Chapter 6

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"Hey dad."
Yaris says monotonously into the phone as she get's onto the bus, her eyes flicking around looking for a seat. 
Finally she pauses, eyes widening as a smile pulls to her face.


Moving forward, she smiles down at the boy.
"Is it okay if I sit here?" Duke freezes, staring at her wide eyed but slowly nodding as she sits herself down.

"Hey kid . . . Maria's pregnant." her 'father's voice sounds' on the other side.

Yaris freezes, letting out a awkward sigh as she grips her side bag to her chest.
"Oh . . . congratulations." Her voice almost sarcastic as she rolls her eyes.
"I won't visit this month Kiddo. I have to take her to the doctors."

Yaris ignores this, her eyes straying on duke's notebook as he solemnly wrote down lyrics. The girl pauses, moving the phone away and talking to the boy.

"Wow, that's a really good song! Did you write it?"

Duke looks taken aback as he stares at her smiling face.
Yaris gasps slightly, waving her arms.
"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to look."

Duke shakes his head quickly before gulping.

"O-oh no! Yes I wrote them . . . "
She smiles at this.
"Seems like you're going to go a lot of places. I better be invited for your first concert *hehe*"
She jokes, making the boy solemnly smile.

"Hello? Yaris? Hello!"

the girl's expression falls as she presses the phone to her ear with a small sigh.
"Sorry about that. Look dad, Can you increase my pocket money? I'm barely getting by, just a few 100 won."

"Aren't you part timing?"

"Yeah I am, but it's not enough dad, you're barely paying for my fees, I'm only getting by cause the Principal pities me."
She groans, rolling her eye at the audacity of the man. Duke side eyes the conversation.

"My priority was your sister and Maria, Yaris you should know that."

"I get that, But you have the money, it won't hurt to help me out would it?"

"*Sigh* I'll check it out. Bye kid"

Stingy MF, hope you stub your toe

The girl doesn't bother responding, instead cutting the call and standing up as the bus comes to a slow halt.
"Bye!" She waves to the boy with a smile before hopping out of the bus.

I could sell some of the clothes Jay gave me, but that just be rude. Besides . . . . Jay gave them to me. Guess I should find another job other than delivering shit.

 . . . . . . .

Daniel was walking in beside Jiho, the girls cooing and gaping at the boy with heart eyes as he shoots them friendly smiles. Behind them, Yaris walks in, her eyes immediately straying to Duke, who was walking around, holding two trays full of food and taking them to a table.
Letting out a sigh, she glances to Daniel and Jiho who stand there staring at the guy in thought.
The girl sets her tray down on a table, walking over to Duke with a toothy grin while stuffing her phone into her jacket pocket.

"Hey! I saw you on the bus!"

Duke widens his eyes, further disappointed in himself now knowing a girl that was nice to him had witnessed his living hell. Ignoring this, Yaris moves to take a tray from his hand, shooting him a close eyed smile.
"Where do you want me to put this?"

Duke gapes, immediately shaking his head.
"No! I'll do it, give it to me-"
"Aw cut it out! We're practically friends now, I'll help you."
The cafeteria was shocked, before immediately sounding out into whispers.

'Woah, that's actually really cool'

'doesn't she sit with Daniel?'

'Losers with losers I guess'

Her face is stoic as she grits her teeth, The amount of eyes on the two making her want to vomit.

I definitely still have my social anxiety

She pauses, before glancing down to him once more, Duke stares back at her in awe.
"Besides, I've been bullied too . . . "
She smiles, dimples carving into her cheeks.
"So let's get through this together, after all, you are the future Eminem."

God 'the future Eminem?' TF am I saying? This is not how you comfort people god damn it, I sound so shallow-

Duke pauses with wide eyes, before smiling and gesturing to one of the tables.
"Over there."

She nods, putting the tray down and dusting off her hands.
"So, wanna sit with us Duke?"

 . . . . .

The metal cup bounces off the table in front of Duke, flying up, before being caught by Yaris, who breaths out sharply through her nose in an attempt not to bend the cup under her grip. Daniel glares as does Jiho, But that doesn't stop Yaris from spinning on her seat and narrowing her eyes at Vin Jin, Who smirks, leaning against a chair with one leg on top of the other. Once again the cafeteria was up in flames, chattering ringing out. Zack and his goons, Vasco and the burn knuckles, along with Vin Jin's two cronies, all watch quietly, analysing the situation.

"Hey Duke, get me some water . . . Or tell your bitch to do it." 

huh . . . . . 

Fuck restraint.

Standing up slowly, The noise of her chair screeching back echoes through the cafeteria as everyone is dead silent. The girl walks over to the bully, on hand combing away the hair from her face, just before she leans over him and slams the cup down on the table behind Vin Jin, caging him against it.

 The small chatting of the crowd sounding out.

'okay but why do I wish that was me?'

'Shut up Janet.'

Glaring hard, Vin Jin just smirks, staring up at her as she was bending over him, hand still gripping the cup.


Her hair had fallen forward, framing her face. 

Don't crush the cup, Don't crush the cup, Don't crush the cup

"WHAT is your problem?"

Vin Jin just shrugs, still staring up at her.

She narrows her eyes at him, feeling the metal cup begin to bend in her hand.
From the crowd, one person whispers out, though it sounds loudly for everyone to hear.

'The sexual tension is unreal' 
The crowd murmurs among themselves in approval, Just as Vasco clenches his fist in anger, the burn knuckles doing the same. The same reaction being evident in Zack and Daniel.

Making her face contort in disgust she quickly stands up, snapping her head in the direction of the voice, a look of horror on her face. Vin Jin smiles widely, still staying seated as he points to her.

"Yknow what? I like you. We should go out some time." Yaris guesses that he winked, though not being easy to identify because of him multi tinted glasses.
She scoffs, flipping him off before going to sit down again, Vin Jin calls out to her.

"Hey! What about my water?"

The guy pauses, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he see's Jay's 'Glare' pointing at him from across the room. Yaris goes to snap back, only for Zack to answer instead, The boy also seated the same way as Vin Jin, being leant back on a chair, legs stretched out.

"Get it yourself, is your hand broken?" Zack grits out as Mira shoots him an approving look, her eyes flicking to Yaris in concern.

'woah what's up with Zack these days?'

'he's not bullying anyone lately'

And that's how team Zack vs team Vin Jin were about to fight. Of course, it was later broken up by Vasco.

 . . . . .

"Hey Euntae!"

Yaris jumps up from her chair, jogging over to the burn knuckles, Vasco blushes slightly, glancing away, quickly wiping a stray tear he had from watching the fashion guys being showered in love.
"Hey Yaris."
She shoots him a toothy grin, "*Hehe* Sorry, I just wanted to say hi to you guys."

And see my cinnamon rolls

Her words make the group collectively blush. 

 . . . . . .

Yaris sat at the convenience store, deciding to keep little Daniel company as she was bored and alone.

Makes me want to get a pet. My dumbass can barely keep a plant alive though . . . 

She claps a little at little Daniel as he shyly sings.
"Wow Danny! You and Big Daniel are both so talented."
Daniel blushes rocking on his feet as he starts singing once again. Yaris sucks her lollypop, hyping him on further.

"Man If you went to J-High, you could've sung with big Daniel and Duke, you guys would be LIT!"

Daniel smiles, getting prouder, his gorgeous voice flowing through the convenience store. The door of the store opens, with a dinging sound ringing out. 

Yaris freezes just as Daniel gasps and stops singing. 

Crystal popping her head in with a wide smile.
"Wow! You're singing today? you have a lovely voice."

Yaris smile at her politely.

Damn miss-gurl is stunning . . . . Too bad you're a hypocrite.

Yaris zones out the conversation, just before crystal makes eye contact with the girl, face going still as she silently judges. Yaris chuckles awkwardly while waving to her.

"Hey- Sorry, I'm just here to accompany my friend here on his nightshift."

At this, crystal smiles and nods, waving goodbye to the both of them

 . . . . . 

It was a strange situation for Yaris . . . she seemed out of place.

Jiho arrived with Duke to apologize to Daniel. She soon decided to leave them for their talking as she headed home with one thought in mind.

I need to avoid gun

Of course, it isn't as easy as it sounds. Because her body began acting to her impulsive thoughts. Situations like the cafeteria with Vin Jin, or even the time she beat up the men at the library.
An overwhelming urge to protect Daniel, or any of her friends. Like there was no way around it.
Letting out a quiet breath, she walks into her house.

It's like  . . . . . I can't control myself around the plot. . . . . 

No, I can do this, I've just been to careless, that's all.

 . . . . .

The 10th Jhigh festival was in full swing. 
The sound of music, echoing out through the open grounds from the dj's truck.
At the same time there was the chattering of visitor's and students alike, ringing out and buzzing in the ears of those that pass by.

Yaris lets out a happy hum as she pushes past the crowds at each station.

Wow I haven't been to a school festival like this in ages. Were teenagers even happy in my school? Come to think of it . . . .

The girl coming to a halt in front of a large piece of wood with 4 characters painted onto it. The label 'Water bomb, $1'
Painted across the top.

She snorts, clutching her mouth and holding in her laughter as she sees Vasco, Jace, and two burn knuckles, sticking their heads through the holes to get water bombed. Quickly pulling out her phone, she snaps a photo of the moment and smiles. The two women who go to throw the bomb freeze at the menacing faces, gulping and running off squealing.

A singular tear runs down Vasco's face, just as Jace looks to his leader in concern.
Yaris huffs, walking forward and picking up two water balloons.

Jace looks at her in awe, as though he met an angel, Vasco lighting up as does the other two.
Yaris smirks readying for the throw.
"Brace yourself boys!"

SPLAT!- burn knuckle one

SPLAT!- burn knuckle two

Vasco and Jace have sullen expressions as they didn't get bombed, only for Yaris to giggle and grab two more balloons from the basket nearby.

SPLAT!- Jace

SPLAT!- Vasco

The four of them beaming, smiling like puppies. Running over to them, she kneels down by their faces, pulling out a pink lipstick. Jace widens his eyes as the girl draws whiskers on his cheeks, repeating the same for Vasco and the other two burn knuckles.

Pausing in front of Vasco's bright red face, she smiles widely, moving a hand to brush away strands of wet hair blocking his vision, before deciding to peck Vasco's forehead. Standing up, she gives him a small wave.
"Have fun Euntae! You too Jace! boys!" Before running of with a satisfied smile.

The 4 boys sit there, blushing in a daze. Casco of course, was a new shade of crimson, tears washing down his cheeks and scaring off potential balloon throwers.

 . . . . .

Zack runs up behind the girl, slowing to a halt as he huffs. Yaris glances at him, the guy, sweating from all the dodging.
"Didn't get hit huh."

"Nope not once, who did you think I was loser?"
Yaris rolls her eyes, pulling the guy over to witness the auction, The group had already gathered, Eli being 'sold' for $500, Ho jeong from baking being 'sold' for $80, Beom Kim for $65.

Like I always say, this is weird as fuck. What would they do if these were female students instead hmm??

Do they not realise a creep is a creep no matter the sex?? Some of these girls can be absolute psycos . . . . shit, how tone deaf.

The next person was Vasco, who walks up stiff as a board.
The poor guys stood there in silence as everyone who first swooned goes to a more terrified stance on his looks, after all, his nervousness turned his expression into something much more menacing. Yaris sighs, lifting her hand up to place a bid, heart aching to find a price high enough to not embarrass him, and low enough to not completely burn a hole in her pockets.

God . . . . No, you can not marry this man- he is destined for someone else! As are the rest of these cuties!

But . . . . It wouldn't' hurt to save this poor baby from embarrassment, his real lady hasn't arrived yet after all.

yes, this if fine, I am not being selfish.

I can't actually like any of these men.


Jace lets out a breath of relief as Vasco blushes, walking off stage. She smiles over at Zoe and Mira, before walking over the Vasco with a wide smile.
"Euntae! Guess you and I have a date huh? We can just hang out one day if that's fine."
The boy nods enthusiastically as she chuckles, urging him to go join his crew as she walks back to Zack. Zack side eyes her with a grim expression.
"Why did you bid for him?"

Is that even a question?

She shrugs. "Cus he's my friend, besides, he's handsome too."

Zack pauses, looking ahead with a furrowed brows, and a slightly discontent expression, before a small blush flits onto his cheeks..
"How about me?"

"Huh?" She tilts her head at him, making him blush and speak louder.
"Am I handsome?"

Handsome would be an understatement.

Yaris huffs, rolling her eyes. "Don't make me say it . . ."

Zack stares at her narrowed eyes with a raised brow, glancing at her slightly pouty lips. "Say what?"

She lets out an annoyed breath before smiling. "Yes, Yes you are handsome."

The guys smiles smugly, looking ahead as Daniel steps on the stage.

Yaris cheers. "WOHOO GO DANNY!"
Daniel blushes glancing her way shyly.

The girl winces, the noise of the crowd making her ears hurt. Suddenly freezing, she feels two hands cup her ears from behind. Looking back, Yaris feels her face heat up when she sees Zack smiling  down at her. His brown eyes warm, glinting in a suddenly apparent ray of sun, that proceeds to catch on his pretty lashes and sharp features.

Holy fuck what kind of Kdrama shit is this? 

How odd, my heart's picking up . . . . . . 

No, he's into Mira, this is platonic.

Right . . . . I can't fall for these people.

Over the time, Yaris could see Daniel's face contort into fear as Lala's bid keeps winning. Daniel glances her way, The girl making a heart with her hands as an encouraging sign.
Though the noises were muffles from the guy's hands, she could faintly hear a bid of 2,000 being called out, both Zack and Yaris, turn their head in surprise, of course, the girl just needed to see gun.

Lala grits her teeth, raising her hand quickly.


Yaris just watches on quietly, the bids raising to 5,000, before Lala attempts to win with her 7,000 dollar bag with no avail. Yaris lets out a breath, stepping away from Zack and exchanging glances.
"They're all nuts . . . "
Zack nods, jaw open. "Tell me about it."

 . . . . . 

Damn you mind, body, spirit, GOD! You want me to die again, that's what this is about isn't it.

Fucking teenagers, and their horny asses. Always so hell bent on starting shit, really sums up ME quite well.

Yaris narrows her eyes ahead, glaring at the three people who stand in the parking lot. The urge to protect Daniel washes over her. Her legs drag against the pavement.

It's probably because he's the main character.

I- feel like I can't control my body. What's wrong with me?

Walking up to the three, Crystal turns to glance at her, eyes widening in recognition, just as Gun silently judges. Daniel looks to her with a relieved face, glad someone broke the awkward atmosphere as he fiddles with his sleeves.
"Hey Danny, sorry to interrupt you and your date."
She flicks Crystal a smile, before staring at the boy apologetically.
"I was lost so-"
Daniel nods, smiling widely at her, looking back to Crystal quickly. "Yeah. Oh, Ah-um Thankyou."

Crystal takes her eyes off of Yaris, instead, she stares back at the kid emotionlessly. From behind her, Gun frowns, folding his arms.
"That other girl almost won but-" Daniel sheepishly rubs his neck, the sound of music sounding out from the festival.

Crystal turns fully, glaring back at him. A rather beautiful woman she was, but strangely, Yaris was sweating, feeling rude and looking anywhere accept at the girl, after all, her eyes subconsciously slipped to her chest area, and being a pervert was not something our protagonist was proud of. She couldn't help it, it was like they were mocking her, in all their glory.

Jesus these lookism women-

How is your back sweetheart-

 "hey you, what's wrong with her. You think you're so hot

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