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Zayn pulled down his pants and boxers and waved me over. He was definitely hard, his length was throbbing, he made me drop to my knees and he gripped my hair. He brought my mouth to his length and pushed me down on it slowly.

"Oh fuck", he groaned loudly and quickened his pace. I held onto his thighs for support because he went too fast a bit, he pulled me off and leaned down kissing my lips with tongue sloppily. He pulled away and put my mouth back on his length, this time he pushed me all the way down making me gag, but he kept groaning.

"Mm, oh yeah baby", he groaned and threw his head back. He bucked his hips and his length hit the back of my throat hard, I gagged and looked up to him with teary eyes. He pulled me off kissing me sloppily again and pulled me up off the floor, he made me straddle him and gripped my bum with his hands. He ripped a hole in my shorts where my bum was and moved my lace to the side, he lowered me onto his length and I moaned loudly. He gripped my cheeks and moved me up and down on his length. I moaned on his mouth and he imitated my moans with groans, he kissed and sucked my neck and I threw my head back moaning loudly.

"Ah...AH, oh my god", I moaned high pitched and Zayn slapped my ass moving me faster and faster. Zayn sucked on my bottom lip pulling away and stopped me from moving, he laid me on my back and pulled out. He kissed down my leg from my thigh to my ankle, he started to kiss softly on my feet and I shook from pleasure.

"Zayn...", I whimpered quietly and he gripped my throat. I arched my back throwing my head back and he put my toes in his mouth, I felt pleasured but it was gross. I jerked my foot back and looked to him, I shook my head no and he made deep eye contact with me. He lowered his head back down and started eating me out still making eye contact.

"Ah! Zayn don't do that", I moaned and he chuckled against my hole. He put my legs over his shoulders and played with my nipples. I arched my back again and tried to remove his fingers from my nipples, he pinched them hard and I came hard moaning louder. Zayn pulled off and pulled me to sit up, he got on his knees in front of me and shoved his length in my mouth deep throating me. He fucked my face making tears come down my cheeks, he came down my throat with a loud deep groan and pulled his length out of my mouth and a string of slob connected my bottom lip and his tip. He laid down on top of me catching his breath and then got up saying he was taking a shower.

"Can I take one with you?", I asked and Zayn chuckled nodding. I got up and ran past him, he slapped my bum grabbing my waist. He picked me up and walked us to the bathroom.

After our shower, I got out first and dried off putting my clothes on. I flipped my baby on his back and got a diaper so I could change him, I changed his diaper and put him back under the covers carefully. I threw his diaper away in the kitchen and got my chips from the cabinet, I walked back to them room and saw Zayn pulling on his boxers. We got under the cover and turned the tv on for background noise, my phone buzzed from being on silent and I looked at the screen. It was Harry.

From Harry: Goodnight love ❤️

To Harry: Goodnight, love you

I put my phone on the charger on my night stand and closed my chips up, I sat them in the drawer of my night stand and turned my lamp off going to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and benjis foot was over my eyes. He was laying on Zayn's chest and was spread like a star fish, I moved his foot and got up going to the bathroom. I sat there for a while rubbing my eyes and sighing I was so tired, I heard little foot steps and then the door knob jingle.

"Pa, pa come out", benji whined and then I heard him start crying. I opened the door and him walked in with raised arms, I closed the door and pulled my shorts up, I picked him up and sat him on the sink. I washed my hands and got my grumpy baby off the sink, benji was definitely spoiled, Zayn, Harry, Maya, Liam, and my mom would always get him stuff. Gemma doesn't think he should be spoiled so she asks me permission first, and Niall agrees as well, I walked back in the room and Zayn was still asleep. I walked to his side and stood there with benji, I tickled Zayn's ear and he stirred snorting a little. I laughed quietly and did it again until he woke up.

"Louis, stop that shit", he said and punched my thigh. I rubbed my thigh and made a face at him.

"Well sorry, he's grumpy baby", I said to benji and he just continued laying on my shoulder.

"Louis what the hell did you say smart, I will beat your ass", Zayn said and I said nothing walking out the room. I sat on the couch with my baby and he was so tired, he felt really warm and his breathing sounded wheezy. My baby had a fever. I kissed his little red nose and lips, I woke him up so he wouldn't sleep for too long. I got up and got a water bottle from the kitchen and gave him some, my poor baby, I wonder how long he'll have this fever.

"Hi baby, kissy?", I said to benji, he was trying not to fall asleep, I leaned over and he gave me a kiss on the lips. I smiled and he yawned rubbing his eyes. Zayn walked out and tilted my head back kissing me with tongue, my eyes widened but I kissed back, I didn't want to put him in the mood. He pulled away and I watched him walk to the kitchen rolling my eyes, I laid benji on his back and rubbed small circles on his tummy. I pretended to eat his tummy and he furrowed his eyebrows pushing me away, I chuckled and went to get his cuppy from the fridge.

"Pa!", benji cried and ran towards me with raised arms and tears down his cheeks. He always gets clingy when he has a fever, he always gets clingy towards me or my mom. I picked him up and got his cuppy, he had boogies, so I got a napkin and twisted it to get them out. I sat him on the counter and tried but he kept moving his head when I almost had it out. I just went to get his boogiebulb and came back to him.

"Baby, stay still do you want daddy to get them out", I said and benji shook his head. I sighed and continued trying to get them, I almost had it and benji cried loudly trying to move my hand. I snatched him up and went to lay him on the couch, I laid on top of him with his arms under mines and got most of his boogers out while he was screaming. I got done and picked him up making him drink his cuppy, he laid on my chest breathing shakily and sniffling. He closed his eyes and fell asleep again and I let him.

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