your going to go war

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During Monday night Raw Randy Orton was attacked by Seth Rollins and the authority so he would not be cleared for Fastlane and even Jake was stuck by his own father who pedigreed him costing him and Derek the tag titles once again in other news the Divas title was Vacated and for the first time ever responding to the give divas a chance movement the first ever Diva's Gauntlet match it will have Paige Nikki Bella Alicia fox Brie Bella meanwhile backstage Malickai was enraged at everything that was happening he even put Joey Mercury threw a all meanwhile the authority was putting Paige in a three on one handicaped match against team bella then out of nowhere flames shot out of the Stage Malickai came out with a very pissed off look on his face. Paige won via roll up then Malickai got into the ring and got a mic

Malickai I got a lot of things to say right now and there not very good first off I call you out Triple H get your arrogant ass out here

Then Stephine McMahon's music plays

Stephine Malickai you don't want to do this because the authority will

Malickai how well did that work out for you guys last time I mean Hunter Struck his own son costing him and Derek the tag team titles AGAIN.

Stephine he was doing what was best for business

Malickai you must be ethier Brain dead or stupid because who the hell wants the Miz and Mizdow as the tag team Champions

[the wwe universe laughed at that]

then the rest of the authority came out surrounding Malickai but then just as they entered the ring the lights went out and rest in peace played it was the Undertaker him and Malickai where back to back cleaning house it was choke slam city Malickai even choke slammed his father the director of operations Kane afterwards Malickai talked to his uncle backstage.

Malickai thanks

Undertaker your welcome

Malickai so I herd that your facing Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania

Undertaker yeah I am

Malickai be careful when faceing him he's crafty

Undertaker don't worry I got this.

Thursday smackdown before Fastlane

the purge opened up the show all of them in the ring even Sasha banks and Becky Lynch

Malickai ok this has gone on for long enough

Jake I am calling out my dad for a match at WrestleMania

Sasha it was unfair what they did to Paige on Monday

Becky if I didn't value my Job I would slap the head right off Stephine McMahon

Derek with the wall stacked against her Paige won with a little help from our boy Malickai

Becky this Sunday we predict that Paige will be the new Divas Champion.

then the authority come out to the ring

Malickai oh god what now

Stephine we herd what you said

Jake just shut the hell up

Stephine what did you just say

Jake you herd me bitch

[the crowd was in shock ]

Jake Brie Bella was right about you

Malickai let's make it official for WrestleMania Jake Hemsley vs Triple H no holds barred match

Sasha and another thing Stephine I challenge you to a fight at WrestleMania

Stephine I accept.


it was reviled on the kick off show that Malickai would defend the world heavyweight championship against Seth Rollins Jake attacked his dad during a segment with Nikki Bella who was complaining that she lost to Paige and then Stephine was blindsided by sasha banks both Jake and Sasha stood tall Malickai successfully defended his title against Seth Big Show Kane Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury tried getting involved but Malickai Suplexed Seth half way across the ring and won via the Last Ride the Payperview ended with Malickai and his friends battling the Authority Just as kane and J and j Security where going to hurt Ryback Voices played Randy Orton was back it was Rko city with Big show Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble getting one as well.

Monday night Raw

twenty four hours removed from Fastlane in three weeks the most highly antipated Payperview of the year WrestleMania Malickai went one on one with the New Day's big E that was pretty close actually until Malickai hit Big E with a Brutal Closeline from Hell and he connected with a Choke slam Joseph went one on one with John Cena and won via his sister Bayley's move the Bayley to Belly during a segment Summer Rae tried Flirting with Joseph but that ended with her getting put through a catering table and Joseph calming her down but the end of the show Jake signed the contract with the match against his dad

Jake at WrestleMania i'm going to break you in half and you pay for your sins dad.

who should Malickai defend his title against WrestleMania

there will be a Paige,Becky,Sasha banks and Natalya vs the four horsewomen of mma match

should I add a smut Part

your world ends my begins

he must win

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