Chapter 6 - Phoenix

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(Disclaimer - foul language, stuff like that)

You walked out of the room and closed the door quietly. There was music playing from somewhere in the building. Where you late?!

You started to speed walk through the halls until you were met by everyone standing in front of two doors. The ones that opened into the Galla.

"Hey, you finally made it." Thor said. "We are about to walk in, the other guests are already in there, but Odin wants us to make an entrance." He explained as the doors then opened and you all walked out onto the ballroom.

They all cheered and clapped before you all walked around and started acting normal. Of course Clint, Tony, and Sam walked over to the bar so you decided to follow them.

"So, the new dress looks nice." Tony said before he ordered a drink. You followed his actions before taking a sip of the strong liquid. It still kind of burned your throat but you were a lot more relaxed now.

After 30 minutes or so of talking and drinking with Sif and all of them you noticed more and more guests started to get drunk and stumble around.

You were standing next to Clint at the bar when he walked off leaving you alone to drink for a moment. You then felt a hand rap around your waist. You twisted around to see who it was and it was a very drunk man. He was tall and had a strong grip.

"Your one of those Avengers, uhhh... humans." He said slurring and skipping over words.

"Yes, now please get off of me." You said trying to pry his hands off of your sides.

"I've always wondered why the mighty Thor wanted a Midgardian, they're so small and easy to hurt." He  said with a heavy breath.

"I said get away." You said trying to rip his hands off and struggled against him.

"Just to rip that dress off to see what beholds under it." He said again before moving his hands down to grab your hips.

"Sir, get off." You heard a voice behind the man. You looked over his shoulder and see Heimdall. A small smile found its way to your face as he grabbed the man's shoulder and moved him aside.

The man cursed under his breath a he stumbled off.
Heimdall turned back to you making sure you were alright.

"Are you okay?" He asked you as you ran your hand through your hair again.

"Yea, just scared me is all." You said not trying to face him to much.

"Well, I'll make sure he won't do it again, but for now, care to dance." He asked as the music started to play. It was slow dancing music, something you were not used to.

You had been to parties before but nothing like this kind, maybe only one time way back in the day. You didn't even dance at that party though, you were to busy getting information on the Mayor of Saint Denis. (Video game reference)

"Sure why not, I'm not much of a dancer though." You said before taking the final sip of your drink.

As you walked out onto the dance floor he instructed you the best he could but you didn't do to bad.

"So, anything fun or exciting happen at these thing?" You asked him as you tried to follow his steps.

"How do you mean?" He asked before taking a step in a different direction to make sure not to numb into anyone else.

"You know, bar fights, and stuff like that." You said before you seen something out of the corner of your eye. It was Natasha and Wanda standing there making fun of you. You smiled at them before turning back to Heimdall.

"No, does it happen often on Midgard?" He asked.

"Yea, but it's usually in bars or wherever there is alcohol. It's actually pretty fun, a lot of people end up getting involved." You said with a soft grin before laughing under your breath.

"I have never been in a bar fight, I'm only guessing you have though." He joked as the dance floor started to fill up with people.

"Only all the time, they are just so fun though, it's like street fighting. No rules, all kinds of weapons, and best of all you don't feel a thing until the next morning." You said excitedly making Heimdall laugh a bit.

The music started to speed up a bit and that's when you knew it was going to get a little tricky. After a few twirls and regular slow dancing for a few more minutes you both decided to exit the dance floor.

You were tired and could feel the pulse in your feet. As you both walked over to one of the large balconies that were connected to the ball room.

"I actually think I like this dress a lot more on you." He said which made you blush, before you got an idea.

"Why do you like it better." You asked with a smirk.

"It's a softer look, and your face isn't covered in glitter." He joked which made you giggle. You waited a few seconds and looked out over the city. It was dark out now, no sun, just the stars and the clouds. The moonlight was just enough to help see what was in the dark. A soft white glow covering everything and everyone.

"Y/n." Heimdall said but stopped.

"Yea, is something wrong?" You asked him, turning to face him completely.

"It's just." He stopped and hesitantly took a step towards you but stopped. Then he placed a hand under your cheek and leaned down. You knew what was going to happen, but you just tried to relax and closed your eyes as his lips landed down on yours.

It was a soft and sweet kiss, and you both probably stayed like that for a while before you both had to breathe. Even though it was a long kiss it didn't feel like it lasted that long.

You looked back up into his eyes as he looked down at you. You both smiled kind of like goof balls before laughing a little bit.

"I suppose I owed you for throwing you across the arena." He said with a snarky tone. You then pushed him up against the railing behind him.

"I let you all win because I didn't want to hurt any of you, and because I like you." You said but only a few seconds after you said it your eyes went wide.

"What was that beautiful?" He asked before leaning back forward against your force with ease. Your eyes went a little wider when he did it.

"I, uhhh, ummm, I meant." You stammered your words trying to explain yourself, even though there was no explanation.

"Maybe this can jog your memory." He said leaning down again and locking his lips onto yours. He then gently grabbed onto your waist and pulled your closer to his body.

It was a bit of a rougher kiss, lustful in a way. When you both pulled away your smile said it all.

"I fancy you to, Y/n." He whispered to you as he pulled you even closer. You smirked as you seen some women glaring your way.

You both probably talked out on the balcony for an hour or so before you heard something happened from inside. It sounded like glass shattering and thumping around.

You both rushed inside to see what all the commotion was about when you seen Natasha and another woman struggling around. You ran over to them and pulled Natasha off of the other woman.

"Get off of me Y/n, this woman was talking shit about you." She yelled angrily.

"Thank you for your concern but if someone was talking shit about me I could handle it." You said letting go of her calmly.

"You Midgardian women need to get ahold of your emotions and your hormones." She other woman yelled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO TALK AGAIN!" You yelled right in her face making her back up a ways.

"Y/n, Natasha, you need to calm down, it's not that big of a deal." Amelia said basically clinging to Bucky.

"Shut up you whore." You snapped back at her.

"Okay, Y/n, come on. You need to calm down." Heimdall said grabbing your arm and leading you to the door to the seemingly endless halls.

As you both walked Heimdall's pace seemed to get faster and faster until we came around the corner of where all of our rooms were.

"Why are you rushing around?" You asked him as you both started to get closer to your room. He didn't answer until he pushed your door open and you both walked inside. He quickly closed the door before turning back to you.

"What were you thinking yelling at a Duchess of Asgard, telling we you would harm her if you didn't shut up, in front of the whole kingdom?" He asked you in an annoyed tone.

"I didn't know she was a duchess, I got caught up in the moment and I lost my temper." You tried to explain yourself as you walked over the the balcony and looked out over the ocean.

There was silence for a while other than Heimdall's footsteps as he walked closer to you.

"I keep trying to tell them to stay out of my business, that I can handle things on my own, but they don't listen. I've gone over 100 years without someone to back me up when I got into tough positions or when people started talking bad about me, but I handled it on my own. I don't know why all of the sudden everyone is so interested in my personal life and wanting to either ruin it or protect it when I can do it all on my own." You said as your eyes started to cloud with tears. They never fell though, they only threatened to.

You then felt a hand rap around your shoulders, pulling you in for a hug.

"You are one of the strongest women I know, do you know that?" He asked you. You muffled your short laugh into his shoulder.

"You know it's okay to show weakness once in a while, because that just shows you've been strong for to long." He said in a gentle voice, a calming voice.

"I'm not strong, I know that because I don't usually cry when I'm upset, I get so angry when I'm sad, because I'm scared that whatever is making me upset is getting to me, so I lash out. It's not just the tears that make someone weak, it's the angry that can replace it." You explained as he kind of rocked from side to side as you silently cried in his embrace.

"You should probably get some rest, you have another full day remember." He said before picking up up bridal style over to your bed. You stayed silent as you kept your head buried in his chest. When he set you down you didn't let go of him.

"Please don't go, I don't want to be alone." You said shaking.

"Okay, I can stay. Are you alright?" He asked you kind of worried.

"Yea, but I'm not sleeping in this dress." You said still crying but trying to lighten the mood.

You chuckled a little before he got up and turned around. When he was completely turned around you slipped the dress off and climbed back into the bed before rapping the soft, warm blankets all around you.

"Okay." You said laying down with your eyes closed. Heimdall then later down next to you and protectively rapped his arms around you.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again, I promise." He whispered into your ear as you slipped into a soft and peaceful sleep. His words felt familiar, like you had heard them before. You weren't sure where you had heard it from though.

(Well, I don't know about you guys buuuuutttt, I really feel like I could have executed this chapter out a little better. Other than that I just want to say thank you for reading and have a good day or night)

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