Shadows arent your friend

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For the sake of time I'm gonna Be skipping episodes that I don't deem necessary I.E the circus and apology tour. Just know that I'll label what chapter goes over them. So just know that this takes place over the circus and seeing stars and Y/N has gotten closer to Beelzebub.

Y/N: What was I hearing last night? Get up Y/N don't make me kill the rest of them........your future is limited.......

[Y/N repeated these words to himself in his head over and over again trying to get an answer.]

Y/N: Whatever told me this obviously has some malevolent intent with my lovers and friends. But I can't stay like this because they need me I can't let myself be influenced by petty and empty threats. I should go visit Carmilla to she if she's done with my armor.

[Y/N exits the hotel looking back one more time to see if everyone is fine before leaving the hotel. He travels down to Carmilla's place but on the way he notices the many different sinners going insane and killing themselves.]

Y/N: What is happening? First I had Vittorio telling me about this "Druanee" thing. Then I had that weird dream about something telling me to get up. And now this? What the hell is going on?

[Y/N makes it to Carmilla's place without any trouble and is greeted at the door by Vittorio.]

Y/N: Vittorio hello I thought Carmilla would be the one greet me here but you're not someone I'll turn away.

Vittorio: Not anymore at least given our history. Albeit really bad history.

Y/N: Horrendous even if you will.

Vittorio: Tragic at best *laughs*

Y/N: *Laughs* Not good times but definitely times to remember.

Vittorio: Not for the better though

Vittorio: Regarding I assume you're here for something?

Y/N: You know what that something is.

Vittorio: Yes i do. Here you go *gives armor*

[The armor green and red colors and had three gold rings on the back resembling some sort of sorcerer who forgot Christmas happened centuries ago.]

Y/N: This looks superb. But feels terrible, I don't like having my leg completely exposed.

[Y/N then felt a gush of energy flow his body.]

Y/N: What did I just feel?

Vittorio: I chose to enchant all the ones I made for you.

Y/N: All?

Vittorio: Correct. I assumed that you wouldn't like this one for the reason you said. It's understandable which is why I made more for you.

[The next one was all white and had a golden crest like figure in the middle and this time it covered his whole body. It also had wings which depicted him as an angel.]

Y/N: Haha now this is more like it.

Vittorio: I'm glad you like it. Also guess what.

Y/N: What?

Vittorio: Those wings are real.

Y/N: ?!!?

[Y/N tries to fly using the wings and soars through the air. He lands back in front of Vittorio to thank him before he feels a wave of life energy course through veins.]

Y/N: Another "enchantment" I assume?

Vittorio: You'd assume right. But here is the last one I made.

[The last armor Vittorio created was a blue metal coat that stretched down to Y/Ns legs. (remember he's 8 foot btw) It had a belt around the waist portion and had silver like colors on the shoulders.]

Y/N: Now this is what I like.

[Y/N felt another enchantment but this time it hurt like all hell. It hurt so bad to the point Y/N actually felt it and was almost brought to his knees. After a while he felt better but when he got up his entire body felt like pure metal nothing could rip through it. (More than anything already couldn't.)]


Vittorio: *Smiles* What ever happened to the Y/N that was actually nice and showed actual emotion?


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Vittorio: *Sighs*

Y/N: *Walking away* "I wonder what the lord of the flies is doing."

[Y/N left with the blue metal coat and the Celestial armor. We cut to the gluttony ring and a flying bright looking figure.]

Beelzebub: *Laughing while flying* Man that Y/N sure is a fun guy. *Looks over* What the hell?

[Beelzebub looks over and sees a shadow corrupting a dark place. The shadow manifests into something mortifying not something ANYBODY wanted to witness. It was a horrifying amalgamation that couldn't even be described.]

Beelzebub: What the fuck is that thing??!!

[The amalgamation heard her scream and turned its flesh like head towards her. It began moving (somehow, I still don't even know how the dredge moves in dbd.) towards her. Bee tried to fly away but it was to fast and caught her soon after. It bashed her on the head to keep her down and it dug its tendrils into her body which caused her to scream loudly. After a while from its shadowy non existent torso emerged a new Beelzebub who had all her feature but black. Afterwards the amalgamation curled into its own shadow torso and disappeared leaving the regular and corrupted bee.]

Beelzebub: *Breathing heavily* you're not me......

Corrupt Beelzebub: I am you though. I'm just better......

[Bee gripped the ground and then passed out, her body being taken away from the area that she was left in.]

Corrupt Beelzebub: It will hurt but for now.....enjoy your time still active.

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