go down.
Tim: We should head back, I'll make some dinner
Lucy: sounds good, and then we need to get some rest. We have to wake up early to get the papers signed
Tim: sounds good
we walked back to Tim's house and he started dinner. I helped him and Daisy wanted to help too. Tim held her on his hip and she got to sprinkle ins seasonings and help stir. I set the table and then we ate.
Lucy: This is really good guys, thank you Tim
Tim: well, I couldn't have done it without my sous chef, Daisy
Lucy: thank you Daisy
Daisy: you welcome!
We finished eating and I helped with dishes while Tim took out the trash and cleaned the stove. Daisy and I cleared the table while Tim swept. I gave Daisy a bath while and Tim sat in the bathroom talking to us. When I was done with Daisy's hair, we watched TV for around 25 minutes.
Lucy: alright sweet girl, time for bed
Daisy: ok, goodnight mama, goodnight Tim, my new daddy
We tucked her into Tim's spare room. Tim had set it up so some of the toys he blight daisy were in there along with a twin sized beds. The bed had sheets with little stars on them and a snow white comforter. She had a stuffed rabbit and teddy bear with her. He even got her a light pink rug and her own star light for his house.
Tim: goodnight my angel
Daisy: goodnight daddy
Lucy: goodnight sweet girl, sweet dreams
Daisy: goodnight Mama, can he tuck me in?
Lucy: sure
Daisy: no offense mama but he does it better
Lucy: I see how it is
Tim: as you should
he tucked her in and she kissed him on the forehead. He kissed her forehead and gave her a hug. I also gave her a hug and kissed her goodnight. We shut the door mostly behind us as we shut of the light and turned on her star light.
Lucy: her room really does look nice, thank you
Tim: of course, i just figured she deserved both be sleeping on a blow up bed anymore if you guys are coming over often
Lucy: it's great, I live it
Tim: i'm glad
Lucy: lets relax for a bit
Tim: after you
i sat on the couch and we watched one true crime episode.
Lucy: I should get in the shower
Tim: I'll get in after you, I need one too
Lucy: it'll be late by the
Tim: yeah i guess your right
Lucy: and i mean, it's a little of extra water waste
Tim: you're right, the bills will be expensive
Lucy: guess will just have to save some time then
Tim: hmm i guess we will
I gave him a kiss and we hopped in the shower. Afterwards, i did my hair and we laid in his bed.
Tim: goodnight beautiful
Lucy: goodnight Tim, love you
Tim: love you too
we kissed and I laid my head on his chest. We both fell asleep.
*The next morning*
Tim's POV:
I woke up and Lucy and Daisy were both sleeping. I got up and made some coffee and waffles with some fruit. I heard little footsteps come up behind me and I saw Daisy.
Tim: good morning angel
Daisy: good morning daddy
I love her so much, she's so sweet and the best kid I've ever met. I'll never get sick of her calling me that. She loves me enough to call me that and I'm so lucky to know her.
Tim: want some waffles?
Daisy: yes please
i made her a plate and cut them up for her. We ate together and I heard Lucy get up.
Tim: Morning sleeping beauty
Lucy: good morning you two
she kissed Daisy's head and kissed me
Tim: want some waffles and fruit?
Lucy: i'd love some
we ate breakfast and did the usual clean up before all getting dressed. We headed into his truck and drove to officialize the adoption. After 2 hours, we left as now one small but happy family.
Authors note: sorry for such a small part and not posting, I just don't really know what to write right now! Also sorry if there is a lot of typos, i'm really tired right now! i hope you enjoyed!