Y/N: Apart from those Volatile creatures it would seem that hell isn't that bad surprisingly. If it's a place that my judgement decided I wouldn't expect it to be so....nonchalant.
Sinner: Hey Birdbrain!
Y/N: *Silence*
Sinner: Hey you can ignore me if you want! I'm trying to help you out dickhead! If you haven't noticed nobody is outside right now think about why?!
Y/N: *Stops walking* Help? HELP YOU SAY?!
Sinner: What the fuck?
Y/N: I'LL SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN HELP ME! *Splits Sinner skull* But he did have a point nobody is out right now. Probably why it's so quiet and nonchalant here. Did Miss Rosie forget to tell me something?
Rosie: *Gasps* Oh no I forgot to warn him of the extermination! I hope he gets somewhere safe...
[The Machinations of the weak and craven draw your ire forcing the small and helpless to show their faces]
Flower Shop sinner: Listen man there is a reason no one is outside right now! H-HEY!
Y/N: *Picks up sinner* You better start talking before you end up like the rest of them.
Flower Shop sinner: What's that supposed to mean?
Y/N: *Slowly crushing windpipe*
Flower Shop flower: P-please l-let me sp-speak *breathes deeply* H-holy shit
Y/N: Talk......NOW!
Flower Shop sinner: Ok there is this yearly thing called "the exterminations" angels from heaven come down to erase sinners.
Y/N: *Skeptical* Why?
Flower Shop sinner: I don't know. They said some shit about overpopulation I think. Just please man don't hurt me and get somewhere safe.
Y/N: Hmmpf *Walks away*
Flower Shop sinner: He....He's insane no way he's making it out alive....
Y/N: Extermination......sounds like genocide which means........WAR. I crave this feeling of slaughter......my time has arrived. *Yelling* LET THE ANGELS COME! THEY WILL KNOW ME AS A THREAT! LET THEM FACE THEIR JUDGEMENT AT THE END OF MY BROADSWORD!
Sinner: *Hiding in dumpster* Dude is he fucking crazy?! OH SHIT! *Closes Dumpster*
[Just as the dinner asks that question a massive portal opens in the sky signaling the start of the extermination]
Y/N: Have they begun their assault?
Sinner: How did you know I was here?
Y/N: I always had a certain.....fascination with the craven. *Approaches sinner* It's amusing that a soul could be so small and feeble.
Sinner: Dude leave me alone please *Closes dumpster*
Y/N: *Kicks over dumpster* You should hope for survival....
Y/N: Here they come......The Guardia Compagnia taught me well I won't let it go to waste.
Exorcist: Poor Guy you don't know about our yearly visits?
Y/N: No I don't. Should I be concerned though?
Exorcist: Gonna be honest not really since you'll be dead after I'm done with you.
Y/N: *Draws broadsword* Well you better make this battle entertaining at least.
Exorcist: Oh we gotta fighter on our hands! We like to let you bastards bleed for your troubles.
Sinner: Is he gonna fight? This guy is crazy!
[As the exorcist quickly moves towards Y/N trying to strike at him he blocks it with his sword. Catching the exorcist off-guard with his resilience he grabs it by the horns and throwing it away]
Exorcist: You're good
Y/N: Don't pity me FIGHT ME
Exorcist: Damn your that shitty you wish for death?
[The exorcist then dives head first with its spear expecting to tear through Y/N only to be blocked by him just centering himself. Seizing the opportunity to damage the flying entity with his sword]
Y/N: What?! How?!
Exorcist: Don't know. But you got-
Y/N: *grabs arm* I noticed that you also didn't care that my sword was out and you still chose to rush at me. So I have to wonder.
Exorcist: Wonder what?! Also how damn strong is that armor? I refuse to believe you could tank that without even flinching!
Y/N: *Breaks Arm*
Exorcist: AHH! SHIT! *Falls over*
Y/N: *Takes spear* A weapon that has no weight.....must be damn weak.....but that won't stop me. *Readies spear*
Exorcist: You can try
[Y/N tests his new weapon on the exorcist realizing that it had some sort of power that his sword didn't]
Y/N: Fascinating.....how could this weapon prove to be better than mine? My sword couldn't even graze it but this spear was enough to put it down? And for good it looks like. Yet the denizens here could be killed with my bare hands....unless. *turns quickly*
Sinner: Shit! *Closes dumpster*
Y/N: *Flips dumpster over*
Sinner: Woah Man chill I was just recording d-don't hurt me please!
Y/N: *Picks up sinner* I'm never merciful to those under me so consider this your best day.
Sinner: Whatever man I'll do whatever as long as you don't kill me!
Y/N: Sounds like a truce for the seconds that we will have it
Sinner: Seconds?!
Y/N: I just want to test my theories *Throws sinner* *Pulls out broadsword*
Sinner: You said you wouldn't kill me!
Y/N: And I won't *Slowly pierces sinner with spear*
Y/N: Ok.....Now *Uses broadsword*
Sinner: Dude that fucking hurts STOP! And how are you still standing?!
Y/N: This is.....nonsense how can my weapon not even scratch that thing but the spear can? I need Alejandro to look into this further.
[The sinner looks on in terror as he sees Y/N plunge his sword into the ground and summon a terrifying looking figure]
Y/N: Take this and melt it down find what it contains and make it into a weapon for me.
Alejandro: *Takes spear* *Disappears*
Sinner: But you have nothing to kill them with now!
Y/N: I don't need to kill them I just need to keep myself alive. And if you want the same result I suggest you hide.
Sinner: *Shook with fear*
Y/N: *Walks away*
[Y/N strolls through hell during the extermination killing unfortunate sinners and exorcists that cross his path one by one]
Y/N: It's only an inevitability.....
Y/N: Killing me will prove difficult. you see my armor? This is the blood of your allies, your comrades even if I fall you won't be far behind me.
[As the exorcist rushes at Y/N to cut him to shreds Y/N pulls out his sword getting ready to play defense]
Y/N: "I can't use that spear to fight against a sword it'll only spell certain death for me"
[The exorcist swung their sword with such strength and speed but Y/Ns armor and broadsword proved to be too much. Their swords would clash emitting a powerful and painful ring through the area.]
Y/N: I'm enjoying this put your all into it! It won't make the end result different however.
Exorcist: Don't get cocky. You could die right now.
Y/N: But I haven't, are you all talk? If your job is to kill me then stop talking and kill me.
Exorcist: Dammit
[As the fight drew on and on both fighters were neck and neck unable to gain the advantage. Y/Ns defense was just too much to bear and the exorcist sword meant Y/N couldn't use the spear and kill it instantly.]
Y/N: How long are you willing to go before you realize you can't win?
Exorcist: Looks like neither of us can beat each other. You'd make a great exorcist.
Y/N: Exorcist?
Exorcist: That's what we are we come down every year to purge you sinner filth.
Y/N: "Looks like that explanation the sinner told me wasn't so untrue after all...."
Exorcist: *Looks up* We've be-AH GET OFF OF ME YOU BASTARD!
[Y/N began grabbing at the exorcist trying to take off its mask he did so revealing a woman's face]
Y/N: I thought that voice sounded a bit feminine.
[Y/N now revealing skin to his eyes decided to jab his sword's hilt through the woman's jaw]
Exorcist: Gah! *Spits blood*
Y/N: *Slowly turns sword* I'll kill but first I'll give you pain you can't ignore. *grabs spear*
[The exorcist seething in massive amounts of pain right now tries to quickly remove the hilt from her jaw before she dies. She successfully removes the sword but can't react to the spear above her]
Exorcist: SHIT!
Y/N: You were entertaining at least........
[Two spears then come from nowhere and hits Y/Ns armor and just drops like nothing making him turn around]
Y/N: Who....
Exorcist: *Slurring* Heh you're dead now there's only 1 of you and 15 of them.
Y/N: Of them? You're not staying?
Exorcist: *Slurring* No I'm not staying to fight but I'll stay to watch you suffer.
[Y/N picks up the two spears that fell before him while also pulling out the one he had from his former battle]
Y/N: Only 1 of me? *Sticks sword in ground*
[Y/N then called his men and gave them the 3 spears]
Alejandro: Are these our weapons?
Y/N: These spears seem to be the only thing that can damage them. I assume they have been infused with some sort of special metal.
Exorcist: *Slurring* What is this?! What type of magic do you have?!
[As Y/N blares the horn the Guardia Compagnia tear through the exorcist one by one. Durkos using his immaculate speed, Alejandro's perfect vision and Sander's behemoth size would prove too much]
The Guardia Compagnia: *Roaring*
Y/N: *looks back* She's fled the scene.......* You did well men.
[Just before Alejandro and the rest get called back Alejandro spots something in the distance]
Alejandro: A blonde girl? *Disappears*
[3 hours later after the group exorcist slaughter Y/N was told by Alejandro what the spear contained and that he could mold it into a new sword for him. Y/N however was seeing only red at this point]
Y/N: That feeling.....it's the closest I've ever felt to what I felt all those years ago! And yet.....and yet......ITS NOT ENOUGH! MORE.....MORE! I WAS SO CLOSE! YET SO FAR! I NEED TO HEAR THE CRIES AGAIN! HUH?!
[Y/N then saw a group of 8 unfortunate sinners who just had to cross his path]
Y/N: This has to happen!
Sinner 3: Uh what is that guy doing?
Sinner 6: Just having a tantrum it looks like.
Sinner 4: This guy survived extermination?
Y/N: *Walking closer*
Sinner 1: He looks like he's in for a fight *Whips out chain*
Sinner 5: Can't lie this guy looks mean as shit....
[The sinner decided it would be a good idea to throw his chain around Y/Ns arm wrapping it around and trying to pull him]
Sinner 1: Hehe look *pulls Y/N* he ain't so tough after all. That armor is cool and badass but it ain't for nothing more than just showing off. *Pulls Y/N*
[The sinner pulled Y/N to the point of him falling over and they all ganged up on and beat Y/N......or tried to]
Sinner 4: Damn his armor is really tough shit is hard to break.
???: Damn he's getting his ass beat.
???: Poor guy but we should keep our heads turned.
???: Yea. Just wish we could help him honestly
Sinner 1: *Dragging Y/N*
Y/N: *Gets up*
[Y/N with no effort got up and tore the sinner's arm off just by yanking the chain with his own arm.]
Sinner 1: *painful scream*
Y/N: *Decapitates sinner* *SCREAMING* MORE!
Sinner 2: OH FUCK TH-
Y/N: *Breaks neck*
Sinner 3: *frozen in fear*
Sinner 4: This bastard is insane
Y/N: *Grabs sinner*
Sinner 4: Yo Chill! I'm not with them!
Y/N: *Crushes skull*
Sinner 5: I told you guys this motherfucker was mean....
Y/N: *Twists head*
Sinner 6: Du-
Y/N: *Rips throat out*
Sinner 7: P-please don't do this
Y/N: *Beats sinner with hilt*
Sinner 8: *running away* That bastard is more scary than those angels!
???: Alright one more and we are done
???: This year was really brutal wasn't it sis?
???: Numbers-wise we don't know just yet. Autopsy-wise probably the worst ever.
???: What the hell?
[The two siblings turn around to see the sinner crawling on the ground screaming with the chain in their knees]
???: Oh No what happened?!
Sinner 8: A lot! Please just fucking help me I beg some fucking psycho is chasing me right now!
???: Sis we should back off.
???: Why?
???: What do you mean why? Look at him! More specifically what's.......around him.
[The blonde pointed out the three symbols marking the sinner]
???: A skull with spikes?
???: A broken blade?
???: Intertwining keys with spikes?
???: And they're glowing green that spells bad news. I would love to help him but he looks marked for death right now.
[Just then the 3 hear thundering footsteps which seemed to be everlasting the three look in the direction of the footsteps to see the Y/N towering over the crawling sinner]
Sinner 8: F-fuck!
???: We need to leave this guy looks dangerous.
Sinner 8: Don't leave me!
Y/N: *Picks up sinner*
[Y/N then roars at the top of his lungs while lifting the sinner in the air and tearing the sinner half with his bare hands in front of the two girls]
???: *Steps back* What the?
Y/N: *Looks up*
???: run....RUN!
[The two girls flee in fear of the armored terror but Y/N was stoic now he was....calm]
Y/N: I must speak to Alejandro then return to Miss Rosie. I must let her know I'm still safe and sound.
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