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"BABE IM HOME!", I yelled to Louis and I saw benji running naked while Louis was chasing him. I chuckled taking my shoes and coat off, benji ran to me and I picked him up running away from Louis.

"Heyy no fair, you run too fast and I have a baby in my tummy", Louis whined and he sat on the couch huffing and crossing his arms. I walked back to him and laid my naked son on the couch, Louis put on benjis pull up and his bodysuit and socks. He finished and benji ran to his toys on the floor, Louis sighed in relief and I chuckled moving closer to him.

"Hi baby, how have you been today", I said and pecked his lips twice. He sighed and tangled his fingers in my hair massaging.

"Well aside from chasing your son while he was naked, it was great", Louis smiled and I chuckled.

"He acts and looks just like you, I hope this one comes out like me", Louis said and I scoffed looking to him.

"Okay, but I do not run around naked", Harry defended himself and I laughed.

"Harry you walk around naked all the time, I'm not complaining, but now benjis doing it running", Louis laughed and I rolled my eyes playfully. I heard a glass drop and Louis whipped his head towards the sound.

"BENJAMIN EDWARD, THATS A NO NO", Louis yelled running to benji before he stepped in the glass. I got up and swept the glass up making sure I got it all, I heard benji sniffle and saw him reaching for me. I put the broom up and got him from Louis' arms, he snuggled in my neck sniffling and Louis glared at me.

"What?", I asked and Louis rolled his eyes walking away.

"You need to stop babying him so much, you sap", he said and chuckled a bit, I looked at benji and kissed his little nose. He looked at me sniffling and then started crying silently and then I smiled at him and he stopped. He wiped his tears away and wiggled to get down, he walked to the couch climbing up and laid down facing away from us.

"Oh benji baby, don't be so dramatic, you're okay, pa just wants you to be careful alright, I love you", Louis said and benji sat up straddling Louis.

"M' Luff you pa", benji hiccuped and Louis kissed benjis mouth. I smiled and told Louis I was going to take a shower, he nodded and I walked to the bedroom turning the water on.

After I got out the shower, I heard the doorbell ring. I wrapped my towel around my waist walking out the bathroom, I dried off putting on my boxers and joggers. I put on a white shirt and walked out the room to the dining area, I saw Niall and his new girlfriend Michelle and Liam and Maya, Louis also made the neighbor his friend and her name was Lilo(Lee-Low) she was nice.

"Hey Harry", Maya said excitedly and ran to me giving me a hug. I stumbled back a bit and laughed hugging her back. We walked back to the singing area and Maya slapped Louis' bum.

"Oi! Maya, what was that for?", Louis whined and rubbed his bum. She laughed holding her stomach and Louis crossed his arms huffing.

"Your bum has gotten bigger, I couldn't help myself, I'm a girl and I got hard", Maya laughed and Louis walked past her sitting on the couch with benji.
"Dont laugh, it's because of the pregnancy, it makes me feel insecure", Louis said and Maya stopped her laughing. She walked over to him and hugged him saying sorry, Louis laughed out loud and Maya looked confused.

"You and Harry are such saps, who's next Liam", Louis laughed and I scoffed sitting next to Liam.

"I am not a sap, I just hate when you think you're fat when you're very fit", I said and Liam snickered.

"Harry, I once said that I missed a patch of hair on my leg and you kissed it and cuddled me all day saying dont talk about myself", Louis chuckled and Michelle burst out laughing along with Liam. I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch.

"Remember in Uni when your roommate bursted in on us, because you were late getting back", I said and Louis laughed nodding. Maya, Liam, and Niall smiled looking at us.

"Yea, i think her name was Eleanor, she thought you weren't good for me, because of your smoking and drinking and how late you stayed out", Louis smiled and I chuckled. He leaned over tilting his head up to look at me and kissed me with tongue, I kissed back and rested my hand on his cheek.

"Aww, you two are cute", Lilo said and we broke apart laughing. Benji climbed on Louis' lap and pushed my face away, I chuckled and benji scooted closer to Louis. He looked at Louis tummy and lifted his shirt, Louis' baby bump was showing and benji held Louis' tummy. He climbed off Louis' lap still holding his tummy and looked at it curiously, he felt all over it and poked Louis' belly button.

"Puffy", benji said looking to Louis and Louis nodded. He climbed back up and I smiled.

"That's the cutest thing ever", Maya said and Niall agreed eating Louis' crackers. Louis looked at Niall and glared.

"Niall James, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands", Louis said and Niall started running, Louis ran after him and I'm guessing he caught him because Niall screamed. They came back after a while and Niall looked terrified and Louis was happily munching on his crackers. He sat on the floor with benji and shared his crackers with his baby, I didn't say anything or he would attack me next.

"So, Niall are you okay?", Michelle snickered and Niall nodded. I turned on a movie and Louis laid down on the floor, benji laid his head on Louis' tummy and I turned the lights off.

After the movie everyone left and right now I was tucking Benji in our bed. Louis was in the shower and I got under the covers with benji who already took his bath, I closed my eyes sighing and almost fell asleep after a couple of minutes. I heard the shower cut off and the lights in the bathroom and bedroom, I heard a drawer close and then felt someone peel the cover off me. I felt them straddle me and kiss my lips softly then my neck, I opened my eyes and saw blue ones staring back at me. Louis. He giggled and felt my length through my pants, I knew what his intention was but I was so tired and we could do this tomorrow.

"Babe, I'm tired", I said and Louis pouted kissing my lips again. He put his hand in my pants and boxers grabbing my length and i gasped a bit. He just held it and I sighed.

"Baby, please, we can do this tomorrow I'm so tired", I said again and Louis sighed rolling his eyes. He got up and walked to his side of the bed getting under the covers, I turned to face him and benji and wrapped my arm around them falling asleep.

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