Chapter Fourteen

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"Um, sorry do I know you?" I asked the girl.

I didn't like the way she was looking at me, like I was a child that had done something wrong and needed scolding. Leaning forward, her top dropped even lower and I averted my eyes.

"You need to leave Tony alone", she hissed.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"You heard me", she replied, "Leave Tony Perry alone."

Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my arms over my chest , "And why would I need to do that?"

"Because he's mine", she said bluntly.

I felt my eyes widen, what was this girl saying? Hell, who even was this girl?

I was at a slight loss for words so the girl continued to talk, "Tony and I have been seeing each other for years, and I'm not planning on stopping that because of you. He loves me. So leave Tony alone and I'll leave you alone."

I quickly pieced one and two together, "Wait, you're the one sending me those messages?"

She smiled acidly at me, "Me? No. Those messages are coming from the Tony Perry fangirls that hate your existence for taking their 'dream guy'."

She put air quotations around 'dream guy' and I felt my jaw drop.

"How did they get my number?" I asked shocked.

"The fans have their ways, sweetie", She replied.

Sitting startled for a moment, I wondered again who this girl was. Who gave her the right to be bullying me?

"And what if I don't? What if I don't leave Tony alone?" I asked.

"Then you'll have me to deal with, and trust me. I'm ten times worse that all the fangirls put together", she said.

And with that she stood and strutted away, melting into the crowd. I knew it was probably an empty threat, but what if she was telling the truth? I'd never even thought that Tony could be seeing someone else, I mean with what he'd said to me last night I'd just assumed the best. I felt as through I was going to be sick. I'd never been good with confrontation, and throughout high school had tried to avoid it at all costs. I needed to know if what this girl was saying was true and the only way I could see to do that was to go straight to the source.

"Who was that?" Jaime's voice was suddenly at my ear and I jumped.

"Jesus Jaime", I huffed, turning around to see the boys walking back from the rollercoaster.

Standing up I walked over to them.

"Who was that?" Jaime asked again.

Turning to Tony I looked up at him, "Yeah, Tony who was that?"

He stared down at me, his dark eyes were wide and innocent and I felt instantly bad for turning on him like that.

"What? Who was what?" He asked, clearly confused.

I shook my head, "Don't worry. If I see her again I'll tell you."

"Why was she talking to you?" Vic asked, I could hear the concern in his voice and smiled slightly.

It meant a lot that these boys cared for me although we'd only known each other for a week.

"Oh she was just asking if I knew where the bathroom was.", I lied.

Ok, I knew that lying was wrong but I wanted to see what Tony knew first before I pulled the rest of them into my problems. I could see that they weren't buying it, but no one opened their mouth.

"Well I don't know about the rest of you, but I want me some churros", Jaime grinned, breaking the silence.

"Wow that was like the most Mexican thing ever", Mike said, shaking his head.

Following Jaime over to the churros stand, Tony caught my hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

Opening my mouth to answer him, a flicker of movement caught my eye. Looking over Tony's shoulder, the girl from before stood next to a burger stand. She shook her head menacingly before disappearing into the crowd once again.

"I'll tell you later", I mumbled, following Jaime over to the stand.

The day passed slowly, without any more trouble from the girl. I couldn't believe what my normally eventless life had come down to in a matter of days. I mean a week ago I had been living regularly, working at Sombrero's and hanging out with Katy and now I was hanging around with my famous boyfriend, if I could call him that and his friends, I was being heckled by fangirls and not talking to Katy. And the strange thing is I wasn't sure how I felt about any of it. I think I loved Tony and that’s about the only thing I was sure about. Walking under the arches of the Pier the sun was beginning to droop in the sky, making it's way down to the horizon and turning the sky a hundred shades of orange and pink.

"Are you working tonight?" Tony asked me as we strode back to my car.

"Yeah. I'm on the 6.30 till 11 shift", I complained.

"I'm guessing you don't want to come over after then?" He said with a sad smile.

I shook my head, "I would love to but I have to go to university tomorrow and I don't think, a hangover would help."

He frowned, "We could watch movies? I mean you fell asleep the last time we tried to watch Star Wars."

"Tempting", I murmured with a smile, "But I can't. We could do something after university tomorrow if you want?"

He nodded, "Yeah that sounds good."

Getting to the car I looked over to the Mike, Vic and Jaime who were getting into their car.

"Vic!" I called to him.

"Yeah Tori?"

"I'll drop Tony home in a bit", I called, there was somewhere I wanted to show him.

"Ok. But his curfew is ten thirty. So don't be late", Vic joked as he climbed into the car.

"And use protection!" Jaime yelled.

Rolling my eyes I climbed into the passenger seat. Pulling from the car park I quickly drove onto the highway, getting further and further out of town.

"Where are we going?" Tony asked.

"You'll see", I replied with a sly smile.

Driving up into the hills that surrounded our town, I turned onto a dirt road and Tony looked at me warily.

"You're not going to murder me with an axe or anything are you?" He asked cautiously.

I laughed, for what felt like the first time all day, "No, no, no."

Pulling into a deserted car park I got out of the car and sat on the hood, leaning against the windscreen and motioned for Tony to sit next to me. Quickly glancing around the car park I noticed that it was deserted, which unless the crazy girl was hiding in the bushes meant that we were alone. Feeling Tony rest his arm around my shoulders, I looked out. I had driven us to a widely unknown lookout. Looking out over the town, from up here you could see all the way to the ocean.

"Where are we?" Tony asked quietly.

"A lookout my Mom found when she was a kid. She used to drive me up here when I was down and we'd sit on the bonnet of the car and look out at the city. I thought you might like to see it", I murmured.

"It's beautiful", Tony replied, "But Tor are you ok?"

I looked out at the horizon, It was turning pink and orange as the sun sets. I knew that I had to tell Tony about the crazy girl, and I knew that if I didn’t tell him it would just get worse. But I didn’t have to tell him everything, right? I mean he didn't need to know, it wasn't his problem and I didn't want him to have to worry about it. But I did need to ask him about weather he was sleeping with the girl.

"Well, um, this girl came up to me today and she said you guys were, um, sleeping together and I was just wondering if she was lying or not?" I stuttered out.

The question didn't phase him and I didn't know whether that was a good thing or not.

"Tori, I'm not sleeping with anyone. Sure I have in the past but I hadn't been seeing anyone for like a month before I met you", He said squeezing my shoulder.

I nodded offering him a small smile. His voice sounded so sincere, and I trusted him immediately. It was a habit that often got me hurt but I couldn't help it. I trusted people way to easily. Looking out to the horizon I felt Tony begin to place small kisses all over my neck. Smiling I looked up at him.
"Come here", I said, pulling his face down to meet mine.

Kissing him I felt him move his hands to my waist and pull me onto his lap. Straddling him I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned quietly as he began to kiss down my neck again. It was a huge turn on, I had to admit. Knocking the hat off his head, I ran my fingers through his hair. His hands tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to him, if that was even possible. Things were heating up and I had to say I didn't mind. Suddenly my phone's ringtone made both Tony and I jump. He pulled away from my neck and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"To be continued?" I asked as my phone continued to ring from inside the car.

He smiled sadly at me and nodded, "Definitely."

Climbing off his lap and the car I reached through the open window to grab my phone, looking back at Tony who was sitting alone on the bonnet, I wondered how I got so lucky.  

So guys i have a new chapter! Thanks for reading, all the votes and comments mean a lot! So thanks a million that you're still here after all these shitty chapters! Anyways my oneshots that have been requested are being written, and they should be up soon..enjoy! Oh and updates for Firework Eyes and Painting Flowers should be up if you havn't read those check them out!

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