Prologue Episode

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We pan our view into Hell, more specifically onto the Ring of Pride.

We go through the Ring. We are shown the not-so-busy city that is Imp City and its inhabitants. It mostly consists of Imps, from tall to short to skinny and fat.

They all go on about their day as we move past different buildings.

Just outside of an alleyway, there seems to be a commotion between an escaping imp and an unknown figure.

The imp is getting farther and farther away before looking back, seeing the figure counting to decrease in the distance, and smiling, thinking it would get away.

The figure crouches into a running start position before vanishing out of sight.

The Imp seemed to be confused before suddenly bumping into something upfront which gets knocked down.

In their daze, they looked up to see the same figure. . . . . . . . . with a pistol just in front of them.

???: W-Wait! I-I can tell you what you want.

A: Really now? Just a little intimidation, you'll tell me what I want?

???: Y-Yes! Just let me live, and I'll tell you!

A thinks about it for a second before slightly lowering the gun.

A: Aight, I'll bite.

??? sighs before reaching into their coat and pulling out a semi-big folder.

A still, get the gun ready.

A: No funny business.

???: Y-Yeah I-I know that. H-Here, it's all there!

The Figure grabs the folder and opens it to skim through only to find all the details that he needs to be there.

He smiles before closing it and pointing his gun at the imp.

???: W-Wait! Y-You said you'll let me live!

A: Right. . . .I did say that. . .

Then, a street lamp meticulously illuminated the figure's back to showcase a bright yellow jacket with white lining and a popped collar in blue neon lighting inside. The Figure was wearing white baggy pants with an orange belt and somewhat worn-out shoes. The most noticeable feature was the white hair and shark face accompanied by a bandana with blue skulls and a pair of shades, with a shark tail swinging in the back. His eye seems to glow in a neon green mist.

A: It's just that. . . .I need to keep this between me.

???: Wha-----

Then a loud bang ran out as the imp's head exploded into a bloody mess, and the figure shook a bit of chunks of its shoes.

The figure twirled the gun before putting it away and started to walk away. The back of the jacket glowed, showcasing a very strange symbol.


In another ring in Hell, the Ring of Wrath, we can see a small western town, with bustling imp folk. Along the path where the terrain of volcanic rock and lava spewing out.

Past a bar, we can see a figure leaning on a gold plated motorcycle with a clan name etched in the front base plate.

The bike says "Aldecaldos" as the figure starts to get up and stretch. The light reveals them to be a Hellhound with a somewhat stocky build, scruffy beard, and long shaggy hair as they smack their lips. Their fur is of a dark brownish color, unnatural from other hellhounds. The clothing is different as they seem to be wearing a navy rally bolero jacket with the same inscription as the motorcycle. The leggings were made of a tight jean fabric and western high boots but adorning a pair of sunglasses.

Just then, a hand touches their back, and the hellhound turns around to reveal a short imp.

Joe: I see the wind managed to get you here, Santiago.

The hellhound relaxes.

Santiago: Yep, It seems calmer than other towns I've come across.

Joe: I'll say. With the way, you showed those imps not to mess around with you!

Santiago: Heh. . . .I guess. . . .

Joe: What's wrong, son?

Santiago: Nothing. . . . It's just that I have this nagging feeling that I should return to a city.

Joe: City? Well, the only city closest here is Imp City. If you're thinking of going there, you'd be better off in Pentagram City at best.

Santiago: Nah, To be honest, I got sick of one big city in my lifetime.

Joe: Alright then, but just in case. . .

Joe gets a pen and paper and scribbles on it.

Joe: Here, you should have this; with all the work you've done on the farm, it'll be the least I can do.

Santiago grabs it to see a phone number.

Santiago: What's this?

Joe: One of my daughters moved to Imp City, so I figured you could give her a call about your predicament.

Santiago: Oh, It was Millie, wasn't it?

Joe: On the dot.

Santiago: Alright, well, when I get there, I'll contact her. . . . .

Santiago gets on the bike but looks at Joe.

Santiago: Thanks Joe. . . . .For everything.

Joe salutes him with two fingers.

Santiago revs up the engine and takes off the Imp City.


Back in the Pride Ring, we pan our view to a big mansion within the city.

Inside there seems to be a big party happening in celebration for some kind of accomplishment.

Many of the guests where owl demands of different families.

As we view past we see one owl leaning on a railing suited in a blood red suit with a mix of black as his face had dark feathers with the tip of his head in red. His eyes were that of a sinister look and glanced around before noticing a small imp approaching him cautiously.

Imp Waiter: D-Drink, S-Sir?

The imp raises a plate with multiple glass filled with clear bubbling liquid and a dead rat inside.

The owl demon grabs a hold of one of the glasses before gently shooing away the imp who quickly retreats back.

As the owl demon sips on the liquid and nibbles the rat into bits, he can hear quite a commotion just a bit below where he sees a beautiful white owl in a pink dress talking and making fun of an owl named Stolas.

The owl demon began to make his way down the steps and as he got closer the two female owl talking to the white owl began to slowly stop talking which confused the white owl before looking at the red owl demon approaching.

???: My oh My. Quite a display you put there.

Stella: What? Back with my incompetent husband?

???: Husband you say? Hmm. . . . Quite unfair for him to snag such a beautiful bird like you~

The owl swiftly grabbed Stella's hand and moved her close to him.

Stella: Oh! And you think you can do any better?~

???: Oh, I believe I do.~

Stella: I guess we'll see, Mr. . . . .

Mr. Red: Just call me Mr. Red.

Stella: Cocky are we?

Mr. Red chuckles.

Mr. Red: Quite so, I believe.~

Stella: I guess we'll see then.~

Stella smithen with the way Mr. Red talked began to converse in deep detail of each other's lives as we pan out of the mansion and over all of Imp City as it fades to black.

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