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                      *5 years later*

"Benji, please wake your brothers and sister for school!", I yelled up the stairs. I heard benji get out of bed and go into his siblings room waking them up. Harry and Louis now had 5 children and one on the way. Benji was 8, Nolen was 5, Ni'aley was 4, and the twins were 2, it was a loud house and it was more spacey than the last house that Harry bought when it was just him, Louis, benji and Nolen.

"Baby I can get them up, you rest, because we still have to go to my moms", Harry told me and I nodded. I was 5 months pregnant with our sixth baby, my back was killing me and Harry was supposed to massage it but he was getting the kids ready for school

From Maya: me and Liam are outside we have to drop Elizabeth off at school, so if you want we can take the kids for you

To Maya: OMG, thanks so much, you're a life saver

"Babe, Maya said she and Liam will take the kids and they're outside!", I yelled to Harry and he yelled an okay. I saw a naked child run into the kitchen when the kids went to get into Liam and Mayas car.

"Babe we got a runner", I yelled and Harry came down with the other twin sitting him next to me on the couch. He ran for Ollie and scooped him up going to put his clothes on, Ollie looked like me but he acted like Harry, Axel looked and acted like me which was good, but all the rest of the kids looked and acted like Harry.

"I think maybe after this one comes out we're done, I'm never this tired after the gym but the children wear me out", Harry said and sat Ollie by his toys and axel joined him.

"Well you better start getting used to condoms or just PULL OUT", I said and yelled 'pull out' because he didn't seem like he knew what it meant.

"I can't help if my load is heavy and I can barely feel my....my penis"Harry whisper yelled and looked at the children to make sure they weren't listening. I rolled my eyes and he leaned down to my baby bump.

"Your mummy's a meanie", he whispered but I still heard him. He raised my shirt and kissed all over my tummy gently, I looked down to him and smiled fondly. Ollie let out a loud scream and started crying running to me. He was holding his finger and Axel ran up to me as well.

"I didn't mean to mummy", axel said and was biting his nail nervously. I looked at ollies finger but there was nothing there. I lifted him onto my lap and kissed his finger asking what happened.

"Axel made mis'ake and step on me finger", Ollie hiccuped and I kissed his forehead and finger. I reached for axel seeing he was about to cry thinking he was in trouble but I kissed his cheek telling him to be careful. They went back to play and I sighed laying back.


After we got the twins dressed and we got dressed we headed to Anne's house for the 'bug surprise' she had for us.

"Oh no baby, daddy just cleaned the car", Harry complained and I looked back seeing Cheeto puffs crushed on the carpet and Cheeto dust on the seats a bit. Harry got them out of the car cleaning the Cheeto off of their hands and walking to the front door.

"Hi my babies, give nana kisses", anne said and crouched down giving the boys kisses letting them run inside. My back was hurting like hell and I just wanted to sit. Harry sensed it and rubbed it.

"Could you go a little lower", I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"You always complain about your back hurting", Harry said and me and Anne glared at him.

"Well stop popping babies in him and maybe he won't complain as much", Anne said and she massaged my back walking in with me kissing my cheek. Harry was standing there awestruck and Anne told him to lock the door when he came in. The boys had run off to toys and electronics in some other room and that's when I saw Gemma and she had a huge baby bump, I ran to her and hugged her the best I could with our bumps.

"Surprise!", Anne said and Harry made me and gemmas hug a group hug. We hadn't seen Gemma since she moved 3 years ago and it was nice seeing her back and with a baby.

"How long are you staying, I miss you so much", I said and pulled away. We walked to the couch and sat down talking about any and everything. After Gemma started talking to the others, I went to check on the twins because it was really quiet. I peeked through the door and they were asleep, Ollie was spread like a starfish and Axel was on his tummy spread out as well. I picked Ollie up and put him in the bed kissing his forehead and cheeks, then I picked up Axel and did the same. They were sweating as well so I just turned in the ceiling fan from the bed and turned the light off. I walked out the door and Harry's eyes were looking in mines, he startled me a bit. He gripped my throat and rushed us in the bathroom, I slapped his hand away and pinched his bum walking out.

"Hey what was that for", he whined and I turned around glaring at him.

"You know why, now let's go you baby", i said and he pouted crossing his arms and following me out. We sat back on the couch and talked about stuff.

It was 2:15 pm so we said bye to everyone and got the twins. We had to pick up the kids at 3:30 from school, we got there and Benji was in the office for his behavior. I glared at him and he crossed his arms furrowing his eyebrows more.

"Ni'aley and Nolen Styles please and also Benjamin Styles", I told the lady behind the desk and she nodded. The principal called me and Harry in with benji and benji was in big trouble.

"Mr and Mr. Styles, your son thought it was a good idea push Cameron Jacobs up the stairs today", the principal said and I looked over to benji along with Ollie and Axel.

"Alfie!", Ollie said happily and reached for Benji. Benji sat his brother in his lap and the principal kept talking about what else Benji did today which was unlikely because my son would never do that.

"I'm sorry, I think this Cameron boy is lying, my son never does things like that", I interrupted the principal and benji nodded agreeing with me which is why I knew he wasn't lying because benji was quiet and acts innocent when he lies. The principal continued talking and I just got up and we left, I saw Ni'aley and Nolen in the main office and got them telling them let's go.

We got home and I hooked my finger in benjis shirt pulling him towards me. I sat at the table with him and he rolled his eyes sighing.

"What's going on in your mind, you need to get in the game, talk to me", I said and benji seemed hesitant at first but then started talking.

"Cameron and his friends always messes with me and push me around because I'm smaller than them and today was worse because we had a substitute", Benji said and I felt bad for my baby to be honest. I sat in the chair next to him and hugged him.

"Bubba, you can't let them get to your head alright, if you want to transfer classes then we will but I want you to focus on you and your work as you've been alright", I said and gave him an Eskimo kiss. He nodded and I told him to go shower pinching his bum, he yelped and ran up the stairs to his room. I chuckled and got lunch started a few minutes later which was sandwiches because I didn't want anyone to be full before dinner. I felt arms wrap around my waist and smiled leaning my head back against Harry's shoulder, I kissed his mouth sweetly and he hummed in response. I sat the sandwiches on the table for lunch and turned around wrapping my arms around his neck, he kissed me again with tongue and rubbed my sides and back comfortably.

"Eww gross", I heard Benji say and he had his brother in his arms.

"Kisses!", Ollie said happily and got out of benjis arms running to Harry. Harry picked him up and gave him a kiss on the mouth then gobbling his face making him squeal and giggle. I gave benji an Eskimo kiss along with Ollie and Axel, Ni'aley came down with Nolen who was on his iPad that he shared with Ni'aley. I went to get Axel and he was playing with some type of putty or slime and got it all over the carpet.

"I can't take it anymore, you're wearing a condom next time, go look at what your son has done to the carpet", I said to Harry and he went up the stairs looking in the room. He came back down with Axel and gaped at me.

"Why do I have to wear one, I promise I'll pull out", Harry said and I turned to the kids making sure they weren't listening.

"Harry don't make it two", I said and his eyes widened. I had to hold in my laugh.

"But baby-", I cut Harry off.

"Three", I said and he stomped to the table sitting next to Ni'aley who offered him one of her grapes. I chuckled and went to the bedroom relaxing my back and feet, I didn't realize how tired I was because I fell asleep taking a nap.

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