The show must go on (twisted)

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[The episode begins with Y/N alerting everybody about the coming extermination and advises everyone to secure the hotel.]

Y/N: So I suggest that you all do anything in your power to secure this place. I've seen those things break into homes in order to kill. They don't know that this hotel contains some of the most well known and powerful people in hell.

Sir pentious: You're right! We mussssst defend ourselvessssss from the incoming attack!

Vaggie: Alright then let's get this place settled down.

[Hours pass as the hazbin crew board up the windows and block the doors.]

[We cut to Vox's surveillance room, as overlapping videos from various cameras stationed around the Hazbin Hotel play on the screens stationed around him. Vox himself is sitting in his office chair, watching them all while drinking from his mug]

Vox: No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh, my god. Hahahaha! Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. *watches a screen with Alastor on it, which glitches slightly* Oh, Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED! Ahahahaha!

[Vox laughs maniacally as the camera pans away from his chair and screens. We cut back to the Hazbin crew.]

Sir Pentious: Come along, let's put some effort into these fortifications.

Angel: Yeah, fortify that...

Y/N: Honestly I'm shocked that none of you decided to shelter elsewhere. This is what friendship does i see.

Sir Pentious: What? Do you think we're a bunch of pusssssies?

Husk: I just got used to you guys. (Scoffs) I ain't finding no new drinking buddies.

Niffty: I've named all the stains on the carpet. [giggles] That one's Fred.

Charlie: Well Y/N that's what happens when you have friends who stick by your side.

Y/N: Hmm.....Interesting.

Vaggie: Y'know Y/N.

Y/N: Hmm?

Vaggie: I'm glad to see how far you've come in terms of getting better. Just months ago you were an insane psychopath that couldn't get killing out your head. Now you're someone who we can......possibly rely on to be a good example. You still gotta work on your anger issues when it comes to people being bitches.

Y/N: Well I did say I believed in Charlie's dream so it only makes sense that I would also participate in it. And besides along with you all [KeeKee jumps on Y/N head and Kitty goes next to his legs.] I've made some nice friends. Although one of them is mechanical and another one can't even speak but progress is still progress.

Charlie: I've been meaning to ask this. How did you get Kitty here?

Y/N: Some secrets are best left unknown.

Charlie: Point taken.

[Charlie looks over at everybody else laughing and having fun together, all of them knowing it could be their last day together.]

Charlie: In reality though it's pretty sad knowing that I could be the only one alive at the end.....

Y/N: What do you mean?

[Charlie begins to tear up at the thought of losing her friends. Vaggie in her place explains to Y/N her dilemma.]

Vaggie: *Comforting Charlie* So this was long ago. But Lucifer made a deal with higher ups of heaven that essentially gave the hellborn a pass from the extermination. We still don't know the consequences if that deal is broken but it still doesn't make her feel any better when she has to hear it.

Y/N: So the hellborn are protected from the exorcists? But how would they be able to determine who is and isn't hellborn? I refuse to believe that deal hasn't already been broken if this has been going on for thousands of years.

Charlie: *Teary eyed* If probably has for all we know. But I already know my dad doesn't care to determine if the wrong people got caught.

Y/N: "If he only reacts to someone important who is also hellborn being attacked by the exorcists........" Charlie are you okay? I'm sorry for making it personal.

Charlie: It's not your fault Y/N honestly anybody would be suspicious if they heard that.

Y/N: Time is of the essence. I think we all should just rest our eyes and bodies for now and prepare for tomorrow.

Vaggie: Remember Y/N tomorrow isn't just another day. Outside is going to become unforgivable and dangerous.

Y/N: Vaggie this is hell......

Vaggie: Well even more unforgivable and dangerous. Nobody is allowed out and nobody is allowed in. Understand?

Y/N: I understand Vaggie don't worry. Nobody in, nobody.........Out.

Charlie: Heh. You all are really the best bunch of friends I could ask for.

[Alastor and Niffty watch the rest of the group drinking from the mezzanine]

Alastor: Ah, the celebratory night before a groups last moments. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?

Niffty: I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!

Alastor: Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed.

[Niffty hops on top of Alastor's head and places a crown made of roaches and sticks on his head]

Niffty: I dub thee, King Roach.

Alastor: Oh, to understand your twisted little mind!

[Alastor and Niffty begin laughing maniacally together, signalling that they possibly do understand each other's twisted little minds. Meanwhile, Angel is sitting by the parlor as Husk pours him a drink]

Husk: Last day of afterlife, and you're not off snorting a line off some hunk's abs?

Angel Dust: Eh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all.

Husk: I guess you have changed.

Angel Dust: Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted... so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to living!

Y/N: Well maybe it's Charlie's empathic side speaking or my newly reformed self but........I also couldn't ask for any better friends on my journey.

Vaggie: Means a lot coming from someone like you Y/N.

Y/N: I'm glad it meant that much to you.

Vaggie: Now we just need to teach you how to love properly.

Y/N: I think I have a general consensus.

Charlie: Well no matter the situation I'm glad I got to spend my time you. *Hugs Vaggie and Y/N*

Y/N: Maybe I should've been the one to initiate the hug?

Charlie: Probably.......

[The scene cuts to Charlie, standing outside Angel's bedroom door. A few photos of Angel and the rest of the group are stuck to his door. Charlie, looks at them, smiling, before remembering that she might never see them again after tomorrow the dreadful feeling overwhelms her, and she begins to break down and cry]

Vaggie: Charlie?

[Charlie turns to see Vaggie standing in the corridor, watching her. Charlie turns away from her]

Charlie: I'm sorry...I'm...I'm just so scared. What if we get caught?

Vaggie: ♪ You've, already done so much ♪

[Vaggie begins to walk towards Charlie]

♪ So many lives you've changed ♪

♪ So many souls you've touched ♪

♪ And in the end, if it's only me you've saved ♪

Charlie and Vaggie: ♪ There's something that I've been dying to say ♪

♪ More than anything ♪

♪ More than anything ♪

♪ Need you to know I love you more than anything ♪

♪ More than anything ♪

[Charlie and Vaggie hold each other close and kiss as the camera slowly pans away from the two of them and cuts to Y/N.]

Y/N: Hmmpf. If I let them die I'd never forgive myself. It's an enigma honestly that I was once a cold-blooded killer and now I've been shown a new way. A new way to enjoy myself. To enjoy others company.

[Y/Ns voice awakens both Charlie and Vaggie and they begin to follow the sound. Vaggie peeks into the room Y/N was in and her eyes widen.]

Vaggie: *Motion to Charlie* "Be quiet"

Charlie: *nods*

Y/N: I was tasked with making short work of the exorcists. Usually against an entire army I would be at a disadvantage but I've done it once and I can do it again.

[Charlie covers her mouth in shock and Vaggie's eyes stayed locked on Y/N trying to determine his next move. They see Y/N begin to put on his new armor he got from Alejandro who also enlisted the help of Alastor and Carmilla in its creation.]

Y/N: This will strike fear into their hearts. *puts on armor*

[Vaggie and Charlie's eyes widen at how menacing the armor made Y/N look they knew he hasn't playing around. Vaggie wanted to back off and confront Y/N in the morning but Charlie approached him with tears in her eyes hugging and pleading for him to not go.]

Charlie: *Crying* Please Y/N you can't go! Please please please we can't lose you! I don't wanna see any of you out there it'll be to dangerous!

Y/N: .......Usually I would protest against this but for you Charlie and Vaggie I won't go.

Vaggie: Thank you for being reasonable.

Y/N: But.....If I catch even the slightest hint of them trying to attack the hotel I will not hesitate to tear through their ENTIRE BLOODLINE.

Vaggie: You know what that's fine Y/N.

In Heaven, the Exorcists are all lined up outside Heaven's gates as Adam gives them all a pep talk]

Adam: Extermination Day is here, bitches. We're going to go down and exterminate demon ass!

Lute: Destroy that ass!

Adam: Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel, and you all remember Vaggie?

[The Exorcists all boo Vaggie]

Exorcists: Boo! We hate her!

Lute: Rip Vaggie's c*** mouth out her ass!

Adam: Would you just-ju-chill, Lute. Fuck. Anyway, whoever brings me Vaggie's head gets...uh, I dunno, a million Heaven bucks. How about that, huh?

[The Exorcists all cheer]

Adam: Haha, yeah! Ladies, let's fuck shit up!

[accompanied by a guitar sting] ♪ ATTACK! ♪


[Y/N was outside the hotel in his armor without the helmet just coming back from going out with KeeKee.]

Y/N: Ok KeeKee *opens door* After you.

[KeeKee enters the hotel and Y/N was about to follow suit when suddenly a portal opens behind Y/N.]

Y/N: Huh? What is that?

[Suddenly exorcists begin pouring out through the portal. Y/N quickly shuts the door and pulls out his sword getting ready to fight to defend his friends.]

Y/N: Didn't I say something about attacking the hotel?!

[Valentino, Velvette and Vox are all sitting in front of a TV in V Tower, which is showing real-time camera footage from the hotel. Valentino and Velvette look bored, with Velvette on her phone, but Vox has a box of popcorn and is excited to watch them all die]

Vox: Oh, oh. Oh, this is going to be good! Wait is that the medieval fucker?!

[Velvette and Valentino both perk up for entirely separate reasons. Velvette perked up in fear upon hearing that her boyfriend is out and about during the extermination. While Valentino perked up in excitement upon hearing that the person who beat him so badly was going to die.]



[Y/N sees an exorcist come straight for him and he roundhouse kicks it away. More start to fly towards him and he bounces off the hotel doors and lands with a roll to move past them.]

Y/N: Let it be that I have to die today I'll die knowing the people that are in there are still alive. *Pulls out sword*

[Adam and Lute fly through the portal to the other side and see Y/N fighting through the exorcists.]

Adam: Really? We flew down here for this shit?

Lute: The rest of them might be inside the hotel.

Adam: Oh really? Who would've fucking thought?! Not me right?!


[Y/N bounces off an exorcist and while in the air takes down another and plants their face into the ground. Another exorcist tries to put him into a headlock but he breaks the exorcist's arm and throws her over his shoulder. 3 more try to aim for his exposed face but he quickly uses his sword to knock back all 3 of them.]

Y/N: What is this *Wipes blood*

[Y/N wipes the golden blood of the exorcists off of him and throws an exorcist directly at Adam.]

Adam: Woah man not cool. But I'm digging the fucking metal brother!

Y/N: Huh? *Looks at armor* Oh yes I forgot I had this on. It does look pretty menacing.

Adam: It's unfortunate you're a demon otherwise I would've brought you onto the team.

Lute: Wait a minute.....

[Lute notices that Y/N has the same demeanor and style as the armored terror she saw before.]

Lute: Wait are you......

Y/N: What?

Lute: *Takes off mask*

Y/N: What am I supposed to be looking at?

[Y/N squints his eyes and notices a mark on her jaw. It finally kicks in on who she is.]

Y/N: Oh I remember you. You're that same exorcist who I fought on my very first day in hell haha what a time. Who would've that we would meet again?

Lute: I've been wanting this for a long time now. *Puts mask back on* We'll kill you and your little Friends.

Y/N: I'd like to see you try and do anything without dying in the process.

Adam: Are you threatening us?! HAH you can't take us down. You and what army loser?

Y/N: *puts on helmet* The one man army......

[A group of exorcists all fly towards Y/N with their spears ready in hand. Y/N swiftly moves past all of them and grabs one by the neck with elbow and drives his sword through her back the exorcist drops dead her golden blood pouring from the body. Y/N and all the other exorcists look on shock. Y/N inspects his sword in shock.]


Vaggie: *Angry* Y/N WHAT IS HAPPENING-*Eye widens*

[Vaggie's eye widens in shock upon seeing the spectacle outside the hotel.]

Vaggie: What the fuck?


[Vaggie quickly goes back inside and shuts the door. Charlie frantically asks what's wrong.]

Vaggie: The exorcist army is right outside the hotel and Y/N is out there by himself!

Everyone: WHAT?!

[KeeKee and Kitty heard this and immediately had perked up upon hearing Y/N was out there alone against the exorcists.]

Charlie: Wait wait wait Y/N is fighting the exorcists alone out there?! We need to help him!

Vaggie: I want to as well but we're practically defenseless against them!

Charlie: *Growls* Not for long......


Y/N: I'm not sure.....the last time I checked non-angelic weapons couldn't kill angels unless.....

Clara: *Through armor* Yup. That weapon can angels.

Y/N: What the?

Clara: It's me Clara. That weapon you're holding can kill angels. Me Sis and your armorer buddy worked on it all together for you just for this special occasion. Also the armor I worked on with him as well. I suggested the red portions to give it that scary look.

Y/N: So essentially I can wipe them clean?

Clara: Precisely.

Y/N: ........


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[Y/N began tearing through the exorcists although it wasn't easy at first given the countless amount of them he adjusted to their numbers and demonstrated his ability as a knight.]

Adam: I never expected you bitches to be losing TO A FUCKING DEMON BUT SURE GO AHEAD!

Lute: Sir let me handle him.

Adam: Do whatever the fuck you want just get rid of his ass.

[Lute flies down to Y/N and swings her sword at him. He dodges her multiple strikes as Carmilla's cat like reflexes begin to kick in. Y/N swiftly dodges her strikes like it's nothing. He notices that lute gets more aggressive and restless with each missed strike. He takes the hint that him dodging all her attacks is hurting her pride and ego. He furthers this mental beating by just toying with her. He dances around, he taunts her, he swings his sword pressuring her to come closer.]

Y/N: Cmon Lute! I'm over here come and get me! Try and hit me and I might let you actually kill me!

Lute: *Fuming*

Y/N: Yea come on you can do this!

[Lute and Y/Ns swords clash releasing a powerful ring throughout the area that forces everyone even the hotel residents to cover their ears. The two fighters go head to head Y/N decided to have some fun while fighting lute knowing he could end the fight in less than a heartbeat. Lute tries to swing at his head, Y/N dodges but she anticipates this and grabs the hilt of his sword and tries to throw him, but Y/Ns physique doesn't allow her to do so. She sends the hilt of her sword into his helmet and Y/N pretends like it did something and begins to stumble backwards covering his face. Adam flies down at full speed with his guitar ready to come crashing down onto Y/N but he pulls some nutty shit in order to counter it. He plants his hand into the ground and puts his legs upwards into Adam's stomach launching him high into the air.]

Y/N: Don't try it you scum.

[Valentino began frothing at the mouth upon seeing the behemoth Y/N do a move that requires a high amount of dexterity.]


Velvette: That's my man.

Y/N: This is between me and her.

Lute: ADAM!

Y/N: *Realizes* Wait a minute. HUH?! That's the first man?! To have descended from someone like him in an embarrassment. I'd off myself if I wasn't lovers with Charlie.

Velvette: WHAT?!

[Y/N is absolutely gobsmacked that he is a descendant of someone like him.]

Y/N: Wow I didn't expect the first man to be this much an

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