For those in love with the incubi in episode 3!
(Again, they're in human forms for this)
You're just a schoolgirl who's known as the "bullies punching bag". Your bully, Alesandra hates you and will hate you 'til the end of time. They hate you because they view you as inferior. Now you're just grabbing your books until one of Alesandra's friends slaps a sticky note onto your back. You grab it and you look at it and it says:
Y/N: "What the hell?! This isn't funny Alesandra- AAAH!"
Then, you are kicked in the back by one of the bullies. You fall to the ground, holding the spot where you got kicked and you turn around and see Alesandra and her friends laughing and calling you virgin over and over again.
Alesandra: "You're just a loner, a nobody. No wonder why your father shot himself...worthless little shit."
She then kicks you in the head and you rush out the school doors, crying and you run to the back of the school and weep. You sit down and put your bury your face into your legs, crying hard and hard.
Y/N: "Why- why??? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?! I wish they can just go my luck is shit!"
Then, you hear some footsteps and you look up to see a man with a goatee, a younger man with white hair with an upside-down cross choker and a man in a red sleeveless hoodie. You blush slightly before looking away.
Man: "Hey, hey...what's wrong? Is...everything alright young lady?"
Y/N: "Just leave me alone! I've had enough..."
Man 3: "Ace, look."
He points to a bruise on your neck and a bruise on the other side of your head. The man, named Ace kneels in front of you and puts his hand on your shoulder.
Ace: "Tell us, young lady. Who did this to you?"
Y/N: "I don't want to talk about it."
Then there's a moment of silence, then you decide to give Ace the names.
Y/N: "Fine. It's a girl named Alesandra...she's a bitch! She calls me a-a virgin...all because I'm single and she isn't."
Man 2: "Jeez...Ace, what's the play then?"
Ace: "Josh, Kat. You and I, are going to pay Alesandra a "visit". Come on."
They get up and you look at them curiously and you follow them from behind quietly. You see them walk inside and you see the taller one, Ace walk towards Alesandra and her friends.
Ace: "Tell me, young girls. Do you know who's Alesandra?"
Alesandra: "I am, big boy~ Why? Do you wanna come over to my place and-
Alesandra: "AAH!"
Alesandra falls onto her knees after being slapped by Ace and she backs up against the lockers as her friends back away from the boys. You smile and you begin to grab out your phone and record everything.
Y/N: "Oooohhh, that'll be good! Sweet, sweet revenge!"
You see Ace crouch down in front of Alesandra, chuckling and he smiles before putting his hand on her shoulder.
Ace: "You know, there's a place for naughty, naughty girls like you. It's in HELL."
Suddenly, his eyes glow red and she screams in horror and then, the principle comes out of her office. Then, Ace's eyes stop glowing and return to normal quickly.
Principle: "What's going on here?! What is the meaning of it?"
Kat: "We're here to pick up a kid of ours, and this girl just fell after picking on a young girl."
The principle crosses her arms and scoffs at Alesandra and looks at her, disappointingly.
Principle: "Oh, Alesandra. When will you learn? Detention, after school. 2 hours."
The 3 men then get out of the school and one of them, which is Josh, sees you and walks over to you and winks.
Josh: "Come with us. We'll be sure to give you a 'good time', if you catch my drift."
Y/N: "What?! Oh well uh...that's quite the offer. But I need to get home to eat up my sloppy joe before it expires-
Josh: "Don't play dumb, sweet cheeks~ I saw you blushing back there. Too bad my friends didn't know. Come on, don't be shy cupcake~"
You blush and you get up and you smile and Josh puts an arm on your shoulder and you walk with him towards the other boys who are waiting outside the school entrance.
To be continued...
Sorry if this isn't good enough :(
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