you're alright, my dear

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you're alright, my dear.

your eyes were closed and you could feel the warmth from the fireplace in front of you and the arms wrapped around you.

you shifted and slowly fluttered your eyelids open, your heart racing at the sight of the deer demon's smile as he looked down at you.

“good morning, dearest.” he spoke.

scooting more into his touch, his smile grew wider as he ran his hand gently through your hair.

“a-alastor . . . ” you could feel the tears gather up in your eyes. your hands clung to his suit and you bit your lower lip.

alastor tried to pull back his growing grin and glowing red eyes but he couldn't as he hummed softly, “yes, dear?”

“i-i'm sorry . . .” you looked up at him, worry and fear in your eyes.

it felt like a perfect fit as he cradled you in his arms, his back leaning against the huge chair in front of the fireplace that he sat on. alastor continued humming a soft tune as you buried your face on his neck.

he loved the fear that you emitted.

your small body flinched when his fingers gently glided over your bandaged feet.

“i'm really sorry, alastor.” you hiccuped, “i-i won't do it again. i'm sorry.”

“i hope you learned your lesson.” he grinned, his static voice sending shivers down your spine, “none of us would want that to happen again, hm?”

you looked down and played with the small bow of your dress, a small frown on your face. he lifted your chin with his fingers, his red eyes looking into your e/c ones.

“smile, my dear.”

you complied. alastor showed a grin on his face, but you could feel the anger still inside him due to your huge mistake of trying to leave— escape— the house you were in.

“it's alright.” he reassured, “you're alright, my dear.”

“you're alright as long as you're with me.”


hello!! welcome, my fellow alastor simps, to my alastor x reader oneshots book!

i actually have another wp acc with ffs but i made this acc just for alastor ffs lmao

hope you enjoy these oneshots!!


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