Chapter 1: She's not a hero

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hello my name is Y/n and I'm a angel in hell we'll I wasn't always a angel I made bad choices in my human life and I tried to redo the sins of my past but anyway I was outside Imp headquarter and I walk in to see blitzo

Blitz: Y/n thank goodness I need your help

Y/n: my help with what?

Blitz: help with a client

Y/n: ok sure what room

Blitz: follow me

Y/n follows blitz's to a room

He sits in a chair and he sees a woman smoking

Y/n: uhh hello what's the mission or bounty you have on someone


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Y/n: "I under stand I would have done the same thing but listen you want us to kill a woman you failed to kill"

Woman: yes

Y/n: ok Mrs. Mayberry

Mayberry: call me Matilda

Y/n: ok Matilda follow me outside

She pushes you against your chair and says

May: make sure that bitch suffers

Y/n gives her a simple nod

Matilda then leaves the room and you sit up from your seat you hear a crash



Blitz's:"we will kill your client under 24 hours or else your bounty is free"

The car Matilda was in was in drove away

Y/n: what happened

Blitzs: "moxxie here made my tank with eels fall on the ground"

Y/n: "we'll let's complete this bounty she really wanted us to make her suffer"

Blitz: oh yea tits can be aggressive sometimes

Y/n: that's her name

Loona: nickname

Y/N: oh

Blitza: wait where is William

William: I'm here what's the matter

Blitz: we have a person to kill

William: we'll alright let's get going

Blitz: "loona do you have that book that's sends us to the mortal realm"

Loona: yea

Millie opens a portal and Y/n ,blitzs ,moxxie Millie and william walks through it and arrive at the house and blitz's goes to the window the aims the shot at the woman but moxxie moves the gun causing blitz's to miss his shot

Y/n: ooooh shoot

The family is alerted and they are not a normal family


Blitzs Y/n and moxxie hide in the bushes as the family shoots a wall the bush was on and they jump out looking for them moxxie jumps out but it grabbed by his tail Millie jumps in the lake and Blitzs run into the forest Blitzs hides behind a tree and Y/n hides in the bushes next to him but then stolas calls

Blitzs: stolas this is not a good time


Blitzs: "what did you just call"

The book blitze the book I was giving to do my job that i have allowed you to use

*shoutgun cocks*

To do yours

Blitzs ducks under the tree and a bullet hole appears right we're his head just was

Martha: "I can hear you darling"

Blitzs: shit

Anywho Iv'e been thinking you know I have been permitting you to access the mortal realm legally for sometime now but I do need it back to fulfill my duties I was thinking what if we worked out some kind of exchange favors for favors doesn't that sound intising

Blitzs: get to the point stolas I'm trying to concentrate and not trying to get FUCKED IN MY ASS


Y/n puts his finger on his mouth

Then let me keep it simple once a mouth on the full moon you will return the book to me followed by a night of passion sounds fair my little imp

Blitzs: fine what ever

Stolas: "Oh Blitzs I'm so excited I cannot wait to fu feel your slimy strap on c@ck inside of my a$$ or if you know someone else who can fulfill my needs

Blitz stares at Y/n, Y/n opens his hands and blitz hands the phone to him and Y/n

Y/n: hello...

Stolas: "hello Y/n is that you...

Y/n face palms

Stolas: "I can recognize that voice no matter the situation you were my boy toy after all "

Blitz: ???

Y/n: "i told you to stop bringing that up"

Stolas: "i rode you so hard you stop talking as much as you use to anyway your friend Blitze wants you to fulfill my night of passion "

Y/n glares at blitzs

Blitz: sorry

Stolas: "blitze will tell you when to cum and and so will i~"

Stolas: "do we have a deal"

Y/n: "Yes we have a deal"

Blitzs: "thank you *whispering*"

Solas:" oh thank goodness I can't wait for you and me to have sex again it's been sooooooo long-

Blitzs gets pinned to the tree with the butt of her shotgun and Y/n drops the phone and Y/n back into the forest

Martha: gotcha

*Stolas faint talking*

Martha: "devil huh come to drag me and my family to hell we'll NOT TODAY SATAN  GONNA SEND YALL BACK WHERE YA CAME FROM"

Y/n goes to save moxxie he jumps through the window and he summons golden Freddy to make the kid's hallucinations and he goes to cut moxies ties and they jump out of the room through the window

William: she still scares me

Y/n: karma

Moxxie: Millie Blitzs we need to go save them

Y/n: right there the docks 

William: let's go

Moxxie holds her gun up and shoots Martha right in the eye and her husband runs away Y/n unties Millie and Blitzs

Y/n: I didn't know you guys were fire proof  but let's not get side tracked MOXXIE

Moxxie: right

Moxxie runs through the forest and STOLAS IS STILL FUCKING TALKING but anyways Moxxie lets them live but the house blows up killing the farther and children they go through the portal and Moxxie has a distressed face in her celebration party


Millie: nice job saving me an Moxxie

Y/n: "oh no Moxxie killed her I mostly just tagged along and help free them all"

Blitzs: uh Y/n

Y/n widens his eyes

Blitzs: about stolas I'm gonna need you to tag along with me

Y/n: *sigh* thumbs up

Blitz: Thank you So much

Blitzs: we'll here's to another mission accomplished

Blitz: we'll I think Moxxie finally learned not to fuck up

Millie: "and killing people isn't that bad if they try and kill you first"

May: that's fucked up but I payed for it

Everyone starts laughing while Y/n and Moxxies faces seemed worried Moxxie about the family that just died and Y/n for the near future with stolas but that ends the chapter out hope you enjoyed Y/n Didn't use his powers in this one I wonder why maybe they didn't work no because he used his light power to blind the kids well doesn't matter just remember that's one


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