Through the Fog and hell

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(Before anyone takes my head off I'll say this Y/N is gonna be given the ability to speak. In the Knight's lore he speaks "demanding to know his secrets" as well as torturing him so this implies the knight can talk)

Y/N: *Grunts* "Damn Guardia I'll free you my comrades you won't be trapped for much longer"

Vittorio: Stop here....we can't enter through here

Y/N: Why not?

Vittorio: This place is guarded it's a scared place after all.

Y/N: These Catacombs hold something very strange something valuable to your line of work and you're just gonna brush it off? JUST BECAUSE THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE?!


Y/N: "Damn and I can't really talk back either....bastard"

Vittorio: Let's go you'll find another way.

Y/N: Yes I will....Vittorio

Vittorio: Good

[Later that knight while Y/N was back at camp with a sleeping Vittorio he saw this as his chance to strike]

Y/N: He's asleep now is my chance

[Heading to the Catacombs Y/N follows his employers order and found a different way to enter]

Y/N: I die to experience what I saw all those years ago......

[As Y/N said that he pulled out his broadsword and cut through the villagers guarding the entrance to the catacombs. Slicing them in half the weight of his weapon felt like nothing in his hands. The villagers cries lasted only for so long.]

Y/N: At last it's finally in my hands the stone.....but if vittorio wanted this so bad it must have secret not even ancients could understand.......I WILL YIELD THIS INFORMATION OUT OF HIM EVEN IF IT KILLS HIM!

[Fueled by rage and power Y/N trudged back to the camp Vittorio was at and imprisoned him in his own dungeon giving him nothing but pain and suffering]

Y/N: You will tell me why you wanted this stone and all its secrets.

Vittorio: *Complete Silence*

Y/N: You're really willing to have your friends and family tortured by my hands just because you want to be a selfish coward?!

Vittorio: *Complete silence*

Y/N: You're just as bad as me......

Y/N: What is that noise?

[Y/N left the dungeon that Vittorio was held captive in and went outside to see the Villagers approaching his location quickly]

Y/N: Cowardly lords.....sending your armies to fight only one.....

???: Not just one

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N: Sander Rault (Carnifex)

Y/N: Alejandro Santiago (Jailer)

Y/N: And Durkos Malecek.....(Assassin)

Carnifex: We thank you for breaking us out of that wretched place *kneeling*

Assassin: *Kneeling*

Jailer: *Kneeling*

Carnifex: We are in your servitude for eternity.

Y/N: "This only spells certain doom for my enemies I'll get my armor bloody but I DON'T CARE" You want my employment? You want to prove yourselves?! Then help me.....HELP ME RID THESE PESTS!

Assassin: I enjoy the slaughter....

Y/N: I will return

[Y/N left the faithful three to return to the dungeon of which Vittorio resided in only to find his prisoner.....gone]

Y/N: Where......WHERE IS HE! DAMMIT! *Punches Gate* I can still hear the sounds of footsteps and weapons clashing. I will rise and slaughter them all....

[As Y/N returned to the surface to see the villagers draw closer he and his men chose to stand their ground and fight knowing nothing could stop their worldwind of terror]

Y/N: Draw your weapons and show me you're worthy of working for me.....*Draws broadsword*

Carnifex: *Draws battle axe*

Assassin: *Draws Dagger*

Jailer: hehehe *Takes out brand*

Guardia Compania: HAH!

[As the 4 rushed at the enemies tearing their flesh from their bodies Y/N swinging his broadsword, the jailer burning all in his way, the carnifex tanking all the hits coming his way and the assassin swiftly tearing down the forces. Y/N while doing this and killing many didn't notice a black dog swarming him and his 3 men until his surroundings were completely black.]

Y/N: What? What is this?! WHERE AM I?! Is this an attack?! Where are my men?!

[Y/Ns men were nowhere to be found in this new realm with him. So he wandered.....he wandered forever in this realm noticing faces on trees, Castles and mechanical objects on wheels]

Y/N: Where am I? Huh? *Hears people talking*

[Y/N Then saw 4 other people speaking with his former employer and captive Vittorio Y/N upon seeing him flew into a rage and immediately ran at the 5 victims]


Vittorio: I did nothing.....

Yui: You know this thing?!

Vittorio: Unfortunately yes I do he did some very heinous things back when I was his employer.

Y/N: DAMN YOU! *Cuts Yui in half*

Zarina: YUI! Ack!

[Y/N tore through Zarina's skull and watched her body drop to the ground while doing this he didn't notice that Vittorio was already making his escape. Continuing his slaughter he brought down his bloody broadsword onto Yun-Jin's head then splitting Jake in half completely. Only then did he follow Vittorio who opened the castle gates to escape the massacre]

Y/N: Don't run from me! FACE YOUR FEARS!

[After Y/N followed Vittorio through the gates Y/N would enter multiple different realms after spending an unknown time in the fog]

Y/N: How long have I been doing this? An eternity? Is this my punishment for the slaughter of the villagers I've been wandering this place for possibly a millennia. I haven't been able to clean my armor either but I've made progress on this new armor.

(Y/Ns blood soaked armor)

Y/N: I'm sure Alejandro will be finished soon

Alejandro: Sooner than later my lord

Y/N: Has your efforts prevailed me a new menacing appearance Alejandro?

Alejandro: It has come with me.

[Y/N walked with his Armorer and he showed him his new armor and sword]

Y/N: I like the armor it does have a Deadly look to it

Alejandro: You should wear it now and strike fear into the weak. Your Ire proves to be enough for them to show themselves.

Y/N: You're right

[As Alejandro left the armory Y/N put on his new armor which wore him down more than his old armor but proved to be more resilient when it comes to damage]

Y/N: old armor couldn't even handle a swing from my old sword.

[5 hours later the entity wanted Y/N to deliver it sacrifices Y/N however failed as was punished as a result of this]

Y/N: Tch!

The entity: *Stabs Y/N*


The entity: *Stabs Y/N again*

(Y/N is in his bloody armor btw)


The entity: *Twists*


[The entity using its legs stabs Y/N for a final time killing him and forcing him to leave the realm]

Felix at the Campfire: Dude did you see what the fuck happened to him?

Vittorio: I did but I fear that may not be the last I see of him....

Y/N: IM GONNA KILL YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *Hits ground HARD* D-damn it.....I knew this armor was getting rusty but I thought it could sustain even that. That damn creature I was loyal to for possibly a MILLENIA! Just threw me away like trash. Where am I?

[As Y/N asks that question he realizes he doesn't have his broadsword anymore only to look up and find his answer through its guard]

Y/N: Ack! U-uh *Dizzy* Well it could be worse.....*Passes out*

???: Oh My you poor thing. Come sweetie *Picks up Y/N* I'll Take care of you.

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