Chapter Five

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Rummaging around in the mess that was the backseat of my car, I sighed thankfully as I pulled a pair of denim shorts from the mess. I knew they were in there. The studded denim shorts were wrinkled and creased and not actually mine but that was ok. Closing the car door I quickly wriggled free of my wet jeans and pulled on the shorts, the whole time praying that no one was watching from outside. The party seemed to have ended but there were still twenty or so people inside.

Dashing back to the house I let myself in and jogged up the stairs. Walking up the hall I cursed, there were three doors and one was Tony's. Only which one? Taking a breath I took a wild guess and turned into the first door on the left. One look into the room told me it was not Tony's. A tattooed guy was sprawled face down on the unmade bed, nope not Tony.

Ducking from the room I closed the door quietly as not to wake the sleeping guy. Looking around I thought for a second before cautiously opening the second door to the left. Peeking my head in I looked around. Second time lucky. Closing the door to Tony's room something struck me as strange, it was empty. Where was the cute, tattooed guitarist?

Sitting down on the edge of the bed I looked over at myself in the mirrored wardrobe. My golden hair was had dried and was hanging in it's haphazard waves. The eyeliner was all but gone and I looked fresh faced and young. Looking down at the shirt Tony had lent me I smiled. It was black and had Key Street scrawled across it in white cursive. Glancing around again I wondered for what felt like the millionth time where Tony was, he hadn't just left me up here had he? With a gentle sigh I reached for the acoustic guitar sitting on the bed and pulled it onto my lap. Quietly playing a few chords a low voice broke through the quiet in the room.

"Do you play?" Turning I saw Tony standing in the bathroom doorway.

"What? Oh no. I can play a chord here and there but that’s about it. I play piano", I knew I was rambling but it just kept coming out, like word vomit.

Tony smiled walking over to the bed and sitting down next to me. He had changed into yet another pair of skinny jeans and a maroon tee-shirt with Love Before Glory written across the front. Moving closer until our thighs were touching he reached one arm around my waist and placed the other on the neck of the guitar. I felt my breath catching In my throat as his hand brushed my waist on the way around, he rested it on the body of the guitar.

"Now put this one here", He said in my ear and began re-arranging my fingers on the strings, "And this one here. And here. Now strum."

I strummed my fingers down the strings gently. Hearing the pretty sound ring out around the room I smiled. 

"Now if you just change this one", he moved one of my fingers, "And strum again."

I did as was told, playing the second chord just as I did the first and trying not to think about the fact that Tony's arm was around my waist.

Glancing up at him to see if I had done it right I froze. He was looking down at me, that intense look back in his dark eyes. He lowered his head and gently pressed his lips against mine. I slowly let go of the guitar, resting against my chest and wrapped them around Tony's neck. Feeling his arms let go of the guitar and wrap around my waist I leaned into him. I don’t know how long we sat there, lips locked but when we finally parted we were breathless. Looking down I could feel my cheeks redden. He pulled the guitar from my lap and leaned it against the bed. Scooting back up the bed he leaned against the bed head and patted the spot next to him. I crawled up and sat next to him, our thighs inches apart.

"Is it strange that we met like two days ago?" I asked quietly, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

"Maybe a little", He laughed quietly, "Well let's change that. Who are you Tori Robinson?"

I sighed quietly, thinking. Who was I? Who am I? Nibbling on my bottom lip, I dropped my eyes to my lap.

"I'm just Tori I guess", I said eventually shrugging and looking up into Tony's deep dark eyes, "I'm twenty three, I work at Sombrero's, and I like music."

I laughed quietly and dropped my eyes and looked up at Tony through my lashes. He was smiling down at me. I liked his smile, it seemed to open his face.

"You work at Sombrero's? How have we not seen each other before, I'm there like all the time", He asked.


Sombrero's was the local Mexican restaurant that claimed to make the best burrito's in the country and I honestly couldn't deny this.

"Yeah. Those burrito's are the sickest", He said with a laugh.

"Ugh, I know", I laughed, "So who are you Tony Perry?"

He grinned at me, "I'm Tony. I play guitar for Pierce the Veil. I'm kinda shy and I like turtles and Star Wars."

I laughed quietly, "You don't seem shy to me?"

"I feel comfortable with you I guess", he said sheepishly.

I smiled and felt the colour rush to my cheeks. With a small yawn I glanced down at the clock on Tony's bedside table.

"Shit!" I cursed, it was 1.30am and I was still at Tony's place.

Crawling of the bed I began to quickly walk towards the door.

"Where're you going?" I turned to see Tony watching me with hurt in his eyes, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, no. Of course not. But you know it's like one thirty in the morning", I said and watched the hurt fade from Tony's eyes.

"Oh. Well you can't go home", He said quietly.

"What? Why?" I asked absentmindedly as I grabbed my still sopping wet jeans from the bathroom.

"Because nobody in this house is sober enough to drive", He said.

At that I froze, "What? You're not drunk are you?"

He laughed and shook his head.

I sighed and sat down on the bed with a yawn.

"Tired?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah a bit I guess", I nodded.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he asked with a small smile.

"Sure", I said crawling back up the bed and taking my spot.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked cautiously.

"I don't mind, seriously", I said looking up at him with wide blue eyes.

"Well", He said hopping off the bed and walking over to a DVD cabinet next to the desk, "I have Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars, The Lion King, more Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Star Wars."

I laughed, "Well I haven't actually seen any of the Star Wars movies so why don't you put one of those on."

I watched him turn to me an adorable smile on his face, "You've never seen a Star Wars movie? Dude you haven't lived."

I shrugged, "I guess I just never thought about them."

He shook his head playfully at me, grab a movie and his laptop and sit back next to me. Putting the movie into the computer he waited for it to load and pressed play. I smiled and yawned again. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me into a warm side. Looking up I saw Tony's tattooed arm around my shoulders and smiled. Snuggling into Tony's side I attempted to concentrate on the movie but constantly found my eyelids drooping.

"Goodnight Tony", I whispered quietly resting my head against his shoulder.

"Goodnight pretty girl", I heard him whisper before my eyes closed and sleep over came me.


If anyone want's me to write any particular fanfic's inbox me and i'll try my hardest! Hope you like the new chapter :)

 [A.N. Vote, comment or favourite if you caught the Blink 182 reference..and trust me there is one ;) ]


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