[Y/N cracks his knuckles as finishes his plan to grab the grimoire from Blitzo.]
Y/N: That book is the only reason I'm here. I grab it and go quickly. So I wait until nightfall in which I'll be able to sneak around quickly and snatch it from wherever it is.
Moxxie: Oh hey Y/N what are you doing?
Y/N: *clears throat* Nothing much I'm just here plotting uhh I mean preparing for our next mission.
Moxxie: *Skeptical* Ok..........
Y/N: "You have to go"
Moxxie: Why are you already prepping for the next one when we literally just had one?
Y/N: I like to be ahead of the competition that's how I was taught.
Moxxie: Hmm.....
Y/N: Is something the matter?
Moxxie: Yes something is the matter.
Y/N: .......
Moxxie: If you were planning for our next mission then why is there a photo of the grimoire on your floor?
Y/N: Well I just thought I'd have it in the back of my mind in case it's needed.
Moxxie: But why would you need to worry about it? You yourself don't even know any of the spells inside of it.
Y/N: Well it'd be a good opportunity to learn would it not? I am a member of the team after all right?
Moxxie: I mean I guess that is true after all.
[Moxxie while speaking turns around. Y/N seeing this takes the opportunity to bash Moxxie on both sides of his side knocking him out. Afterwards Y/N plunges his sword into the ground and summons Sander and commands him to hide his unconscious body.]
Sander: Will do sir.
Y/N: While you're out there if anyone sees you including the members of I.M.P knock them out as well. I don't need anyone else trying to pry into this situation unless it's you, Durkos, Velvette or Alejandro.
Sander: *Nods head*
[While Y/N sent sander out with Moxxie's body he went back to working on his plan when he heard footsteps around him.]
Y/N: *Sucks teeth* Don't tell me someone else is here as well.......Dammit
Millie: *Yawns* Ugh where is Moxxie?
[Millie spent good part of 10 minutes searching for Moxxie but to no avail. So she decided to go to Blitz to which he didn't know (or care) either.]
Millie: Ugh where is the fuck is heeeeeee.
Loona: You looking for the fatty?
Millie: Watch your mouth I'm looking for Moxxie.
Loona: So the fatty then gotcha.
Millie: Can you please just help me look for him?
[Loona is about to flat out reject her until she looks at Millie making starry eyes.]
Loona: Ugh fine but you better not bug me for the rest of the day.
Millie: Thank you thank you thank you!
[Loona and Millie exited the building to search for Moxxie. Loona manages to catch Moxxie's scent and follows the path. The path they took leads to an alleyway in which both Loona and Millie notice a hulking figure with a massive battle axe holding Moxxie.]
Millie: HEY!
Sander: Dammit I hate how slow I am......
Loona: Hey so I suggest you put him down before she goes into overdrive.
Sander: What can someone as small as that do against me?
Millie: A LOT! *pulls out axe*
Sander: What a nice weapon *Pulls out battle axe* What do you think of mine?
Millie: Looks good but don't let it get to your head.
[While Millie and Loona are fighting sander outside Y/N is still in the building when he hears the commotion.]
Y/N: *looks out window* What the hell? Is that Sander fighting Loona and Millie? I thought I told him to only incapacitate them. Regardless this is still a window of opportunity for me to steal the book and return to Velvette.
[Y/N seizes his opportunity and moves to the meeting room in which he finds Blitzo. Y/N approaches Blitzo and tries to right jab him in head but Blitzo dodges and pulls out his flintlock. He fires two shots and Y/N only for his armor (his helmet is off btw) to render them completely useless. Y/N then grabs Blitzo by his horns and knees his gut which forces him to spit blood. Afterwards Y/N knocks him out with a blow to the back of his head.]
Y/N: That's been taken care of I just hope Sander didn't kill those two. *Enters blitzo's office* Where is it? WHERE IS IT?! *Turns around* Ah the good old behind the painting trick eh?
[Y/N removes the painting to reveal a safe with the words "do nut steel."]
Y/N: Classy. But a safe combination that Blitzo made huh? Surely he can't be that stupid.....................[Y/N enters the code 1-2-3-4 and the safe unlocks.] *Sighs* I give him way too much credit.
[Y/N looks inside to find the grimoire gone however.]
Y/N: Wait.........WHAT?!!?!??? WHERE IS IT?!? GODDAMMIT!!!!!!
[Y/N screams at the top of his lungs which echoes throughout pride.]
Charlie: Is that Y/N?
Vaggie: Definitely....
*V tower*
Vox: *Sighs* Yep.........
Y/N: Dammit.......
[Y/N grabs blitzo's unconscious body and jumps out the window. He sees Millie and Loona side by side with Moxxie all of them knocked out and bleeding.]
Sander: Yes sir.
Sander: S-sorr......*goes quiet*
[Sander and Y/N go to the meeting room in which Sander sits all the members down and Y/N turns on a TV. He switches the TV to display the facial structure program that he had Vox create. Y/N woke everyone up and forced them to watch it.]
Y/N: This could've went another way. A way that had you all still living in bliss.
[After forcing them all to watch it Y/N KOs them all again and recalls sander back inside the sword. Y/N walks up to Blitzo and speaks into his ear.]
Y/N: You will give me the book that contains the secrets of you want to live to see another day.
[Y/N then leaves the room and turns the lights off with everyone else still KO'd. The next day comes along and everything is normal as if nothing happened the day prior. Moxxie is being berated by Blitzo, Millie is cuddling up to Moxxie, Loona is being.....well Loona and Blitzo being a jackass.]
Y/N: Did you all get a good nights sleep?
Moxxie: Well besides a random nightmare that had me face to face with some abomination yea I had a good sleep.
Y/N: Well that sounds weird.
Millie: Yea I had the same thing happen to me. Are you okay Y/N did you experience anything?
Y/N: No nothing of the sorts.
Blitzo: Well hey as long as that thing isn't coming at my asshole then we I have nothing to fear.
[Blitzo then hears voices in his head.]
The voices: Fear~ Yes fear~ Fear is all you will know if you don't give me that book very soon~
Blitzo: Wh-what was that......
Y/N: What?
Blitzo: Nothing n-nothing I'm fine.......
Y/N: Alright well don't hesitate to let me know what you need.
Blitzo: Will do......thanks Y/N.
Y/N: Anytime Blitz..............anytime
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