Chapter 16: "โ„๐“ƒ๐“‹๐‘’๐“ˆ๐“‰๐’พ๐‘”๐’ถ๐“‰๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘”"

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Hamish, Lilith, and Jack had all left the apartment after being summoned to the temple by my beloved sister, leaving me alone to be the 'guard dog' as Lilith put it. It took me a few seconds to get bored, so I resorted to snooping around Hamish's apartment.

I wouldn't call it snooping per say--it was more like...investigating. In the few months I had been with Hamish, he had never let on that he had his own place...or that he had money. Which is fine. He deserved to have his own secrets.

There were four bedrooms in total. I was staying in one of three guest bedrooms, which were neatly decorated and held nothing of real interest. There were two pristinely clear bathrooms, a laundry room, and of course the living room full of magical artifacts.

I hesitated at the door I knew led to Hamish's room. I really shouldn't be snooping...but I did so anyway. His room was very neat, which was to be expected. Hamish was a bit of a neat freak. I slowly walked into his room. It smelled like clean clothes and mint--it smelled like him.

I ran a hand over the gray bed sheets as I made my way towards his nightstand. A glass of half drank water sat there, as well as a lamp, and a framed picture. Picking up the picture, I found it was of Hamish and an older woman and man. The woman was short, a little plump, and wore a dazzling smile. She looked very kind. The man was the opposite. He was tall, thin, and looked like his frown had been there for years. Hamish looked like the younger version of this guy. I guessed these two were Hamish's parents.

Hamish never had never really talked about his parents, only that they traveled a lot and his father had very high expectations of him. But I gathered enough to know Hamish wasn't very fond of his father but loved his mom fiercely. As I placed the picture down, I thought about if I had ever talked about my parents with Hamish. I don't think I had. Maybe I should?

I turned to go peek into his closet when my foot hit something hard under his bed. I shouldn't...I should not look--but of course, my curiosity got the best of me, and I was kneeling on the ground seconds later, pulling a shoebox out from under his bed. Taking the lid off, I found it was full of photos and small trinkets. There were a few neon waistbands that looked like he had gotten at some nightclub, a class ring, a silver necklace with a cross charm, and a whole ton of photos.

A few of the photos were of Hamish, Randall, and Lilith. There were some of him and his parents, some of him in high school--which was hilarious to witness, and a few of a dog. I found a few of me and Hamish. I stared at these the longest. I wished I could go back in time and do things differently. God, I would have done so much differently. But, I had to live with it now. I placed our photos to the side and looked over the last few dozen.

They were of Hamish and a girl. A girl with short blonde hair, perfect skin, and bright green eyes. She looked happy...Hamish looked happy. It was when I found a picture of them sleeping on the couch at the den in each other arms, looking utterly peaceful, that I finally understood exactly who this was. This woman was Cassie.

It seemed like I went through their photos forever. But I couldn't stop myself. This was what Hamish had needed--what he still needed. To be happy, with a girl he loves. As I looked through these photos I understood I would never live up to Cassie and what she had meant to Hamish.

"You reek of jealousy and patheticness." And echoey women's voice said, making me snap up, ready to fight. It was Zecchia and she was eating a random jar of peanut butter. I growled, annoyed.

"What are you doing back here?" I snapped, putting away the photos and pushing them back under Hamish's bed.

"Oh, you know, this and that. Answering a few calls, stealing a few things, eating babies." I looked back up to her unamused. The demon chuckled, shoveling peanut butter into her mouth with her fingers. God, I wanted to barf.

"None of us called you. Don't you have better things to do?" I growled, getting back to my feet. Zecchia snapped her fingers and the peanut butter and her mess vanished. Her display of power sent a fearful shiver up my spine. I hated demons.

"Yes. But I can't go back until I finish what I was summoned to do." I was confused now.

"But we let you go. You did what we asked."

"Uh...about that. Your contact is null. Someone wishes for the things in your possession." I gave a tiny laugh, not believing what I was hearing.

"No--no you can't do that. We followed the right precautions." Zecchia hummed.

"Not exactly. That little blonde of yours was present for the summoning but wasn't present for the assigning. So, contract null and void." Fuck...fuck! God, I knew I shouldn't have let them mess around with demons! I growled, claws and teeth growing.

"I'm not gonna let you take that stuff." Zecchia grinned.

"Oo, a challenge." She pushed herself off the door frame she had been leaning on. "Weren't you that little wolf who broke Malech from his cage?" I huffed, taking a step towards the demon. She's only a Baron...I could take her--but I thought back to Melech and knew she could kill me with the blink of an eye.

"Of which he's back in, yes." The demon chuckled, holding something up. My heart stopped when I found she held the red stone Melech was caged in.

"It would be so easy to let him out. I'm sure he would have a field day killing you and your little friends." I roared, shifting. Zecchia let out a wicked laugh as I ran at her. But before I could even lay a finger on her, the demon had me by the throat and slammed me into the ground. I growled, going to get back up, but she kicked me hard in the face. My world went dark.


I shot awake, a growl in my throat. There was talking, someone's hands were on my shoulders, and my head was pounding. "Hey--hey you're okay." I blinked a few times, clearing my vision. It was Hamish, his gray-blue eyes narrowed in concern. I looked about the room to find we were in the den.

Lilith stood with her back to me, Randall and my girls stood a few feet away, and leaning against the bar was Zecchia. Red hot anger shot through me and I rushed to get up, only for my feet to get tangled in the blanket that had been thrown over me, making me fall to the floor with a loud and painful bang. Zecchia laughed. "Dumb mutt," I growled going to get up, but Hamish was there, holding me back.

"Ignore her."

"She lasted two seconds against me. A little rusty if you ask me." The demon stabbed a knife into a jar of cherries and popped one into her mouth. Before I could attempt to rip that bitches head off, Hamish pulled me back down.

"Ignore her." He said again, keeping hold of my hands. I shook my head.

"She took everything. I couldn't--"

"Old news. We know." Randall said with a huff. I looked towards him to find Mavis staring daggers my way. Was she still angry at me? I needed to talk to her--and Chole. "And we're all gonna die." I looked back to Hamish to find him grim-faced. Randall wasn't blowing that out of proportion. Zecchia let out a chilling laugh. 

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