Chapter 24 - Phoenix

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Sif smiled as your got up and stretched some more. You then walked past her and into the bathroom to get changed.

When you came back out she was waiting in her same spot. You had to freshen up before you decided to go anywhere.

"Ready to go?" She asked you as you walked over to her. You nodded tiredly before following her out the door.

"A son, that's big news," Sif said excitedly as you kind of spaced out and looked around with a dazed look. "Y/n?"

You then looked over at her with a surprised look as if you were being awoken from a long slumber.

"Yeah, sure," you answered not even really knowing what she said. She looked over at you with concern as you all walked down the seemingly endless corridors.

After a while you both stopped at the training grounds to meet up with Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. When you approached they all smiled welcomingly as they usually did, even though Fandral was still sporting his smirks and high strung manner.

"It seems you are not yourself today, Lady Y/n," Hogun said, he was always the keenest and he payed more attention than the others did.

"I'm fine, just feel a little weird after all that happened yesterday," you said blatantly before looking over to the trainees. They were all lined up and looked as if they were behaving a lot better. Other than Magnus. He seemed bitter and had a sour expression, but that wasn't the first thing you noticed about him.

He had a cut that ran down his face from his left eyebrow to his right cheek. Your eyes widened as you walked over to him. It was semi healed as there were stitches still in the wound.

"Magnus, what happened?" You asked him with a hint of worry.

"It was nothing, I was just messing around with a sword and accidentally cut myself," he said as he closed his eyes when he explained himself.

"Bullshit, and anyone who would believe that lazy excuse is obviously an imbecile," you said angrily. "Who did this to you?" You then asked him. You seen him turn towards Asmund, the trouble maker from the start, before looking away just as fast. You then walked away from Magnus and towards Asmund. He stood there with a slight smirk as he held his head high.

"Asmund, is it?" You asked the boy. He then looked down at you before straight forward again.

"Yes, it is," he said with a sigh.

"What happened to Magnus?" You then asked him with a deathly glare.

"Listen Lady-."

You then grabbed him by the back of the neck pull back and tripped him using your leg. You looked down at him as he scrambled to get up. You tilted your head to the side as he stood up and took a step back. You watched as he stood there in shock before speaking.

"Maybe I did do something to the little bitch, what are you going to do about it?" He asked in a venom filled tone.

"This." You said with no emotion before grabbing his hand and grasping it tightly. You knew the best places to apply pressure on the arm to neutralize an enemy so this would be easy. He yelled in pain as he fell to his knees. You stared down at him with an empty expression before twisting his hand a little, making Asmund scream out in pain.

"Y/n, stop," Sif said in a worried tone.

"Not yet," you said.

You then pulled a knife out and used it to get a piece of hair out of your face before looking down at him.

"What did you do?" You asked him as you waved the knife in his face.

"What do you think?" He snapped back making you twist his hand a little more. He hissed in pain for a second. "Ok, ok." He then said as sweat streamed down his forehead.

"Me and a few others caught him by himself so we took him to a remote location and started beating him up. After that I took a knife and slashed down his face," he explained with pained words.

"Why?" You asked in a low and angered voice.

"You were spending to much time on that freak, when the soldiers who will actually have a life stay in the dark about special tactics and warfare," he said with wide eyes. You then took your knife and placed the blade on the back of his hand, not applying pressure.

"I had a friend who was attacked by wolves and he had three scars across his face just like Magnus, and when we went to get him the wolves tried to attack again, but they didn't get a chance to, because I killed them. So the next time you think your a wolf I'll shoot you down," you said before letting go of his hand and turning away. He grabbed his hand immediately and fell to his knees. You put the knife away and looked back at everyone else in the line up.

"I have a few new rules in which we should discuss, from now on your training will be harder than ever before, and you can thank only one person for that, Asmund. From now on I want to see blood, sweat, and tears everyday until you become soldiers. You will not act like you are above anyone else, I do not care who you are and where you came from, all I care about his how much work you put in. From now on punishment will be enforced, every time you are caught out of line you will preform a series of workouts and challenges until you are free to go back to regular training. Is that all understood?" You ended with a small smile before turning back to a frown. "Good."

As the days went on you watched from a distance and made small changes to the trainees. Whether it be how they were standing or what weapon would be the best for a certain combat situation. You didn't want to include yourself to much into the stressful stuff so you kept a stalking like persona while helping train.

"Pick up your elbow before you cast that arrow or it will be to far down," you corrected a trainee but instead of listen be cats the arrow and he missed the shot. To far down.

"For not listening you will now do what I call the Forbidden Five. 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull-ups, 50 spear throws each arm, and run a mile. You will not continue to train and move on with your comrades until the Forbidden Five is completed." You said before walking away.

After a few weeks of training you were told you needed to speak to Odin from a messenger. You walked up to him cautiously and bowed in respect the best you could with your 6 month pregnant belly.

"Lady Y/n, there is not need for such formalities when you are in this state," Odin said as he watched out over his soldiers and soldiers in training.

"I am still perfectly able, Allfather," you said with a sweet smile as you stood next to him.

"I know you are, you are strong, stronger than many many fit soldiers combined, but that is not why I have called you here." He said before turning to you. "Y/n, your training methods are very extraordinary, not to far off of proper discipline but a bit extreme. Fandral says many are tired and uninspired to work hard enough to become better. Sure they are growing stronger and are getting better at noticing their mistakes and fixing them but they feel as though they are not training for the right purpose. They feel like they should be training for Asgard, but instead they feel as though they are training for discipline and acknowledgement." Odin added as you to watched over the soldiers.

"That's what I trained for my whole life, discipline, acknowledgment, patience, but I was also taught to be unruly, ignorant, and tough skinned, I guess that's why I'm kind of messed up on tactics at this point." You said before turning away from the sparing soldiers and looking out towards where Magnus and the others were training.

"Yes, well, when one is taught one thing, it sticks with them even when they are taught another. You have just been thinking to hard about how you were taught to see how they must be taught. These boys did not grow up as you did, you grew up wondering how you would survive day after day, they grew up wondering how far they could go before their mothers caught them sneaking off to go watch the soldiers fight. But they still end up battle ready and hardy with consistent training," Odin said as he started to walk off. You followed him as he walked through a garden filled with flowers and a lovely tree.

"So your saying that I should let them go around beating the other trainees up and cutting their faces?" You asked Odin as he sat down to look at the tree.

"No, but I'm saying don't train them like they are former outlaws on the run just trying to prove to higher entities that they are worth keeping around and not killing," Odin said with a sigh. You looked at him with shock before looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Odin, I'll try again, and this time I'll do it your way," you said in a soft but serious tone before standing up to walk away.

"Y/n, I heard about how you had your powers stripped away and had your pass into Olympus destroyed to ensure the protection of all the Avengers and citizens of Asgard, and for that you have my respect. Not everyone would be willing to do such a thing," Odin said as he continued to look at the tree with wonder filled eyes. You didn't turn back to him but you nodded in understanding before walking back to the training hollow.

You stayed quiet for the rest of the day until it was time for the sun to set and for the moon to rise. You walked with Sif as you looked at some of the moon glow that reflected off of some of the golden railings and stones.

"Caught in thought?" Sif asked you as you both continued to walk.

"Odin said that I shouldn't train the soldiers as hard as I was trained, he said that even though I was trained harder and I had a harder life, the trainees would be better fit for a battle if they were trained as a regular soldier," you said as you looked towards the ground.

"So that's why he needed to speak with you," she said as you both took a turn to go down towards the tavern. Just for food, no beer or anything like that.

"Yea, I think that he is going to have me stop training the troops in my third trimester, which is next month," you said frustrated as you both walked in a took a seat.

"Well, at least the boys will be in a better mood, I mean your training tactics are good but they are always so moody and angry after they have to do them," she said before you both ordered your food.

"Mmhmm, I guess.... well, maybe not," you stopped yourself before you said something offensive.

"What?" Sif asked.

"Oh, nothing, I have just rambling," you said trying to cover for yourself. She just shrugged it off as your food came out and you both began to eat.

When you finally made it back to your chambers you freshened up and changed before getting into bed. You struggled a little bit as you shuffled onto the tall bed. You sighed when you made it and leaned back against the headboard.

"You are not making this easy, buddy," you said as you rubbed your stomach. That was probably your first time you spoke to your unborn child. You found it weird to talk to someone that you really couldn't see or hear yet so you never did it. After you spoke though you felt a little bump coming from your belly. Your eyes shot wide open as you looked down at your stomach.

Surely not.

"I guess you like it when I talk, huh," you said with a giggle at the end. Another kick. Your smile brightened a little more.

"That or you want me to stop talking so you can sleep," you giggled again as the baby started to kick some more.

(Another chapter down, another chapter to come, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for reading. We are getting closer to the end of this fanfic but I might continue writing it and I might not. We'll see :). I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for reading.)

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