Chapter 1 - Phoenix

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As everyone got ready to head into the Bifrost, Tony called you one last time before they left. You were on a mission and would still make it, but you would be very late.

"You good kid?" He asked as everyone huddled together to hear your response.

"Yea, I'm about to get off of the jet, I'll see y'all on the other side." You joked before hanging up. They all just stood there for a moment before looking over at Thor who was equally worried.
He then looked up at the sky and waited a moment.

"You know what to do Heimdall." Thor said, and just like that, all of the Avengers were beamed up in a bright stream of all the colors of the rainbow. It was almost blinding.
They all watched as Earth got farther and farther away until they could barely see their own galaxy.

When they finally reached Asgard they stumbled a bit as they struggled to adjust to what had just happened.

Then a tall man in golden armor, holding a sword, walked up to them.
"Welcome to Asgard, you seem to be missing one." He said with a stoic expression.

"Y/n will be done with her mission shortly. I instructed her to stand still and call out your name when she is ready to come here." Thor explained. Heimdall nodded once before turning back to where he stood everyday and watched.

As the Avengers started crossing the rainbow bridge a guard on horseback rode up to them.

"Your highness, the Allfather is currently busy with his royal duties and will not be able to meet the warriors of Midgard today." The guard said before Thor nodded and dismissed him. He sighed as he turned to his friends. 

"Well, you can still meet the Warriors three, and Lady Sif, we can drink and talk about battles and then we can head back." Thor said while they all followed him. They all weren't really paying much attention though, they were to busy looking around at all of the gold and all of the architecture. It was truly a marvelous sight to see.

As they all started their very long walk, Heimdall was busy taking in the sight that is the Marvel universe. As he watched though he couldn't help but look back down to Midgard to see if you were alright.

He watched as you tried to fight your way into a small HYDRA base. He watched as you flipped through the air and when you landed you dug your fingers into the snow and dirt. After you did you used your ability to push fire through the ground and blow up a tank before it could fire.

After a few seconds he looked away, you were in fact a very talented fighter and had an amazing ability, but Heimdall had duties to fulfill. He fixed his gaze everywhere other than you, he focused and watched all of the nine realms. Occasionally he looked out over the vastness of all of the other galaxies and planets, but he knew his real job was to watch over his home.

~ In one of the lounge rooms in the very large and very luxurious Asgardian castle ~

"You should have been there, it was truly a great fight." Thor told his Asgardian friends.

"So, you created Ultron and then he turned against you?" Lady Sif asked Tony. He nodded before taking a small sip of the ale provided. It was strong and could easily make you black out drunk if you drank to much of it. At least that's how it was for Midgardians, the Asgardians were used to it since they were immortal.

"Hey, how do you think Y/n is doing?" Wanda asked.

"She is probably fine, there isn't anything she can't do or anyone she can't fight." Thor said proudly, but you could tell he was kind of hesitant.

"Other than you." Sam joked as he was referring to you fighting Thor. Thor had been gone for a few weeks and when you became an Avenger you started practicing your fire power outside. You guessed he just thought you were a villain trying to attack the Avengers.

"She almost had me." Thor said with a light smile before picking up Mjölnir. "But thankfully I had my hammer." He said tossing it up in the air and then catching it again. Everyone just kind of rolled their eyes jokingly at his statement.

~ Back with Heimdall ~

As he continued to stare out into the endless swirl of stars and other galaxies, Heimdall heard his name. He looked back down towards Midgard where he seen you standing in an open field as snow started to fall down upon you. Your cheeks were a rosy color and you rubbed your arms as the adrenaline started to wear off. He just now noticed your suit you wore when you had missions. It was like a leathery top with no sleeves, leggings, combat boots, a tactical belt with knives, and your hair was french braided down the middle. Your long y/h/c tightly and securely braided.

"I hope you can hear me because it's starting to get dark...... and there are wolves...... and bears........ and people.... and Skinwalkers," you said snapping Heimdall back into reality. As he twisted the sword a beam of light shot down to Earth picking you up off of your feet and carrying you faraway from earth.

As you landed on Asgard you looked around the dome thing that you landed in. Your eyes fixed on all of the writing and engravings that were everywhere. As you looked around though you bumped into something. You jumped back quickly as soon as you did and looked up at what or who it was.

There, right in front of you stood Heimdall, he stood tall looking down at you. He was quite a bit taller than you. (He is 7'2", I didn't know that until I looked it up 😬. So he's a lot taller, but we will just go with around how tall Idris Elba is, 6'3 or 4)

"Welcome to Asgard, Lady Y/n." He said as you still stood there like a deer in headlights. Why was it so hard to talk all of the sudden, you were usually a very confident person. It took a lot to get you to stop talking, and here you were speechless.

"H-hi, you must be Heimdall." You said with a small smile. He nodded before picking up his sword, placing it on his back, and turning to walk off.

"Your friends are waiting for you, probably best I show you where they are." He said looking back towards you to see if you were coming. You hesitated, but you started to follow him.

As you both started to get further and further away from the dome you looked up at him. You had been staring at the ground not really wanting to spark conversation. You had never been so intimidated in your life. You had been trained not to show fear or pain when in the most intense situations.

"So what is it exactly you do?" You asked him as you both continued to walk. You kind of struggled to keep up with him since he was so tall and you were only 5'6". (I just googled average height and went with it.)

"I watch over the nine realms and make sure they don't fall to pieces. I can see anything and everything the universe has to offer." He said looking down at you which made you look away. He smirked slightly at your reaction.

"Isn't the universe always expanding though?" You asked him, making him nod slightly.

"There is a legend about a goddess named Suns who used the sun as an eye so that she could watch over the many creatures of the savanna, and she has a sister named Azera who used the moon as her eye to see the spirits of the dead, and if she sees a spirit then she would let them live with her in the sky as a star." You said kind of rambling. (Reference to My Pride, it's really cool, it's about lions and stuff like that. The creator is TribbleofDoom and they just finished the season and they are taking a break before they start the new episodes after they find a good way to fund it)

"You believe in them?" He asked you.

"They are real in their own way, they live on in the stories we tell of them." You explained finally looking up at him again.

"We don't really have any gods we cannot see." Heimdall explained.

"You don't have to see them to know if they are there, the mind cannot make up such things as a god who can wield thunderbolts, we would have had to see it." You said kind of talking with your hands.

"Are you talking about Thor?" He asked.

"No, the Greek God Zeus, he was the God of the Sky and King of the Greek Gods, creator of mankind." You finished.

"Hmm, you seem to know a lot about the gods." He stated looking straight at you. He looked as if his eyes were trying look at your soul.

"I-I am... very well educated." You said nervously.

"But, don't you have like a creator or someone or something you look up to?" You asked him skipping a step to catch up with him.

He just looked down at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Who do the people of Midgard look to?" He asked.

"Many people say it's God, and a lot of other religions have their own but I think the most interesting is the Great Mother. The Native Americans believe that she is the one who sent a vulture down to carve the mountains and valleys as it flew to close to the ground, and sent down two crows to mark the place of where the first people should live." You said looking out onto the ocean and the sunset reflecting off of it.

"We really don't have a creator, we do have a doom though." He said softly. He seemed scared of whatever it was and you knew.

"It won't happen, Ragnarok won't happen." You said in a bit of a hushed tone.

You closed your eyes tightly before opening them again and looking up at him. He stopped and was looking at you confused.

"How did you know." He asked, stepping closer to you.

"I-I can't tell you, but I can tell you it won't happen." You said giving him a small but awkward smile.

"Your powers, they let you see things, things that you maybe don't want to see?" He questioned as he continued to walk.

"Sometimes, but when I do get the visions or dreams they are..... difficult to endure." You explained as you looked down at one of your hands.

"I watched some of your mission, your ability is truly astonishing. Though it may be a bit uncontrollable." He said.

"I've been told it grows stronger every time I use it but I am able to control it better the more I use it, I just get scared.." you said before stopping.

"Scared you might hurt someone." He finished for you. You nodded slowly, rubbing your arm softly as you both continued to walk.

When you both finally reached the castle you walked in and your eyes had to adjust. It was dark, only lit by candles down the hallways. The light from the sunset shone through the windows and made you both glow every time you walked past a window. Sometimes you had to close your eyes completely because the light shining off of Heimdall's armer was to bright for you.

When you both finally reached the lounge everyone was laughing and having a good time. As you both walked in Steve jumped up and gave you a hug. You could practically smell the alcohol radiating off of him.

"You know your really pretty." He said slurring his words. You grinned ear to ear, seeing him drunk almost made you want to laugh out loud. Now that you were listening everyone was kind of slurring their speech.

"O great, a room full of Slurry Dintons." You joked as you sat besides Natasha and Wanda.

"How did the mission go Lady Y/n." Thor boomed from the other couch.

"Good, got the info sent to Fury and FRIDAY before I got here." You said happily as Natasha patted your back.

"Y/n! Your nose, it's bleeding!" Tony said walking over to you.

"I'm fine, stop. I'm 141 years old, I think I can handle a nose bleed." You said pushing him off and clamping your nose shut with your fingers.

"Umm, we need a towel please." Thor asked a servant from the other side of the room.

"Right away your majesty." They said before rushing off.

(I didn't know how to end this chapter, next chapter coming as soon as I get it written) 😋✌️

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