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Brendon is the star of the football team. Being it's his senior year, he is excited to get this year over with and go to college. More importantly, he wants to get out of his parents' house. Brendon knows he will most likely get a full ride to any college he wants because of football. Not that it matters if he actually gets a sports scholarship, his parents are rich as hell. And go figure, he is popular. It's only two weeks before finals and Brendon can't wait to get out of this hell hole of a school. Fuck Palo Verde . Fuck Vegas. And fuck Nevada. Brendon is leaving this place and that's all he knows for sure. But he is only 17 so as of now he is just excited for the party this weekend. If Brendon believed in God, he would thank him, but since he doesn't, he will just say it's his great planning skills that allowed him to plan the biggest party of the year... at his house... while his parents are out of town. They're probably trying to get the Pope's autograph. Now that Brendon thinks about it, he is pretty sure Mormons don't give a shit about the Pope, whatever, he doesn't know where they are and he doesn't care.

He may be young for his grade but Brendon has been told he is sexy. Brendon doesn't believe this though, he thinks his hips are too wide and his plump lips look so feminine. He has no idea why girls... and some guys, throw themselves at him but he doesn't mind. He wants to get drunk. And maybe he will finally work up the nerve to lose his virginity. Hopefully someone he meets this weekend will catch his eye, maybe. Probably not. Hopefully.

Little does he know, this party will be one to change his life. Forever.


Ryan is the biggest outcast in the school. He would have no friends if it weren't for the fact that his big brown eyes screamed for you to say hello. And. He is undeniably one of the most attractive guys at school. He is mysterious, dangerous... oh yeah, and emo as fuck. For God's sake, he wears guyliner everyday. Everyday. And he paints his nails black, which looks perfect with his torn black skinny jeans, and how could anyone forget his leather jacket. He loves that damn old thing. It seems that the only thing that changes about his outfits is he alternates between dozens of old band t-shirts. Oh and his Vans. Ryan probably has the biggest Vans collection on the west coast. And his hair is... it is something else. It always looks like he woke up and combed his long fingers through it and left. Actually that's what he does. So of course his bangs hung in the way of his eyes most of the time, which is a damn shame, he should probably get it cut soon, it's already a little past his ears. The point is, Ryan is hot. Not that he cares what people think, he hates everyone.

The only exception is Spencer, his best friend since pull-ups. Ryan and Spencer are in a band. No one really knows about their band yet, but one day they are going to be famous. Spencer is the shit when it comes to playing the drums and Ryan can play guitar better than anyone in all of Vegas. Even though his guitar is shit, he had practiced enough on nicer guitars down at the music store to know he is fucking great. If his dad would just lay off the booze for a while, maybe he could get a new guitar. That would be awesome. Now that Ryan thinks about it, he should probably get a job. Somewhere him and Spencer can work to make enough money to buy new instruments but not have to work so much that they can't practice or do gigs. Speaking of gigs, Ryan landed them one for this weekend at the bar down the street from his house. Finally, living in the shit hole that is Las Vegas, has paid off. Ryan is already 18 so he can do this gig whether his alcoholic father approves or not. Fuck his opinion on this. This is Ryan's passion, he writes all of his own music and he is good and he knows it, he loves what he does and he won't let his father take this from him. He already ruined his childhood for him. Yeah, fuck him. Ryan is going to play that show and someone will notice him, for sure. Him and Spencer will make it big. They will leave this town and Ryan knows they will never look back.

This weekend will change his life. Forever.

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