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What are you planning to do for summer break?

Wakatoshi sent his message through the social media app to Yukina. He already made plans to go to Okinawa with Aileen next week. The whole team has a week long break to enjoy themselves. He was hoping that he could bring the two of them to the island as well, for some family bonding time.

A few hours had passed and Wakatoshi was getting anxious. He still hasn't received anything back. Did he say something wrong?

Yukina 12:19
We're probably going to the local festivals like every year. Are you doing anything? Do you even get to have a break? Lol
Wakatoshi 12:22
Aileen and I are going Okinawa. Would you like to come? Breaks are just as important as practices.
Yukina 12:25
Wakatoshi. I have a job. I can't just get up and go somewhere like you two.

Wakatoshi frowned. He didn't take into account that Yukina would have a normal job, unlike him. Maybe that's why she aged so much, he thought.

Wakatoshi 12:27
Would that explain why you have more wrinkles on your face?
Yukina 12:28
Sorry that not everyone could have youthful skin like your girlfriend. I've got to go. Bye.

His frown deepened as he realized that he had upsetted her again. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair as his thick black frames slide down the bridge of his nose slightly.

Wakatoshi 12:30
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just noticed that you seem overworked.

Wakatoshi went along with his day with errands. He needed to prepare some things for the vacation next week. He was making dinner for himself in his own condo when he heard his phone vibrate on the counter. He peered over and saw that it was from Yukina.

Yukina 18:01
Try having to go through university while pregnant and taking care of your child while you work and study.
Wakatoshi 18:05
More of a reason that you should've told me.
Yukina 18:07
Again, we were young and you just started your career. If you could be in his life from now on that would make the both of us happy.
Wakatoshi 18:09
Understood. Did you just come out of work?
Yukina 18:10
Wakatoshi 18:11
How was work today? What do you do?
Yukina 18:12
The usual. I work as an accountant. The bus is here I have to go. Have fun next week though!

The next week, Wakatoshi and Aileen were enjoying themselves and each other's company. What he didn't enjoy were the paparazzi that were following them everywhere. I mean, what could you expect. A famous, and very handsome~ athlete is dating a very beautiful model. Of course paparazzi would be all over them! Especially when they can display their well built bodies on the beaches of Okinawa.

Towards the end of the trip, Wakatoshi was scrolling through his social media and came across Yukina's name. He saw that she posted some pictures of herself with Kaito and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"What are you looking at?" Aileen leaned over the sofa and saw that he was looking at pictures of Yukina and Kaito at the summer festival.

Yukina was wearing a light blue kimono that matched her eye color. Her hair was up in a side bun with her bangs braided to the side. Kaito was wearing dark green yukata while wearing a fox mask on the top of his head. He was smiling brightly with his mom and holding up a peace sign while holding a stick of dango in the other hand.

"Looks like they're having fun." Aileen went back into the kitchen while Wakatoshi hummed as he agreed.

Wakatoshi 17:09
It looked like you guys were having fun at the festival.
Yukina 17:15
We did. Kaito kept asking if you were coming though.
Wakatoshi 17:18
I would've came.
Yukina 17:22
You already had plans.
Wakatoshi 17:24
I could've shorten it.
Yukina 17:25
Maybe next year. Ah, speaking of which, Kaito's birthday is next Saturday, and he requested that we hang out as a 'family.'
Wakatoshi 17:30
Why did you put family in quotation marks.
Yukina 17:32
We aren't the typical family that's why. So do you want to or not?
Wakatoshi 17:33
Unfortunately, I have a game that day.
Yukina 17:38
The week after?
Wakatoshi 17:40
Sure. I'll put in my calendar. Would Aileen be joining us?
Yukina 17:50
As a family, remember? So no.
Wakatoshi 18:00
Would you be coming to my game?
Yukina 18:04
Sorry, your tickets are way too expensive. I rather use it for bills.
Wakatoshi 18:06
I can buy you guys a pair.
Yukina 18:10
Omg no! We're okay just watching from the TV like we usually do!
Wakatoshi 18:15
You've been watching me all this time?
Yukina 18:18
Of course silly, he needs to know who his dad is lol.
Wakatoshi 18:21
Don't worry about the tickets. Just take it as a gift from me to Kaito.

Wakatoshi couldn't help but let the smile stay on his face for the rest of the night. Aileen observed him as he would eat and text his ex girlfriend during dinner and asked him what was happening.

"I'm buying tickets for Yukina and Kaito to watch me at my game next weekend."
"Oh? You never bought me any tickets." Aileen raised her eyebrows as Wakatoshi's smile was replaced by a frown.
"Aileen, you have the money to support me. They don't."
"Are you sure she's not lying?"
"Yukina is an accountant. She doesn't have the same funds as we do." He shifted his gaze. "Besides, she never lies."
"Oh?" Aileen raised an eyebrow, "But she never told you about Kaito."
"She never told me. That necessary doesn't mean she lied. Please don't do this to me. Just because she is the mother of my child, my feelings for you didn't change."

Wakatoshi reaches over for Aileen's hand as he pleaded to her with his eyes. She finally sighs as she looked into his olive orbs and smiled softly.

"Of course."

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