Andy drove over to Jinxx and Sammi's place within about 20 minutes, which was record breaking time for L.A.. He walked down the lawn and stepped on the porch. Before he could knock on the door, Jinxx opened it smiling brightly at him.
Andy, of course, smiled back, but it did not take him long to ask," Where is she?"
Jinxx laughed at his eagerness," Come in, Andy."
Jinxx moved out of the door way. Andy walkedin, and JInxx shut the door behind him. Andy looked at Jinxx," Where is she?" he asked again.
Jinxx smiled and pointed to the kithcen. Andy quickly made his way in there. Jinxx followed close behind, but before he could even enter the kitchen Star and Andy were in a tight hug.
"Ive missed you so much," Andy whispered in her ear.
She smiled," I missed you too."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Star packed, and then after talking to JInxx and Sammi for a little bit, she and Andy both went home together. They got home, and Andy, of course, helped her unpack. She got settled back into her room. Star was so happy to lay in her bed again. She felt like she had gone for years.
Andy had so many question to ask like:
"Are you feeling better?"
"What made you want to come home all of a sudden?"
Did you like it at JInxx and Sammi's?"
But the biggest questions he wanted to ask were:
"Did you do "it" again?"
"What are we going to do about us?" (meaning relationship wise.)
However, he knew it was to early to ask those questions. HE did not want to push her. HE had finally gotten her back, and he did not want to loose her again. So, he left her be for the time being. He figured if any of those questions were to be asked there would come a time for them to be.
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