Today is the seventh day of being in 'Burnley.' Alec told me that his amount of time is called a 'week'! How interesting! A 'week' in Luncestiran is 'Wokze' , though the translation in a little rough. There has been no success with studying in the crystal, but I must keep trying- as much as I don't want to leave Alec, I really do need to get back home. I don't think I'm quite ready to accept the fact that I might never be able to return home, but I think it's starting to slowly dawn over me. I suppose it isn't too bad with Alec, I love spending time him! The other day he let me talk for hours and hours about magic- I think I was a little too enthusiastic, but the fact that Alec wanted to hear about my biggest interest just makes me want to just... just...explode into a million sparkles and melt into a puddle of.... puddle of something! Oh, I can't think of the words to describe this feeling! He makes me feel so different, so special- Ugh, I can't put it into words!
Today, Alec has no work! This means we can explore the town together again in the afternoon. The last time we did, it was to buy clothes and we had only really just met eachother. But now, we've spent more time around eachother! I found out that that Alec is taking a 'computer science course' at his school. 'Computers' are so incredibly interesting, it like this world's version of this magic! Apparently, 'phones' are also 'computers' too, which still confuses me a bit, but Alec is teaching me all about them! Oh and magic, in a way, does exist, but only in this world's fiction. Can you imagine that! Fiction! I've been reading some more of Alec's books- they're so interesting in how they depict magic. Everything in this world is so different! It's quite disorientating at times.
Oh, I wish I could be there at class with him. Sometimes when he's away, I really do miss him. I know I work and study at my best alone, but his presence is always comforting. I like sitting next to him and, well, just being close to him in general. He's always so warm, and his shoulders are surprisingly comfy. Sometimes I just want to lean on him and wrap him in my arms and just stay there for a while. I don't think I've ever felt this close to someone before. He lets me talk to him and doesn't get annoyed when I ask lots of questions, and he doesn't mind when I rock back and forth or flap my hands! I feel like I can finally express myself around someone, it feels so... freeing.
Alec doesn't know, but I've snuck out of his flat once. It was yesterday, I feel rather guilty. I don't need a key to open the door since I can use a simple lockpicking spell and I try to remember Alec's tips of trying not to stand out, but I feel like I'm betraying his trust. I have no money to buy anything, but looking around is all I need. I wouldn't say Burnley is as nice as Luncestira - it doesn't even come close- but this new world is so new and exciting, I can't help but be awestruck by it. Perhaps it's just my professional side taking over, but I do quite like to take notes in my diary, sketching the buildings and observing the behaviour of the people around me. I do get some bewildered looks from onlookers sometimes, but I simply just ignore them and carry on.
There's a certain place that I saw on my outing, a small coffee shop called 'The Little Barista'. I'm going to ask Alec if he can take me when he gets home! I wonder what mortal coffee tastes like- how different is it from the coffee at home? Oh, but I can see it all play out in my head: We'll be sitting together, on opposite sides of the table, drinking coffee and chatting. I can stare into his large, dark eyes, all while he explains all the wonders of this world to me. I want him to talk to me about computers and software, and I want to talk to him about magic and the production of charms- Or not even that, I just simply enjoy talking to him! We have small conversations over breakfast in the morning, Alec usually talking about what happened with him or his friends. He says that he doesn't know if he wants to introduce to me yet (I don't particularly know either, I find that talking to new people makes me feel quite panicked at times) since it's difficult to explain my unusual features, but he really wants me to meet them.
I do like to dream about him sometimes, I simply can't help myself! When I'm writing notes in my diary, I loose track of my work and end up thinking of Alec instead, how he appears behind my shoulder sometimes to watch me write, his face so close to mine that it makes me blush. I find myself staring at the ceiling at night, thinking about him with warm, red cheeks with a silly grin on my face. I know it's just a childish fantasy, but I wonder what it would be like if I told him how I feel. Would he feel the same? Would he say that he would rather stay friends? Or would he be disgusted at me, and force me to leave? What if he feels too guilty to let me leave because I have nowhere else to stay but he still feels disgusted by me and he ignores me and refuses to talk to me ever again and there's this horrible tension between us and I never find a way home and I'm stuck with him forever with him hating me!?
Well, let's not think about that right now- All I want to think about is Alec, Alec, Alec! All I want to think about is his adorable face and his gorgeous, gorgeous eyes and his curly black hair and his soft laugh and his hands that are much smaller than mine and how I just want to hold him in my arms and... Oh my, I just want to kiss him all over! Oh Spirits, I think I really have fallen in love!
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