Y/N: *Waking up* Hmm it would seem that the other residents are still asleep. I should prepare the others for their own day.
[Y/N got up and put on the trench coat and chain that Velvette gave him yesterday and prepared everything by doing all the things everyone else would do. He cleaned all of husk's wine glasses, he cleaned the hotel, he assorted Charlie's plans, and he made sure every light was off]
Y/N: I should have gotten everything done. Well everything that I know of.
Y/N: Huh?
Y/N: What sorcery is this?
Y/N: WH- *Calms down* I can't wake everyone up but what is happening?
[Y/N moves his hands around his body and feels where the vibration is coming from]
Y/N: Huh *Pulls out phone* what is this object? *Sees note* Is this a message?
[The note came from Velvette it reads "Hey sexy I don't appreciate the fact that you completely beat the shit outta me and pulled my hair but hey kiss and make up. Anyways I decided to sneak a phone into your pocket so make sure to call me"]
Y/N: *Looks at phone* Caller "Velvette" am I meant to......*Taps accept* Hello? Is this "Velvette"?
Velvette: Oh so you finally decided to pick up.
Y/N: I deeply apologize Miss Velvette I was unaware of how this contraption works.
Velvette: Pfft. Ok ok I'll let that slide since you seem like you seem like you died in a long time ago since you wear that armor.
Y/N: I am grateful.
Velvette: Anyways. What are you doing?
Y/N: I am assisting around the hotel. I am going to be out soon though.
Velvette: Hmm. Ok just wanted to check up on you. I also have more clothes for you to try on.
Y/N: Why?
Velvette: What do you mean why? You looked stunning in that trench coat. Your long hair and that chain made my eyes light up.
Y/N: I appreciate the compliment.
Velvette: As you should from the one and only Velvette. Anywho make sure to call me soon sexy. Kisses! *Hangs up*
Y/N: "Kisses? Sexy?" It would seem she has stopped speaking. Everyone else in the hotel is still asleep so I should go now while I can.
[Y/N then left the hotel after one more check around to make sure everything was in order. He roamed around hell until he came across a delivery truck]
Y/N: Hmm? A truck? *Inspects truck* Carmine *Remembers* Wait didn't those two girls load weapons into a truck that looked actually like this? What could have happened? Why is it slanted like that?
[Y/N then inspects the truck further and notices that one of its tires have been popped yet there was nobody around]
Y/N: Nobody is here......*Check back* Hmm. Broken lock, strands of hair, destroyed weapons and blood inside the truck? Seems like a struggle happened but why would there be blood inside?
Sinner: Hey
Y/N: Oh good morning.
Sinner: Tryna figure what happened here as well?
Y/N: I only just arrived here but the scene does intrigue me.
Sinner: It looks like someone tried to steal the shipment and they succeeded unfortunately.
Y/N: What?
Sinner: Yea the weapons that get shipped from the Carmine compound are hella valuable so people try and steal them always.
Y/N: Were you a victim of this incident?
Sinner: Thankfully not.
Y/N: Were you involved in any sort of way?
Sinner: Nope. I didn't help load any of the knives or drive the truck or anything to do with this shit. I was just walking by and noticed other people staring at it so I decided to join. I left and came back then I found you here.
Y/N: Thank you for your alibi. But would you be so kind to help inspect the back of the truck?
Sinner: Sure.
[As Y/N and the sinner inspect the back of the truck Y/N suddenly grabs the back of the sinner's head tightly]
Y/N: Doing what's necessary *Bangs head against truck* You lied to me *Bangs head* to my face right in front of me *bangs head*
Sinner: *Blood dripping from head* N-no the fuck I didn't man! I told you I had no involvement!
Y/N: And you lie again *Bangs head* If you were the driver then you wouldn't need to know what weapons you were transporting. *Bangs head* If you were the one who put them in the first place you would have no reason to follow the truck. *Bangs head* And yet when I asked you were you involved in any sort of way you said specifically mentioned knives. *Bangs head 3 times* The only way you would know of the specific type of weapon in this truck is if you were involved in its destruction. *Bangs head*
[The sinner had a completely bloody face from Y/N constantly hitting his head against the truck and he couldn't do anything except plead for mercy]
Sinner: *weakly* P-p-please b-believe me I am n-not lying.....
Y/N: Another lie you speak. *SMASHES head*
[The sinner's head now became nothing but bloody mush]
Y/N: Maybe I should have done that more efficiently, my clothes are now bloody. Vaggie put time and effort into getting this for me. I am deeply sorry Vaggie.
Y/N: But whoever must've done this cannot be far is this one came back. Unless they were doing something more.....*hears radio* Huh?
[Y/N goes to the sound of the radio in the front of the truck and hears a voice on the other end]
???: Are you there? What happened?
Y/N: *Stays silent*
???: Answer me dammit!
Y/N: *Stays silent*
???: *growls* Another failed shipment....*cuts radio call*
Y/N: Was that the owner? Sounded feminine. She mentioned "another failed shipment" this must've happened not too long ago as well. I am unaware of how i can assist with this....*looks at sinner* What is this? *Picks up phone* Another one of these things? What did Velvette call it......a phone?
[The phone then received a text message saying "Hey you took care of the guy near the truck yet?" Y/N seeing this begins shaking with rage and cracks the phone on accident]
Y/N: Ah. It broke? But it's still functional somehow. I must calm myself and think strategically.
[The phone received another message saying "If you have then make sure to come back quickly so we don't get caught."]
Y/N: *Puts phone in pocket* They will come for their friend and I will be waiting for them.
[40 minutes later Y/Ns decision to stay and hide would prove a fruitful result]
Sinner 2: The fuck man what is taking you so long!
Y/N: *Hiding in truck*
Sinner 2: *Checks sinner 1* What the fuck?! What happened to him!
Y/N: *Bursts out of truck* I happened. *Grabs sinner* Now tell me
Sinner 2: TELL YOU WHAT!?
Y/N: Where did you come from? SPEAK OR DIE JUST LIKE HIM!
Sinner 2: You'll have to do a lot more than that if you want me to speak.
[Y/N taking the sinner's offer decided to twist the sinner's arm]
Sinner 2: *SCREAMING*
Y/N: Talk.......
Sinner 2: NEVER BITCH!
Y/N: *Breaks fingers* Talk......
Sinner 2: *Crying in pain* N-never
[Y/N having enough grabbed the sinner's head with one hand and began crushing it and jabbed his other hand into his stomach]
Y/N: This is your last chance
Y/N: *Drops sinner* I don't care for your crime association if you have one just tell me where the weapons are....
Sinner 2: *Weakly* They're in that truck down the road getting ready to leave *chuckles* but you'll never catch them. Good luck though.
Y/N: *Breaks skull* Fool.....
[Y/N begins chasing the truck down getting as close as he can before it drives off]
Y/N: I can make it if doesn't go now.
[The truck starts and begins to drive away but Y/N barely managed to grab hold of it and hangs on]
Y/N: They don't know I'm here yet so I can break the lock.
[Y/N begins moving to the back of the truck and breaks the lock on it entering the truck from the back and seeing crates upon crates of weapons]
Y/N: Just as I thought the weapons are here *Closes truck doors* Ugh! *Slips* this driver in unaware of what he is doing. I need to get to him and kill him.
[As Y/N traverses through the truck he makes it to the driver after breaking down a reinforced wall.]
Y/N: "Must wait till he stops"
Driver: *Laughs* Man getting these knives were easy *Stops truck* Now all that's left is-MMPF!
[Y/N begins suffocating the driver by blocking his nose and mouth. After a few minutes the driver finally dies of asphyxiation and Y/N takes command of the truck and takes the weapons back to the Compound]
Y/N: This is the place.
Clara: Ugh we spent so fucking long loading all those damn knives. *Cracks back* only for them to get fucking stolen.
Odette: Well it's happened before we just gotta suck it up.
Y/N: Hello Clara, Hello Odette.
Odette: *Skeptical look*
Clara: Oh um......sorry who are you?
Y/N: It's me Y/N.
Clara: Ehh we do better with features and characteristics not names sorry.
Y/N: *Sees crates* "Hmm"
Odette: Um sorry please get away from those....
[Y/N continues to approach the crates full of new weapons]
Clara: Listen STOP!
Y/N: *Picks up crates*
[The two girls were stunned as Y/N effortlessly picked up multiple crates of heavy weapons. Odette now remembering who "Y/N" was.]
Clara: Impressive......but that still doesn't help us remember who you are.
Odette: No....I remember you now. You're that freakishly terrifying guy who was in the armor right?
Y/N: I'd like my name to be memorized but that works as well.
Clara: Oh you. Shit my bad it's just we have a lot and you're actually wearing clothing instead of your armor.
Odette: What brings you by?
Y/N: Well I enlisted here to help you two with your weapons. However today I took back a transport vehicle that had your weapons. The people who manned this truck took your knives and I managed to retrieve and return them.
Clara: WAIT REALLY?! *Check truck* Damn
Odette: Are they actually in there?
Clara: They definitely are.....
Y/N: The thieves mentioned that your weapons get stolen often. Is this true?
Odette: Yes they do. They're high value weapons so of course they would.
Clara: *Hugs Y/N tightly*
Y/N: Ah!
Odette: Sis has taken a liking to you. Being honest I have as well.
Y/N: "I probably have a general consensus"
Odette: Hey would you mind helping us with something?
Y/N: I don't mind.
Odette: Could you show us how you use a knife?
Y/N: Well I don't think I could help with that i apologize. I'm better with a longer and bigger melee weapon like my sword.
Odette: Ahhhh Ok.
Clara: Cmon sis he probably ruined his whole body getting these back for us.
Y/N: Actually I didn't. It was quite easy although I had to kill to make it happen.
Clara: Oh damn poor them. I would not want to make enemies with someone as strong as you.
Y/N: I appreciate the compliment.
Odette: Killing in the morning is nuts. How come you're so hostile?
Y/N: I was trained to be this way. I was a knight from the Middle Ages and my association had me and other become merciless knights.
Odette: Hmm ok.....
Clara: "Trained?"
Y/N: Regardless I must be taking my leave. I appreciate the small talk and hopefully your weapons don't get stolen again.
Clara: Later *Waves*
Odette: Bye *Waves*
Clara: Did you see the way he looked?
Odette: Y-yea he looked cute. He can definitely pull off that outfit minus the blood at least.
Clara: He looked like a model. For a bloodthirsty knight he's he was blessed pretty damn well.
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