Chapter 8

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Brandi POV

The next day at school I ran in to Alice in lunch. She was at her locker. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Ew. What are you doing" she says shifting uncomfortably. "I love you, Alice" I say. "Mmmm" she groans. "And you don't have to say it. But I know you love me too" I say happily. "I love you" Alice mutters. "What?" I say surprised. "I said I love you" she sighs. "And. You know Corey Haim is cute" she tells me. I smile at her. "I know. But how do you know?" I ask her even though I knew "well I might have watched an interview of him last night" she says. "That's great" I say. We walked outside while she talked to me about Corey Haim.

I saw Les by a tree with Claire. Alice and I walked up to them. "Smoking is stupid" Les says to Claire. Claire was with her shades on looking straight ahead taking another puff of her cigarette. "Tell someone who cares" Claire says. Les got in front of her. "It will kill you" les tells her. Claire looks at him and blows in his face. "I'm going to die anyway. And so are you. So I'll do what I want" Claire answers.

Les sighs and looks at Alice and I. "Alice. Please tell Claire it's bad to smoke" Les pleads. "Yeah don't do that Claire. With out giving me one first" Alice says sitting next to Claire and they both start smoking together. "Disgusting" les scoffs. I giggle and Les looks at me. "You're going to start too" he asks me. "Nope" I answer "good" he sighs "I'm trying to quit" I say "oh god" he mutters "I'm kidding. I don't smoke" I laugh.

"So will we be able to study today?" Les asked me. "Nope she's going shopping with us" Alice answered for me. "Oh" Les said. "Tomorrow. I promise" I tell him. A smile came across his face. "Okay!" He said.

After school Alice, Claire, and I went to the thrift store. Claire LOVES shopping at thrift stores. I like shopping at thrift stores to but not as much as Claire. Claire goes more for a 40s-60s classic look which matches her beautifully. And of course I look for the 80s-90s look which makes me feel more happy.

Alice doesn't care much for thrift stores. She doesn't mind going. She likes to get nic nacs and exotic things. Once we left the store with a yellow couch for Alice. Her mom got mad and made us bring it back but they wouldn't let us so we went around our neighbor hood in Claire's dad's pick up truck trying to sell it. No one wanted it so we kept lowering the price until we sold it for $10 bucks. Which was more than half the price.

Alice looks at her watch "c'mon guys I want to go to most of the stores before they close" Alice said impatient "we'll go right now let's just let Claire pay" I respond. I didn't find anything at the thrift store and hoped to find something at the mall. "Let's get going it's already 4:26pm" Claire comes to us after paying. We went to the car and drove off arguing on what station we wanted to here. "I want to hear Nirvana" Alice argued "I want to here Tupac" I argued "I want to here Presley" Claire argued.

We ended up driving in silence since we couldn't decide what to hear. We got to the mall in less than 15 minutes. We walked to the huge building "what time does the mall close?" I ask "9:00pm. But I have to be home by 7:00pm" Alice responded.

We went to the cafeteria to eat first. We all got Chinese food and ate. After we ate we didn't have much time so we went in and out of stores trying to go quick. I found a couple of blouses and some overalls on sale. Alice found some shirts and Claire was sad because she found a pretty white blouse but it wasn't on sale. "Guys it's 6:33pm. Let's get going" I say. All three of us literally ran to the parking lot.

Alice started the car and we drove off. We left off Claire and then she left me off at home by 6:52. "Thanks Alice. It was fun today" I tell her. "I had fun to. See you tomorrow at school" Alice responds. "See ya" I say and go in my house

I went inside and laid on my bed. My mom left for work already. I heard a doorbell ring. I groaned. I got up and opened the door. "Les?" He was here. "Hi. I had trouble with the homework from today. Can you help?" He asked me. "Yeah sure" I respond letting him in.

We went upstairs to my room and I helped him with homework. "Brandi? Braaaaandi" les said waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I say. "I asked you if you have homework. Are you okay?" He asked. "Sorry. I'm just tired. I haven't slept much" I say. "Why?" Les said. I shrug my shoulders. "Well you should rest. I'll just go" Les says packing his stuff "no no. It's okay. I'm not going to sleep anyways" I chuckle. "Why?" He asked. I didn't want to answer that question. "You're right Les. I need sleep. I'll see you at school tomorrow and finish helping you with homework there okay" I say. "Alright sounds good" he says with a smile.

I took him to the door and saw Les leave. I sighed and closed the door. I turned around to start heading to my room "are you guys dating yet?" I jumped at the voice. It was river popping out of no where again. "You need to stop doing that" I say. "I don't know. It's funny" he says. "No it's not" I say walking past him. "Kinda is" he taunts.

He followed me up to my room. "Are you able to like haunt people?" I ask River. "No. I'm not a ghost" he answers. "That's to bad that would be pretty cool if you could do that. Like pull someone's leg while they were asleep because they said crap behind your back and stuff" I said

River looked at me and chuckled. "You have an insane imagination" he says. "I do. I really do" I answer. River seemed different. He wasn't that happy and he wasn't smiling.

"What's wrong River?" I ask him. "I have to tell you something but you have to be strong" River says. My heart was beating fast. I was scared what he was going to say. He said what I never wanted to here or get to. "I'm not going to come anymore" River said sadly. Suddenly my heart wasn't beating fast anymore. It dropped and it shattered into a million pieces

AUTHORS NOTE: aw River ;(
This is going to be a short story. I'm going to end it in chapter 10 so my chapters will be longer. But no worries because I'll be writing a new fanfic it's going to be awesome and LONGER. Haha

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-Itzel :x

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