Radio killed the video star

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We open with an exterior shot of the Hazbin Hotel before cutting to inside with Charlie pacing back and forth in panic mode. KeeKee on top of Y/Ns head again]

Charlie: Okay. So, the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year! No big deal, just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle. Just angels cutting our timetable in half, but who needs a whole year to save souls, am I right?! [Starts to panic.] And next time when they cut the time in half again, and again, we'll just handle it, right?!

[Vaggie grabs Charlie, calming her down.]

Vaggie: Yes. We will.

Angel Dust: Oh, please, ya had less then half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now... (phone vibrates with violent threating messages such as "fucking bitch") Ain't no silver lining this time, toots.

Y/N: *Looks over* "Fucking bitch?"

Charlie: Sure there is! We just...have to look a little harder for it!

Angel Dust: Well, while you're lookin', the rest'a hell's goin' nuts. [Angel waves his phone in their faces.] People are already freakin' out about the news. Look at what's happenin' in the Doomsday District.

[He scrolls down an article with the bottom showing a demon screaming in front of a fire. Suddenly a pink message appears. Charlie gets closer to read it.]

Charlie: Err, what is a... "donkey show"?

[Angel panics and retreats the phone back.]

Angel Dust: Aah, heh, nothin'. My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losin' their shit.

Vaggie: Yeah, that's true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?

Charlie: (Gasps) This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!

Angel Dust: Cute idea and all, but you really gonna go out in all of this? [waves the phone with the place still on fire and demons in panic.]

Charlie: Well, it's not like people are just gonna show up on our doorstep -

[Suddenly, a massive explosion made Charlie scream in fright from behind, getting their attention. They turn to see a freshly made hole in the wall, then cuts to outside to see Sir Pentious zeppelin armed for battle. The scene cuts inside to see him and his Egg Boiz scattering around.]

Y/N: AN ATTACK *Readies sword*

Sir Pentious: Show yourself Alasssstor! Come and face -

[Pentious pauses for a moment when he notices Alastor absent from the freshly made hole. He then looks to see him sipping coffee on the balcony of the second floor.]

Sir Pentious: Oh, there you are. Face my wrath!

Alastor: Who are you?

Sir Pentious: Who am I? Who am I?! I am the great Ssssssir Pentiousssss!

[Alastor dissolves into fog as he descends to the ground, materializing aside Angel, Vaggie, Y/N and Charlie who are in the scene watching Sir Pentious' zeppelin.]

Sir Pentious: Inventor, architect of dessstruction, villain extraordinaire!

Egg Bois: Ooh! You tell 'em, boss!

[Niffty appears on Alastor's right shoulder, clearly starstruck.]

Niffty: Ooooooh, he's a bad boy~

[Alastor scoops Niffty up and drops her to the ground.]

Alastor: Ha, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you.

Sir Pentious: I attacked you literally last week.

[Alastor cocks his head.]

Sir Pentious: We've done battle, like... 20 times?

Alastor: Well, you must have been really bad at this.

Sir Pentious: Silence! Now cower! For when I've ssslain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal.


[Niffty reappears on Alastor's shoulder.]

Niffty: Ooh! Wait, who are the Vees?

Alastor: Oh, nobody important.

[Cut to the Vees' headquarters. A large crowd is in front of a store as they watch an advertisement on the tvs facing the window showing off a spy drone.]

Ad: New VoxTek designer voyeur scopes. Peeping on the neighbors has never been more stylish. VoxTek! Trust us with your money!

[Crowd immediately enters the store and stampedes out with boxes with voyeur scopes. then cuts to random people watching their computers laptops and phones, and reveals their eyes signifying the work of hypnosis.]

Ad: This week's episode of "Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister, So What?" is brought to you by VoxTek. Trust us with your entertainment!

[Shifts to tapping fingers as we enter a large room with tvs showing off numerous consumers as "trust us" repeats and overlaps. electricity courses as Vox stands up from his chair laughing maniacally from his viewer's consumerism.]

Vox: Muhahaha! Now that's good television!

[Suddenly his screen-face shifts to reveal an icon of Velvette, another one of them Vees, signifying she's calling, with a clown horn ringtone. Vox courses the call from his screen to his hands his hand via his electric powers and transfers it to one of his many screens to reveal Velvette in her studio, her hair into a large ponytail. Vox then sits down on his chair.]

Vox: Hello there, Velvette! How are you this hellish morning?

Velvette: Oh, cut the shit, Vox. I need you up here now!

[Vox looks to one of his screens as he gets his coffee cup and drinks from it.]

Vox: Whatever could be the problem, my dear?

Velvette: Your little boy toy is wrecking my department, while I'm trying to pull together a show and-

[off-screen we see several workers running and screaming, and objects being tossed, as Valentino is heard cussing.]

Valentino: (In Background) THAT FUCKING BITCH!

Velvette: Just get your ass here, NOW! ...Damn it, Valentino!

[The call ends, and Vox's smile fades away as he gets up sighing, fixing up his bowtie.]

Vox: 'Oh god. Here I go, Valentino.' Just another fucking day with Val. Hey-hey-hey. Fuck my life.

[Vox then walks up to a platform, which rises up.]

[Cut to an elevator with a smiling Vox with the world bubble saying "trust us!", before opening to reveal a frowning Vox in the same position, sighing, and then putting on a smile for a crowd of reporters that overlap one another before pointing their microphones to him.]

Reporter: Mr. Vox! What are your thoughts about the new extermination deadline? Also what did you think of the scream that was heard throughout hell?

Vox: Well the scream might just be a little attention grabber from someone who WANTS to prove something however my dear people! We at VoxTek Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation. And now, with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus, to your protection. We are pleased to announce-

[The screen zooms to him and an ad featuring the VoxTek logo, now gold and with angelic wings, with the tagline reading-]

Vox: VoxTek Angelic Security is coming soon! Trust us, with YOUR safety.

[Vox uses his left eye to hypnotize the crowd the same way as his consumers.]

Manager: Uh sir, when did we begin working on Angelic Security?

Vox: Thirty seconds ago. [walks off] Try to get that bitch Carmilla on the books and cancel all my appointments today. I have a fire to put out upstairs.

[He then morphs his body into electricity and generates itself into the security camera on the wall.]

[Cutting to Velvette's studio. The staff cleans everything up as she looks to four designers holding up dresses to show her]

Velvette: Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired. What is this? WRIST RUFFLES?! Is this 1750?! BURN IT like the witches who wore it!

[As she sends the designer away, Vox appears next to her]

Vox: Velvette! I can see you're busy. Tell me, where's our hot-headed friend now?

Velvette: Up in his tower, waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down!

Vox: (sighs) And uh, what's got him so out of sorts today?

Velvette: Who knows? But he tore up my best model! And you know, the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself back together! Melissa! Get over here!

[Melissa nervously runs onto the platform, and Velvette uses her overlord powers to change her outfit by swiping her hand, one after another until she spots the one she wants.]

Velvette: No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww. (gasp) Yes! That's the one.

Vox: Ahh, looks like you have everything under control here.

Velvette: Of course, I do! Fuck you! (flips him off) Now shoo! Take care of the piss baby!

[Vox goes upstairs and is greeted by two moth demons who open the door for him. Once he enters. he finds Valentino sitting on his couch surrounded by a fog of red smoke. When Val notices Vox, he sits up with fury in his eyes]

Valentino: Fucking FINALLY! [throws drink] Kitty! Another drink!

[The Robo Fizz next to him nods as it quickly heads off screen and re-appears with the drink.]

Valentino: Ugh! Can you believe what that piece of shit did? THE UNGRATEFUL WHORE!!!

[As he speaks, he tosses the drink at Vox, who moves away making the drink, hits the door, and shatters on the floor.]

Vox: Uh, which whore are we talking about this time?

Valentino: *gets up* Fucking Angel Dust! [walks up to him] Who the hell else would I be talking about?! *walks past him* That fucking SLUT walked out on me! [turns to Vox] ME! I fucking made him! *Vox walks a little way away* Without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes.

Vox: Oh! Angel quit?

Valentino: NO! He didn't fucking quit! It's worse! [takes Vox's phone] He MOVED!!!

[As he says that, he tosses Vox's phone to the wall making it shatter in half.]

Valentino: He thinks he can just walk in here, work, and then go home somewhere else? Can you FUCKING believe that?! *walks to closet* He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter!

Vox: Angel is... living with Lucifer's daughter now?

Valentino: YEAH! That BITCH Chuckie or Chandler, or I dunno- Something mannish like that, she's got this hotel and—

[As he speaks, he opens the closet full of guns, drugs, and pictures including a poster of himself. Valentino brings up two long pistol guns: a long revolver and a semi-pistol.]

Valentino: [in a more relaxed tone] Which of these makes me look sexier? *turns to closet*

Vox: Heh. What are you doing, Val? You're not going over there.

[As he speaks, his left eye changes to show his simmering anger, but Valentino is busy loading his guns.]

Valentino: That slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone in that rancid shit hole, I swear to god!

[Before he finishes, Vox grabs him by the collar and shoves him to his face, clearly furious.]

Vox: *distorted* VAL. *calms down* Hehe. Think about it.

[Vox then walks Valentino towards the window, taking away one of his guns and putting it in his pocket.]

Vox: Our brand is perfection. And what do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?

Valentino: Um...fuck it up?

[A stereotypical 'winning' ding is played]

Vox: Right! Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees?

Valentino: No!

Vox: Exactly! And hey, you still have him under contract. He isn't going anywhere! should...

Valentino: Do nothing?

[A sound like winning at a casino is played]

Vox: Great idea! Now that's why they pay you the *pinches cheek* big bucks.

Valentino: Ugh, but I really wanted to shoot someone!

[As he speaks, Valentino gets a cigarette holder, and Vox lights it with his electricity powers.]

Vox: Well, lemme call up the lowest earners this month. *walks to TVs*

Valentino: Ohh, you know me too well. *chuckles and blows smoke* Ya know... Angel isn't the only one spending time at this ratty hotel with the devil's princessa.

Vox: Oh, who else is there? Someone who owes you money?

Valentino: *Chuckles* Someone who owes us much more than money... The Radio Demon is there.

[Upon hearing those words, electricity courses through Vox's head, and he scratches the desk so hard it leaves scratch marks. Vox made small ominous chuckles before turning to Valentino, two red lines appear on the left side of his lower lip.]

Vox: (distorted) What did you just say?

Valentino: You heard me.

Vox: Alastor...*walks to him* came back...and he is with Lucifer's *glitches* daughter, and that wasn't the *grabs him by the collar* FIRST FUCKING THING YOU TOLD ME?!?!?!

Valentino: *frees himself from grip* Hey! killing Alastor is your kink.

[As he speaks, he walks to the desk and turns on the television. Vox teleports to the center screen, which is a recording from a VoxTek Voyeur scope high in the sky. The scene, from a drone point of view, showing Alastor using his powers to attack Sir Pentious zeppelin, laughing maniacally as he hears Pentious screaming.]

Sir Pentious: Arrgh! Oh! Please! Stop!

Charlie: Um...Alastor? I think he's had enough.

Angel Dust: Nah. He's got a few more hits in him.

[Sir Pentious falls from the zeppelin in front of Alastor, face first on the ground. Alastor twirls his staff.]

Alastor: Thanks for another forgettable experience.

[An Egg Boi falls and breaks into pieces in front of Charlie.]

Sir Pentious: Thank you... for letting your guard down!

[Using his tail, he grabs a bit of Alastor's suit.]

Sir Pentious: Aha! Yah! Oh, shit...

[Sir Pentious looks up to see Alastor's shadow transform in front of him and Alastor apparently makes an elk bugle. The next shot shows a massive green explosion as Sir Pentious is seen flying off to the city screaming as he disappears from sight.]

Alastor: Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor! Best of luck, chums.

Vaggie: Wait, you're leaving?! Alastor! We need your help! We need you to do your job.

Angel Dust: (gestures to the hole on the wall) We need a wall.

Alastor: Of course! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?!

[With a snap of his fingers, black ink demons appear with construction tools as Alastor walks away. Angel takes an interest and looks at one of the larger muscular demons, shoving Vaggie away as he walks up to him.]

Angel Dust: [Giggles.] Hey, sweet cheeks. Whatcha doin' later? I love me a man with a giant ...tool.

[The screen zooms out to reveal Valentino scowling at the current events, leaning his face against the screen.]

Valentino: See?! Look how he flirts with that guy, and he's not even paying! Who is that? I'm gonna fucking kill his whole fucking family! Vox? (slams his fist on the table) VOX!

[Vox was paying little attention, as his left pupil turns into a tilde as he eyes Alastor leaving, his appearance static and out of focus as the screen becomes a bit static.]

Vox: [glitches] That FUCKER is back!

[Valentino grins as he realizes the situation and walks to him.]

Valentino: Yeah, I thought he was gone for good too.

Vox: It's been seven years!

[Valentino leans up to him and pinches his cheek, Vox clearly pissed to care.]

Valentino: You still pissed that he almost beat you that time?

Vox: Uh, FUCK YOU.

Valentino: Just saying. *walks around him*

Vox: Things have changed a lot since he left town!

Valentino: That's for sure.

Vox: I gotta send a message of who's REALLY in charge of things now!

[Vox's face fills the screen as Valentino laughs in the background. The next shot shows Vox grinning as he marches to his chair.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Vox: ♫ Welcome home! ♫

♫ I'm gonna make you wish that you stayed gone! ♫

[As Vox sings, electricity courses through his arm as he sits on his chair, and turns to face the numerous screens.]

Vox: ♫ Say hello to a new status quo, ♫

[Vox presses a big red button, and 4 cords latch themselves to the ports on the back of his head, connecting himself to his TV networks.]

Vox: ♫ Everyone knows that there's a brand-new dawn, turn the TV on! ♫

Director: Camera, speeds, rolling in three, two...

Chorus: ♫ Wel-come to the show! ♫

Vox: ♫ Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has-been who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven-year absence, ♫

♫ Did anybody miss him, did anybody notice? ♫

♫ More on tonight's program. ♫

♫ So, the Radio Demon is back in town! ♫

♫ Why is he hanging around? ♫

♫ What does that mean for your family? ♫

♫ Well, handily, I've got good news! ♫

♫ He's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile, ♫

Vox & Chorus: ♫ But the demon is a coward! ♫

Vox: ♫ You can take that as gospel. ♫

♫ Pulling my viewers? Impossible! ♫

♫ I'm visual, he's barely audible! ♫

♫ Stop giving him the time of day! ♫

♫ Don't listen to a word he'd say. ♫

♫ I hope he had a nice vacay! ♫

Vox & Chorus: ♫ But he should have stayed away! ♫

[Cut to Alastor who had just finished getting his coat tailored. He notices the crowd watching the advertisement of Vox. He smiles and walks away with an idea. as Vox continues singing.]

Vox: ♫ While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video! [pulls out an uncooked bloodied deer head from an oven caked in blood] Now his medium is getting bloody rare! ♫

[In a hallway in V Tower, Vox jumps, twirls and then pulls Valentino and Velvette towards him]

♫ Hell's been better since he split, ♫

♫ Where's he been? ♫

♫ Who gives a shit?! ♫

[Cuts to Alastor making his reappearance, as he starts his radio broadcast from a radio station attached to the top corner of the Hazbin Hotel.]

Alastor: ♫ Salutations! ♫

♫ Good to be back on the air. ♫

♫ Yes, I know it's been a while since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast. ♫

♫ Sinners rejoice! ♫

Vox: ♫ What a dated voice! ♫

Alastor: ♫ Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast. ♫


Alastor: ♫ Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? ♫

♫ Flitting between this fad and that. ♫

♫ Is nothing working? ♫


Alastor: ♫ Every day he's got a new format! ♫


Vox & Chorus: ♫ He's the shit that comes before that! ♫

Alastor: ♫ Is Vox as strong as he purports? ♫

♫ Or is it based on his support? ♫

♫ He'd be powerless without the other Vees! ♫

Vox: Oh, PLEASE.

Alastor: ♫ And here's the sugar on the cream. ♫

♫ He asked me to join his team! ♫

Vox: Hold on!

Alastor: ♫ I said no, and now he's pissy! That's the tea. ♫

[As Alastor continues with his radio broadcast, Vox gets so pissed that his screen face starts to glitch and crash as he gets angrier.]

Vox: [Glitches.] ♫ You oold timey PRICK! I'll show y-you suffering! ♫

Alastor: ♫ Uh oh, the TV is buffering! ♫

[Vox couldn't handle his anger, causing him to overload his circuits with static electricity.]

Vox: [Signal breaking up.] ♫ I'LL DESTROY YOOOOU-YOU LIT-T-LE—♫

[Vox's screen face and voice overloads and crashes, before Vox involuntarily lets out an outburst that overloads everything from the TV screens to Valentino and Velvette's phone to everywhere in Pentagram City, causing a citywide blackout with the exception of the Hazbin Hotel.]

Alastor: ♫ I'm afraid you've lost your signal. ♫

[the camera zooms in on the hotel, and then

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