Meeting with Carmilla Carmine

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Y/N: Ugh I hope I'm not too late. Rosie told me to go to the Carmine Compound.

Clara: Well if that person who is supposed to be meeting with mother doesn't show up in 5 minutes then well buh bye.

Odette: Mhm.

Y/N: Hello girls.

Clara: *Startled* HOLY SHIT! Don't sneak up on us like that Y/N.

Odette: It's bad enough everyone tries to steal our weapons we don't wanna get kidnapped next.

Y/N: *Chuckles* But besides that girls I've come to speak to a woman named Carmilla Carmine. I was told to come to the Carmine compound for it.

Clara: *Looks at Odette* No way....

Odette: Are you the one that was meant to meet mother today?!

Y/N: "Mother she says. I thought that would be the case given the last I've seen so much." Yes I am if your last name is Carmine?

Clara: Yes it is. Clara and Odette Carmine.

Y/N: Hmm. Well yes I have come to meet your mother today. I deeply apologize that it took some time for me to get here.

Clara: *Giggles* I think you should be apologizing to yourself soon if mother chews you out for being late.

Y/N: Yes I heard that overlords don't usually waste their time with regular sinners. I just need to hope that she'll spare me.

Clara: Well as long you tell her that you were the one who got the weapons she'll most likely hear you out.

[The elevator comes down and opens and Y/N enters with Clara and Odette wishing him good luck on the meeting]

Clara: Good luck!

Y/N: *Nods head*

Odette: So are we gonna skip past the fact that he looks even better now?

Clara: I wonder if the Middle Ages had fashion sense like the modern day. He is way too good looking to be a "knight from the Middle Ages" *chuckles*

Y/N: *Exits elevator* Ok..... *Inspecting* The same axes that were on that truck are here as well. The interior looks magnificent do all overlords live lavishly like this?

[As Y/N walks down the hallway the silence gives him an intense and unnerving feeling. Something that he enjoyed he felt as if nothing was around he was alone.....the same way he felt all those years ago before the invaders destroyed his home.]

Y/N: I adore this feeling of dread *Laughs* Almost the same way I felt all those years ago.....*Smacks head* Control yourself dammit.....keep the outbursts to a minimum.

[Y/N then arrived in front the two silver doors leading into the meeting room.]

Y/N: *Sighs* Ok. Just hope for the best *Opens doors* Excuse me? I apologize for being late but I'm here for a meeting with Carmilla Carmine?

*Clink Clink Clink*

Y/N: Huh?

???: Come in.

Y/N: Oh um thank you. *Closes Doors* I'm here for Carmilla Carmine?

???: Well you've already spent my time by being late so get to it....

Y/N: "Wait is this her? It must be but.........she has 4 armed guards next to her. I have to watch what I say and control of instincts here." Are you the woman in question?

Carmilla: That I am. Now tell me *Sits at table* (They're in the overlord meeting room btw) why did you get want to get into contact with me?

Y/N: Well it probably didn't require an entire meeting but I wanted to find some way to contact you because I had retrieved your lost weapons.

[Carmilla and her guards were stunned]

Guard 1: Impossible.......

Guard 2: Once her shipment gets stolen or hijacked it never returns. How did you accomplish such a feat?

Y/N: It's not a long story but it's definitely worth hearing still.

Carmilla: *To her guards* track every detail. Don't let a single piece of information slip.

Guards: *Nod*

[Clara and Odette enter the room]

Y/N: Ah Clara, Odette.

Carmilla: Oh you've already met my daughters?

Clara: Yup he has.

Carmilla: How did you meet them?

Y/N: I was helping them load their weapons into a truck one day.

Clara: He really saved us on that day.

Carmilla: Hmm. Ok then but please before we start tell me your name.

Y/N: Y/N

Carmilla: Ok Y/N I'll humor you. Please tell your story I want to hear EVERY DETAIL.

Y/N: So from the beginning. I was walking through the lands of hell and I found a truck slanted and nearly destroyed. I inspected the truck and found the lock on the back broken, there was mass amounts of blood everywhere and strands of hair. Not only that it looked like the weapons were destroyed.

Carmilla: *Raises eyebrow*

Guard 2: Destroyed?

Carmilla: *Stops guard*

Y/N: Yes some were destroyed there was probably a struggle. Then randomly someone approached me from behind asking if I was trying to figure out what happened as well. They explained that they had nothing to do with the incident. They weren't the driver and they weren't the ones who loaded the weapons.

Carmilla: *Skeptical* So they didn't try to inquire why you were inspecting the scene??

Y/N: No they didn't. But I killed them.

Carmilla: *Eyes widen* You killed them? Why?

[The guards upon hearing that Y/N can become hostile perk up and keep their fingers on the triggers]

Y/N: They lied.

Carmilla: They lied?

Y/N: They slipped up in their explanation. They said they didn't have anything to do with the incident but they specifically mentioned what type of weapons were in the truck, which were knives.

Carmilla: *Nods head* Checks out.

Y/N: Afterwards I had seen that on their phone they were being contacted by an associate unaware that they were dead. So I waited for them to arrive. After a while they finally came I exited the truck and forced them to tell me what happened with the stolen weapons. They eventually cracked......after physical intervention.

Guard 3: Did you kill them as well?

Y/N: Yes I did.

Guard 3: *Exhales deeply*

Y/N: The truck was on its way out when I caught up to it and held onto the side of it. I busted open the locks to the back and entered the truck to which I saw the stolen cargo. However I also had to kill the driver as they didn't know what they were doing. Also to make sure that he wouldn't be making it be to whatever crime ring or business area they were operating. I drove the truck back to the compound and that would be the end of it.

Carmilla: So before anything else I need to say I greatly appreciate what you did for me. Although you didn't know you were assisting me.

Y/N: You're welcome.

Carmilla: But I'm also interested to know......

Y/N: Know what?

Carmilla: Would you be interested in working for me?

Y/N: How come?

Carmilla: Well you managed to acquire and return my precious cargo. If it fell into the wrong hands then who knows what would've happened.

Y/N: Hmm. Well Miss Carmine I would *Phone ringing* um.....

Carmilla: Go ahead.

Y/N: Thank you. *Sees caller id* Velvette?

Carmilla: *Eye twitches*

Clara and Odette: *Scoffs*

Y/N: *Picks up* Yes Velvette?


Y/N: *Somewhat dizzy* Um elaborate please?


Clara: *Shocked* What?! Y/N lemme see that phone.

Y/N: *Hangs up*

Velvette: Did he just hang up on me?

Clara: *Searching* Power couple......power couple......power couple.

Odette: There.

Clara: *Reading article* New model star appears out of nowhere and shocks the world with his and fashionista Velvette's online presence.

[Clara scrolling sees all the photos Y/N and Velvette took. Including the one in which Velvette grabbed Y/Ns tie and kissed him.]

Carmilla: ......

Clara: So that's why you were late?

Y/N: No...well yes but

Carmilla: And you knew this meeting could be important yet you still dabbled in affairs such as this?

Y/N: No please let me explain.

Carmilla: I shouldn't but go ahead.

Y/N: Look the only reason I was with Velvette was to get a new pair of clothes my old ones were covered in blood. She had wanted me to wait up so I stayed back as I thought it to be important.

Carmilla: *Raises eyebrow*

Y/N: Please do try and remember that I haven't been down here too long. So I'm not aware of a lot.

Clara: We can definitely vouch for that part. The first time we saw him was after the recent extermination and he looked completely clueless.

Odette: Implying you could read his emotions under that armor.

Clara: Meh....

Carmilla: Right......

*Phone ringing*

Clara: *Sucks teeth* She's calling again......

Odette: Just decline. We still aren't finished here.

Clara: *Declines*

Velvette: Did he just decline? Ok you cute bitch playing hard to get eh?

Clara: *Phone ringing* Are you serious?

Carmilla: *Takes phone* *Accepts call* Hello Velvette.

Velvette: You're not Y/N.

Y/N: No that's Carmilla.

Velvette: *Gripping phone* You old bitch....

Carmilla: Your Y/N is in a meeting right now. We would enjoy it if you didn't interrupt. Also next time if someone tells you they need to be somewhere LET THEM GO. *Hangs up*

Velvette: *Seething hard* If I knew you were going to meet that old stuck up hag I would've stopped you completely.

Y/N: Um everything alright? *Takes phone*

Carmilla: *Rubbing temple* Yes everything is fine.

Y/N: Hmm alright then.

Carmilla: I suppose we should wrap this up then.

Y/N: Yes we have gone over everything that needs to be addressed.

Carmilla: Well that little mishap has irritated me but nothing was your fault Y/N.

Y/N: Thank you Miss Carmine. I appreciate that you still took the time to speak even after I arrived late.

Carmilla: Well I had spare time.

Guard 4: *Whispers* Hey boss weren't you gonna ask him about working for you?

Carmilla: Oh yes! Um wait Y/N before you leave about working for me.

Y/N: Oh yes. I will take the job but can I know what it entails?

Carmilla: *Gives Camera*

Y/N: Um what am I meant to do with this?

Odette: It's a mini camera you attach it to your shoulder.

Y/N: Should I place it now?

Carmilla: *Nods head*

Odette: Come let me do it. *Attaches Camera*

Y/N: Thank you Odette.

Odette: No problem.

Y/N: But why do I need this for just loading weapons?

Carmilla: Thats the thing you aren't loading weapons. You're gonna be more of a contract killer for me.

Y/N: A contract killer? I'm gonna be killing targets for you?

Carmilla: Yes you are. After telling me that story I can say with confidence that you can help me reduce the threat of people stealing my cargo.

Y/N: Understandable. But one more question. What did you do with the knives that I retrieved?

Carmilla: Um....I was actually never informed that they were returned.

Y/N: But I......Clara and Odette are gone......

Carmilla: Did they?


Y/N: Did they intentionally not tell you that the weapons were back?

Carmilla: Most definitely *Chuckles* those girls are pretty conniving and mischievous after all.

Y/N: I can see.....

Carmilla: Well Y/N even though you were late you did make this worth my while.

Y/N: I'm glad. I shall be taking my leave do not hesitate to call me if needed.

Carmilla: Oh trust me I definitely will. I need a powerhouse like you.

Y/N: *Leaves meeting room*

Carmilla: *Gets up* What an interesting man he is.

Guard 2: He is definitely a bit suspicious but I can see he has good intent.

Guard 3: What would you like us to do with the information ma'am?

Carmilla: Oh nothing I just wanted you to memorize his story in case he tried to pull a fast one.

Guard 1: Remember Ma'am he is associated with Velvette so I wouldn't get too comfortable.

Carmilla: Hmmpf. Yes you're right about that. But he seemed naive since he hasn't been done here for to long. I could possibly convince him to leave his association with Velvette.

Y/N: "I wonder what Velvette meant by Power couple. I'll return to the tower and ask about it and head back to the hotel afterwards."

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