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                       *time skip*

"Harry baby, can you help me with my shoes?", I heard Louis yell and I spit out the toothpaste.

"I'm brushing my teeth right now", I yelled back and I heard benjis footsteps running in the bathroom.

"Daddy, mummy say shoes now", benji said to me and I sighed. Benji was now 2 years old which he turned November 18 and Louis was helping him with his talking and new words. He also decided Louis was mummy, because he hears Olivia calling Gemma mummy all the time.

"Tell mummy to wait a minute please baby", I said to benji and he ran out. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and washed my face, I walked out the bathroom turning the light off and went to the room.

".....yes and daddy is a piece of poo", I heard Louis finished talking to benji and I chuckled walking inside. Louis glared at me and I took his vans from him putting them on his feet. He was now 8 months pregnant and his baby bump always got in the way, so he couldn't bend down much.

"Daddy, mummy said you're a piece of shit", benji said and raised his arms for me. Me and Louis' eyes widened, I picked up benji and looked to him.

"Son, you can't say that, that is a bad word and nana wouldn't like it if you said that, so please don't ever say that again alright", I said and benji nodded slowly.

"Hey baby, I thought we agreed for you to say poo and not the bad word", Louis said and benji shrugged. He pointed to the door and we walked out chuckling. I grabbed benjis jacket and put it on him and helping Louis put his on, I put on my jacket grabbing the car keys and walked out locking the door.

"Babe, are you sure that Liam said everyone has to go", Louis whined and I nodded helping him in the car. Liam was throwing a party for his cousins who just got married a couple days ago.

"Yes, so don't be a big baby and please strap your seatbelt", I said and closed the door and got in the drivers side driving to Liam's house.

We got there after 1 hour and I helped Louis out of the car before getting benji. He was asleep so I was careful, we walked to the front door and rung the doorbell. Liam opened the door and hugged us letting us in, there was more people than I expected, good thing they had a huge house.

"I thought Liam said there would only be a few people", Louis whispered to me and I shrugged. We took our shoes off and I took benjis off carefully and handed them to Louis, I took his coat off and he was sweating a lot.

"Hi Everyone, how are you guys and congratulations", Louis said and almost stumbled over something. I had a reflex and caught him with one arm around his chest.

"Nice catch Harry, and thank you I'm happy you guys came, sorry about that toy in the middle of the floor", one of Liam's cousins said and I rested my hand on Louis' lower back while walking over to the kitchen. I felt benji stir and looked at him, he snuggled more into the crook of my neck and closed his eyes again.

"Hi my baby, it's so nice to see you, you're glowing", my mom said and she kissed Louis all over his face. I saw Jay in the kitchen putting cookies in the oven and walked over giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Hi my boy, where's the short pregnant one", Jay said chuckling and I pointed to where my mom was still smothering him. Jay laughed and went back to what she was doing while talking to me.

"Hey son, how are you", my mom said and hugged me kissing my cheek. I said I was good and Louis walked over kissing his moms cheeks while hugging her the best he could. After talking to them a while, we walked back in the dining area and Louis saw Maya. He ran up to her and she hugged him kissing his cheek grinning. I walked to Liam and asked could I put benji in one of the guest room and he said yes, I walked into the first guest room and laid him on his tummy in the middle of the bed. I turned the light off and walked out leaving the door ajar, I grabbed a cup from Liam and we walked over to where the guys were and sat down talking for a while.

"Nah man, I think if I had to choose, I'd definitely choose smoking, drinking can get you off your ass fast", Liam's cousin said and we laughed agreeing. Liam went to get us some more drinks and came back passing them out.

"Hey babe, where's the car keys, me and Gemma are going to the store really quickly", Liam's cousin in law asked and Derick have her the keys. She kissed his cheek saying thanks and ran back to Gemma.

"She's excited, I can't wait for you guys to have children", Liam said and Derick nodded agreeing. David came over and gave us hugs and sat down talking with us.

"So how does it feel to be called husband Deri-", I was cut off by someone tilting my head back under my chin.

"Where is my baby", Louis asked and looked down at me. He had a raised eyebrow and he said hey to the other guys.

"He's in the first guest room baby", I said and Louis bent down pecking my lips twice going to the guest bedroom.

"You guys are cute, but it feels great to finally be called husband", Derick said and we all laughed.

After we left Liam's house we took a shower and went straight to bed. Benji wouldn't close his eyes for nothing and I was so tired, Louis started getting grumpy and frustrated. Benji kept crying because he wanted to play, but it was bed time. He kept calling Louis but he was ignoring him and got up going into the bathroom.

"MUMMY!", benji cried louder and he slid off the bed running towards the bathroom. He tried to open the door but couldn't reach the doorknob, he banged on the door and Louis came out with wet hands. He grabbed benjis hand and snatched him over to the bed, he picked him up and sat down under the covers. He made benji straddle him the best he could and made benji lay on his chest. Benji kept lifting his head pointing to the door and Louis laid him down in the middle of us, he laid down and pulled the cover over them turning his lamp of.

"MUMMY!", benji screamed and I  sighed. I rubbed benjis tummy and he moved my hand crawling to Louis.

"Benji, go your ass to sleep, it's bed time, you can play tomorrow goddammit", Louis said loudly and benji stopped crying and only sniffled crying silently now. He snuggled closer to me and sniffled until he fell asleep. I wrapped my arm around Louis and he moved it.

"Harry please don't touch me right now", Louis said and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't do shit to you, don't get mad at me", I mumbled and closed my eyes going to sleep.

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