Disclaimer - harsh language
~ Time skip to five months later because I'm not writing five months worth of content 🙂 ~
It was finally time for the celebration of your unborn child. You were now in your second trimester but things weren't to hard to do. You did get a little moody at times but you've stayed relatively the same which was a big surprise by everyone.
You had been staying on Olympus for a few weeks while they made the plans on Asgard, you really didn't care, you just wanted to be calm and take a week for yourself. You had still been helping train troops and while they didn't take you as serious you still reminded them you could kick their asses, pregnant and all.
You were laying down, resting after you had taken a bath before Artemis and Athena walked into your room.
(Just imagine this room but without the hut looking walls and ceiling)
Artemis carried a long flowing dress while Athena carried some jewelry and a some sandals.
"I guess it's time then?" You asked them as you leaned forward and got up. You had been sleeping for a while since it had been hard to get some sleep on Asgard even with Heimdall helping you with your dreams.
Nyx, the goddess of the night had made you sleep using her powers. It was very much appreciated because you felt refreshed and energized, and ready to see Heimdall and all of your friends again.
After you put on the dress Athena fixed your hair while Artemis put on your jewelry. It was a bit stressful but it was over quickly. After you put on your sandals you had a look in your mirror and just stared.
"Y/n? Y/n, come on," Artemis said in a sweet and calming voice as she called for you.
"Yea, I'm coming," you said but you continued to look in the mirror. She came up behind you and smiled softly as you turned around.
"You look fine," she said with a hint of amusement in her voice. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
"That's not why I'm looking, it's just weird to think that I'm carrying a baby," you said as you turned back towards the mirror. You giggled softly as she stood next to you.
"You can't tell your pregnant if you face away from people, you just look normal," she said before taking your arm with her arm. "Now, come the rest of the gods and goddesses are waiting on us," she said as you both walked out of the room.
When you got to all of them they had on all of their armor and the things that symbolized who they were. You then seen Dutch, Hades had actually turned him back into a human and it was refreshing to see an old face.
"Y/n, there you are, I need to speak with you," Hades said with a worried expression which usually wasn't a common sight.
"Hades, are you alright?" You asked him with an equally worried tone.
"It's Micah, his soul escaped, I don't know how but he's not in the underworld, he's back on earth." He said making Dutch listen it.
"What happened?" Dutch asked as you looked between him and Hades.
"What animal did he turn into?" You asked him with a shocked face.
"He didn't, he's going to be reborn as a human again, and his parents are going to be at the celebration of your unborn child," he finished making you look down before back at him.
"Well! Who is it?!" You asked him in an angered tone.
"..... Amelia Smith, and James Buchanan Barnes," he said in a low tone. Your heart felt like it was about to explode. Not out of shock and sadness but out of anger and adrenaline. You could tell your eyes were starting to flicker red and you knew that the moment that child was born anarchy would follow. Micah Bell would rise again to destroy you and everyone you ever cared about.
You managed to suppress your anger in fear you would end up hurting someone around you, or the baby. You sighed and pulled the hair out of your face and thought.
"That doesn't matter now, if he is not truly out in the world no harm can come of it...... I'll just have to wait for the perfect moment," you said before waiting for Hera to open the portal.
"Are you sure you want to go?" Hera asked you.
"Yes, I've been away long enough, nobody is going to ruin this, and if they do they'll regret it," you snapped in anger. Everyone looked surprised for a moment but then looked away.
She opened the portal at the doors to the ballroom and waited for everyone to go through. She stepped through after you and you all waited for a sound or anything to signal that you could enter.
"As a special treat for this celebration, we are in the presence of the Greek Gods of Olympus, who have come here to celebrate the unborn child of Heimdall and Y/n. Please show them immense respect as they come here to converse with us," you heard Odin say. That was most likely the God's cue to go inside.
"Behave yourselves," you said before you got out of the way so they could walk in. As soon as the doors swung open Zeus and Hera were the first ones to walk out. They walked with long strides and they walked tall and proud. Next was Ares and Athena, and then Hades and Persephone, and the list goes on. Then Dutch walked in after them and went to stand with Hades. After this celebration he was to return to the underworld which you were quite sad about.
Everyone clapped lightly as they all walked in and as you waited for Heimdall to show up. You were to both walk in together and right as you started to get nervous he came around the corner. He smiled brightly as soon as he seen you.
"My love, you look beautiful," he said as he walked up to you and kissed you on the forehead. You smiled up at him before turning towards the door.
"Ready?" He asked you.
"As I'll ever be," you said with a smile before the doors came open again. You linked arms right as they swung open revealing a room full of people. They clapped lightly just as they did for the Greek Gods while you walked into the room. You didn't know how anything was supposed to happen so you just did what Heimdall did. He wore a stoic expression with a little bit of a smile while you wore a sweet smile.
You walked over to a small platform and turned to face everyone that was there. You looked over to where the Avengers were and seen Amelia. Your eyes flashed red as soon as you seen her. You looked away from her quickly before looking up at Heimdall. He smiled down at you before turning to everyone else. You did the same but your smile just wasn't the same, it was forced and didn't look as happy as before.
After some time you both got to go around and talk to some people, some very important people to that is, including some Asgardian nobles who knew Heimdall. When you got done talking to the nobles you walked Heimdall over to Artemis who was with her twin brother Apollo.
"Heimdall this is Artemis, the goddess of the moon, hunting, nature, and young maidens, and her twin brother Apollo, the god of the sun, music, prophecy, and archery," you said as they turned to both of you.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both, Y/n has spoke a lot about you," Heimdall said still wearing his stoic expression.
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Heimdall, Y/n as also spoke a lot about you," Artemis said with a slight giggle. Apollo chuckled a little as well before he turned to see Zeus and Hera coming.
"It's Zeus," Apollo whispered to Artemis before backing away so they could meet Heimdall. You smiled towards Hera who seemed delighted to see you with Heimdall.
"Hello, Heimdall," Hera said with a sweet smile while Zeus looked at least a little bit happy.
"Hello, your majesty," Heimdall said making Hera laugh a little.
"Oh, please, Hera is just fine," she said before you heard someone clear their throat. You and Heimdall turned around to see Odin standing with Frigga. You bowed your head a little before you both stepped out of the way.
"Hera, Zeus, this is Odin and Frigga, the rulers of Asgard," you introduced them.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Allfather," Zeus said still with his indifferent look, while Hera bowed her head in respect towards Frigga. You knew that look she was giving though. Hera was a jealous type and she gave you a part of her gift. When she was angered, annoyed, or jealous her eyes would turn a purple color.
"And it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Zeus," Odin said before you heard someone tapping a glass. It was coming from over at the Avenger's littler circle they had going on. They were also talking to some of the gods which included Hades, Persephone, Athena, and Ares. You slipped away from Heimdall and the gods to see what was happening.
"I think now is a good time to announce that Bucky and I are having a baby of our own," Amelia said with a cheerful smile. Some clapped while others just stared in disbelief that they would announce it at your baby shower of sorts. Bucky noticed you and his smile turned into a frown, you glared at him as he pulled Amelia away from the center of attention.
After you walked away from all of them to go and talk to more guests you were stopped.
"Hello, Y/n," a rough and familiar voice said. You looked up and it was Arthur.
An instant smile made its way to your face as you practically threw yourself at him. You hugged him tightly as a tear streamed down your face. You giggled before he set you down from the hug.
"Arthur," Dutch said with open arms are he walk over to you both. He didn't take the greeting to well though, because he immediately pulled out is revolver and pointed it at him. Dutch's hands immediately flew up as he backed away a few steps.
"Why is this snake here?" Arthur questioned in an angered voice.
"He's here for just a day, he's said he's sorry about everything. Arthur he never wanted things to turn out the way they did but he wasn't thinking straight," you explained trying to calm him down.
"Y/n, what's going on?" Heimdall said walking up to you.
"Nothing, just resolving some 120 year old drama is all," you said with a nervous laugh before turning back to Arthur. You looked up at him with pleading eyes as he looked between you and Dutch.
"Fine, but if he does anything I'm killing the bastard," Arthur said putting his gun away. You hugged him again as he gently returned the hug.
"Micah is back, he is reincarnated as Bucky Barnes and Amelia Smith's unborn baby," you whispered into his ear before looking over at them. Arthur glared over at them with his signature death glared which still scared even you.
"Well, you need to stay away from them, I'll deal with it," he said.
"No, Bucky will kill you, I was the one who was supposed to kill him last time but Dutch finished the job, it has to be me," you said, but only then did you realize you had said it out loud.
"Who are you killing?" Heimdall asked in a worried tone.
"Oh, don't act like I haven't killed someone before, Micah Bell, a murderous man has escaped from the Underworld and is now reincarnated as Amelia and Bucky's child. He will come after me and everyone I know, so as soon as the child is born I have to finish my job," you said so only Arthur and him could hear.
"We need to tell them, maybe they will be willing to stop the-."
"No, they won't believe us, they will think I'm just saying that because I'm jealous or some shit," you said, cutting Heimdall off annoyed.
"Then what do we do?" Arthur asked you. You sighed with a sad look before facing away from them.
"It has to be Dutch," you said. "He was the one to kill him last time, so he has to do it again," you said looking over at Amelia and Bucky. Bucky seemed so happy and you could see his happiness was real and genuine.
(Another chapter done, I hope you all didn't get to confused reading this, and if you did I'm sorry. I'm surprised that I've gotten this far writing this fanfic. 22 chapters in and I've still got to write more before I can say the end. Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading.)
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