Chapter 4: 𝒩𝑜𝓇𝒶 𝓌𝒽𝑜?

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𝑀𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈 𝒜𝓁𝓁𝒶𝓇𝒹

Lilith attacked me again. We went rolling over the dirt floor until Lilith, somehow, got on top of me. She took me by the shoulders and slammed me into the ground. "What the fuck!" I growled, trying to get her off of me. Damn she was strong.

"Are you a fucking Knight of Arc?" She snarled, slamming me into the ground again.

"How the fuck do you know that?" I snarled back, somehow managed to get my feet under Lilith and kick her off of me. She hopped back to her feet in no time.

"Did that bitch send you to wipe our memories again?" Wipe their memories? I don't even know the first thing about doing that spell.

"What bitch?" Lilith's eye turned sliver and I knew it was only a matter of time before she shifted. I got ready regardless if I needed their help. Randall snapped out of whatever daze he had been in and got in front of Lilith.

"Move, dick brain!"

"We can't kill her." Lilith shoved Randall back.

"Nora took our memories, Randall! She betrayed us!" Randall continued to stand in front of Lilith. Nora took their memories? She knew them? I guess she had to know them to send me to them.

"It doesn't me Mavis is the same." Lilith growled.

"Look, I didn't even know you guys existed until a few days ago." Randall and Lilith look at me. "I didn't know Nora took your memories or whatever. All I know is she's missing and she told me to find you all."

"Nora's missing?" Lilith asked, her guard still up. I nodded my head. The two Knights looked to one another.

"We have to at least bring her to Hamish. He can decide whether to help or not."

"Bad idea. He'll rip her head off."

"I would prefer it if my head stayed connected to my body." I pipped in, earning a glare from Lilith.

"He won't." Something in Randall's voice told me this Hamish guy might actually rip my head off.

"If this turns out like last time--" Lilith warned.

"It won't." He turned to me, looking for confirmation.

"Yep. Won't happen." Lilith rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Let's go before that creepy ass-demon kid comes back." She shifted, rushing into the woods. I walked over to Randall.


"He's not a demon anymore." Randall said it like it wasn't that big of a deal. He shifted and started after Lilith. Anymore? But I didn't question him as I shifted and followed after him. We ran through the woods and after a few minutes we came to a small clearing where an old, run-down house sat in the middle. It's boarded up windows made it look abandoned. I shifted with the others as we came to a stop by the porch. I watched as the two grabbed robes from behind one of the chairs. I thought of my sundress back at home. Randall handed me one of them and I thanked him.

"Okay. Game plan." Randall said, gaining Lilith's and my own attention. "We should probably leave Nora out for as long as we can."


"Um--why does Hamish hate Nora so much? Besides the wiping your memories part." Randall scratched the back of his head. Before any the two could answer, the door swung open and out walked a guy around my age. He looked me over skeptically.

"Uh--who's that?" Randall grabbed the guy by the arm, pulling him closer. Lilith shut the door behind him.

"Shh!" Randall placed a finger over the guy's lips. "Don't be so loud." Randall whispered.

"Is this Hamish?" I whispered.

"What? No. This is Jack." Jack gave a thin lipped smile. "Jack, this is Mavis. She's a Knight of Arc." I waved. Confusion filled Jack's eyes.

"Wait--The Knights of Arc like The Knights of Arc Hamish was freaking out about." This wasn't going to end well.

"Shh!" Lilith hissed, punching Jack in the arm. "Can you say it any louder?"

"Why does he hate Nora so much?" I asked again.

"They fucked." Lilith said, crossing her arms.

"No they didn't. They were saving it till marriage." Randall said earning a daggered glare from Lilith.

"Wait. Now I'm confused." Jack said. "Whoes Nora?" Lilith and Randall groaned, annoyed.

"Oh my god. Can't you just know?" Randall asked, serious yet joking all in one.

"She was around before you. Hamish and her had some weird hide bound and so we kidnapped her. Turns out she was a wolf, Knight, and Vera stones sister." Jack's face pulled up into shock. "Yada, yada, yada. We defeated a demon and the Silent Sisters. We lived happily ever after until Nora wiped our memories and took off. And the Silent Sisters are back." Lilith finished, crossing her arms.

"She was basically like pack mom." Randall added.

"Wait--I think I found her diary in one of the empty rooms upstairs." Jack went to go back inside but Lilith grabbed him.

"Wait." Lilith hissed.

"We need a game plan." Randall reminded us.

"Okay--we tell him Mavis is getting tracked by the Silent Sisters."

"And that Nora's missing." I insisted. Randall and Lilith shook their heads.
"If he knows your a Knight of Arc--"

"Nora's missing?" We all snapped around to find a tall, blond man standing in the doorway. He wore a deep frown on his face. Randall pulled his lips into a smile, wrapping an arm around Hamish's shoulders.

"Ham Sandwich! We were just--" Hamish pushed Randall away and stalked over to me. Oh god he was going to rip my head off!

"The Knights of Arc aren't welcome here." He said, eerie calm in his voice. I stood my ground, though I knew it wasn't the best idea.

"I think she's in trouble. She told me to come here." Hamish didn't seem ready to listen or give in.

"Whatevers happened to Nora happened because she did it to herself. She's a liar and a thief." Hamish shoved a leather bound book into my hands. I realized it was a diary. Nora's diary. "She never gets into too much detail about what she has going on with The Order, but I do know she stole something from them. Something they would kill her for."

"Hamish--" Randall started, but Hamish cut him off with a look. I hesitantly opened the diary and found Nora net handwriting littering the pages.

"She used me--us." He corrected quickly. I looked up to him and found pure hurt in his eyes. I knew I wasn't getting anything else from him.

"I-I--I didn't know." Hamish scoffed, turning to go back into the house. I needed their help. Quickly, I opened my phone and found the messenger Nora had left me. With a small pray for safety, I played the recording. Nora's voice sounded, stopping Hamish in his tracks.

"Mavis you need to take the dagger and run. If Chloe's not with you then leave her behind. She'll find you on her own. You need to go to Belgrave University and find The Knights of Saint Christopher. They will help you. Don't talk to anyone, don't hitch any rides. Just run--goddamn it!--Don't go on campus. It's too dangerous. Just find the Knights--" The shrill ringing sound and the messenger ended.

Hamish looked like he was shaking. In anger? Sadness? I didn't know. Randall looked as worried as I felt. Lilith looked like she was fighting her emotions. "Hamish--I-I don't think I can just listen to that and let this go." Randall said, running his hands through his hair. Hamish was quiet. "She was our friend."

"Was." Randall looked disbelieving. I needed their help. "We are already dealing with our own shit. We don't need Nora coming back and dragging us down again." Hamish turned then, hard set anger there. "I'm sorry but my answer is no." 

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