8. Tomorrow

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It was the last day of our promotional activity. During this week, Jay has picked me up from my schedule and dropped me as well. He maintained his own schedule and mine as well. A part of me was fond of him, as he maturely handled all of my activities and never felt over bearing to me.

Today we officially started dating. This was announced in the weekly meeting. Even though it was a scandalous thing to date, looking at Jay's sincerity we were allowed to date in private. The following was also announced officially to the public before any news outlet made a huge issue about this. Obviously, there were mixed reactions, but we preferred looking at the positive ones instead.

Soon, we were congratulated by the other groups. Even Kai made sure to congratulate me. Before the TXT guys left for their tour, I saw Jinah, meeting up with Kai after her schedule, which made me understand another development that is taking place.

Days passed by and we started preparing for the comeback that is scheduled three months from now. Enhypen were having their comeback now, and I mentally prepared myself to distance myself from Jay to let him focus on his comeback.

But Jay made sure to meet outside my dorm after his activity got over, or if it was a tiresome day with a packed schedule he made sure to call me.

One thing I was glad about being with Jay was that he was understanding and loving. This was the first time I was dating someone, so I got overwhelmed sometimes. But he knew how to calm me.

Days passed on like this, and our relationship completed three months.

That day, we had our practice for the comeback and went to the company's building. The girls were entering the room. I was the last one to enter, when I bumped into someone.

"Watch your steps will you?", said the person I have been avoiding since long.

Yes, it was V-sunbaenim.

I bowed and apologized and was going to leave when he started speaking again.

"You always escape no matter what. What are you an escapist? And now you are dating someone?", he continued.

I looked at him and said, "Yes I have been dating someone and I don't feel the need to give you any clarification regarding the same. Also sunbaenim, I will be glad if you can stop commenting about me when you don't even know who I am."

V went silent only to open his mouth to say something, only to be stopped by Jimin who came from behind and said, "I apologize on his behalf! Taehyung-ah! You shouldn't be rude to someone".

V didn't say anything and went inside.

Jimin said, "I heard about your relationship. Congratulations for going official! But I guess you still didn't get the one who informed me about you".

I forgot about that thing. I looked at Jimin sunbaenim blankly.

Jimin said, "But I promised him to never mention him before you, you sure do have a lot of fans Aahi".

Jimin winked and left.

I stood there thinking about who that person can be, and the only person who occurred to mind was Jake.

But why would Jake even report it to Jimin?

The only conclusion I reached was dreadful but I pretended not to see. I remembered Jake's ears went all red when he was near me. And he was the only one who didn't congratulate us when we went official. I thought, it's better kept hidden, otherwise it will hurt Jay instead.

I went back to my room practicing for the comeback.

After the practice, I texted Yeonjun to tell him about the thing happening between me, Jay and Jake.

The conversation ended and I packed my bags to get back to our dorm. I was with the rest of the members when we reached the front gate.

"Noona!" said Jay.

He was running towards me. The first thing he did was hug me. I am still not comfortable with physical touch but I guess, I am getting adjusted because of this kid.

"What are you doing so late? It's almost 2 am right now", said I.

"My schedule got over a few minutes back, I was waiting for you to come downstairs,'' said Jay.

The girls understood, I am not coming back with them so they went and sat and the cars drove away.

"Noona! Tomorrow is my last comeback activity. Let's go for a weekend tour after that", said Jay.

"I have to check my schedule, my comeback is near", I said.

"Well, I can talk about this with your manager though", he said.

"Jay, you should stop disturbing my manager. Don't do that! I will do it myself", I said.

He was surprised and replied, "Noona! I don't disturb your manager. I just want to spend some time with you. Because you are important to me"

"But Jay you also have to understand that, I am a rookie artist and too much distraction will only bring doom for my girls", I said.

"You mean all these moments between us are mere distractions for you?"Jay said, his voice deeper than usual.

There was a long silence, which was broken by someone.

"AH! So it's true you both are dating!!!", shouted Beomgyu.

This brat never changes. I saw the rest of the TXT come down from their cars and we greeted each other.

Jay interrupted and said, "I have a schedule tomorrow so I will be taking my leave".

I did not say anything.

Jay said, "Noona are you coming with me? Or your manager will pick you up today?"

I smiled and said, "My manager will pick me up".

I kept on talking with the TXT members, and Jay boarded his car only to be interrupted by Yeonjun who said, "Jay! Take your girl home. We will be leaving now as well. If she waits for her manager, it might get late."

Jay came out and opened the car door for me.

I smiled and said, "Ah! I have already texted my manager. He said he is coming so you can leave."

Jay went back, closing the door and drove away.

The TXT members understood the awkwardness and went inside the company building.

To be very honest, I did not call my manager. It was past his working time and I wanted him to rest.

I am now waiting for a private cab that I can board. I felt a sense of pang in my heart. It's not like I have entirely fallen in love with Jay, but I was conscious enough to realize that I have hurt him with cruel words.

And maybe I will keep on hurting him like this. Nothing good comes out when something is related to me anyway.

"Ah! Here you are!", said Jay.

Didn't he just leave?

"Let's get you back to your dorm. I know your manager ain't coming here." he said

I was going to say something when he said, "We have our entire life to fight, keeping you here alone is unsafe".

I guess, love makes you do things that are usually unthinkable.

I can't let Jay be disappointed as well.

I said, "Jay, let's go for the weekend tour."

Jay smiled and said, "Thanks, I will make the arrangements" 

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